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Created August 23, 2020 01:25
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python functions
#Write a function named total that takes a list of integers as input,
#and returns the total value of all those integers added together.
def total(lst):
for x in lst:
return accum
#Write a function called count that takes a list of numbers as input and returns a count of the number of elements in the list.
def count(x):
y = len(x)
return y
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
#Write two functions, one called addit and one called mult.
#addit takes one number as an input and adds 5. mult takes one number as an input,
#and multiplies that input by whatever is returned by addit, and then returns the result.
def addit(x):
y = x+5
return y
def mult(z):
q = z * addit(z)
return q
#Write a function, accum, that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum of those integers.
def accum(lst):
y = 0
for x in lst:
y = y + x
return y
#Write a function, length, that takes in a list as the input.
#If the length of the list is greater than or equal to 5, return “Longer than 5”.
#If the length is less than 5, return “Less than 5”.
def length(lst):
if len(lst) >=5:
return "Longer than 5"
return "Less than 5"
#You will need to write two functions for this problem.
#The first function, divide that takes in any number and returns that same number divided by 2.
#The second function called sum should take any number, divide it by 2, and add 6. It should return this new number.
#You should call the divide function within the sum function
def divide(x):
return x/2
def sum(y):
return divide(y) +6
y = 5
x = 1
#Write a function that will return the number of digits in an integer.
def numDigits(n):
str_n = str(n)
return len(str_n)
#Write a function that reverses its string argument.
def reverse(mystr):
reversed = ''
for char in mystr:
reversed = char + reversed
return reversed
def reverse(p_phrase):
stringlength = len(p_phrase)
r_phrase = p_phrase[stringlength::-1]
return r_phrase
#Write a function that mirrors its string argument,
#generating a string containing the original string and the string backwards.
def mirror(p_phrase):
stringlength = len(p_phrase)
r_phrase = p_phrase[stringlength::-1]
return p_phrase+r_phrase
def reverse(mystr):
reversed = ''
for char in mystr:
reversed = char + reversed
return reversed
def mirror(mystr):
return mystr + reverse(mystr)
#Write a function that removes all occurrences of a given letter from a string.
def remove_letter(theLetter, theString):
if theLetter in theString:
return theString.replace(theLetter,"")
return theString
#Although Python provides us with many list methods, it is good practice and very instructive to think about how they are implemented. Implement a Python function that works like the following:
def count(obj, lst):
count = 0
for e in lst:
if e == obj:
count = count + 1
return count
def is_in(obj, lst):
for e in lst:
if e == obj:
return True
return False
def reverse(lst):
reversed = []
for i in range(len(lst)-1, -1, -1):
return reversed
def index(obj, lst):
for i in range(len(lst)):
if lst[i] == obj:
return i
return -1
def insert(obj, index, lst):
newlst = []
for i in range(len(lst)):
if i == index:
return newlst
lst = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
print(count(1, lst))
print(is_in(4, lst))
print(index(2, lst))
print(insert('cat', 4, lst))
#Write a Python function that will take a the list of 100 random integers between 0 and 1000 and return the maximum value.
#(Note: there is a builtin function named max but pretend you cannot use it.)
import random
def max(lst):
max = 0
for e in lst:
if e > max:
max = e
return max
lst = []
for i in range(100):
lst.append(random.randint(0, 1000))
#Write a function sum_of_squares(xs) that computes the sum of the squares of the numbers in the list xs.
def sum_of_squares(xs):
y = 0
for z in xs:
y = y + square(z)
return y
def square(x):
return x*x
lst = [1,2,3,4]
#Write a function to count how many odd numbers are in a list.
import random
def countOdd(lst):
odd = 0
for x in lst:
if x%2 !=0:
odd = odd + 1
return odd
new = [] # random list to test the function
for i in range(100):
#Sum up all the even numbers in a list.
def sumEven(lst):
sum = 0
for x in lst:
if x % 2 == 0:
sum = sum +x
return sum
#Sum up all the negative numbers in a list.
def sumNegatives(lst):
sum = 0
for x in lst:
if x<0:
sum = sum +x
return sum
#Write a function findHypot. The function will be given the length of two sides of a right-angled triangle and
#it should return the length of the hypotenuse.
import math
def findHypot(a,b):
c = math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
return c
#Write a function called is_even(n) that takes an integer as an argument and
#returns True if the argument is an even number and False if it is odd.
def is_even(n):
if n % 2 == 0:
return True
return False
#Write a function is_rightangled which, given the length of three sides of a triangle,
#will determine whether the triangle is right-angled.
#Assume that the third argument to the function is always the longest side.
import math
def is_rightangled(a, b, c):
x = math.sqrt((a*a+b*b))
if c == x:
return True
elif abs(c - x) < 0.0001:
return True
return False
#It will return True if the triangle is right-angled, or False otherwise.
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Write a function that removes all occurrences of a given letter from a string.

# Method I
def remove_letter(theLetter, theString):
    # Converting a given string to list of characters.
    lst_theString = list(theString)
    for current_letter in lst_theString:
        if current_letter == theLetter:
            # List method remove removes the first matching element passed as an argument from the list.
    # Converting the list into a string
    return ''.join(lst_theString)

#  Method II - using a string method replace
def remove_letter(theLetter, theString):
    return theString.replace(theLetter, '')

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hadrocodium commented Apr 17, 2022

Although Python provides us with many list methods, it is good practice and
very instructive to think about how they are implemented. Implement a Python
function that works like the following:

    a. count

    b. in

    c. reverse

    d. index

    e. insert

def count(obj, lst):
    count = 0
    for e in lst:
        if e == obj:
            count = count + 1
    return count

def is_in(part, whole):
    for elem in whole:
        if elem == part:
            return True
    return False

def reverse(lst):
    new_lst = []
    for current_elem in lst[::-1]:
    return new_lst

# Another way to define reverse function.

def reverse(lst):
    return lst[::-1]

def index(elem, lst):
    count_iteration = -1
    for current_elem in lst:
        count_iteration += 1
        if current_elem == elem:
            return count_iteration
    return -1

# Another way to defined index function.

def index(elem, lst):
    for idx, current_elem in enumerate(lst):
        if current_elem == elem:
            return idx
        return f"ValueError: '{elem}' is not in list"

def insert(elem_to_be_inserted, idx, lst):
    new_lst = []
    count_iteration = -1
    for current_elem in lst:
        count_iteration += 1
        if count_iteration == idx:
    return new_lst

# Another way to define insert function.

def insert(elem, idx_postion, lst):
    for idx, current_elem in enumerate(lst):
        if idx == idx_postion:
            lst[idx:idx] = [elem]
            return lst

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