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Created February 19, 2020 17:59
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give credit for EPA prior to fumble
#give credit for where fumble happened in EPA like how yards gained works
fix_fumbles <- function(d) {
n <- d %>% filter(complete_pass == 1 & fumble_lost == 1 & ! %>%
select(desc, game_id, play_id, epa, posteam, half_seconds_remaining, yardline_100, down, ydstogo, yards_gained, goal_to_go, ep) %>%
#save old stuff for testing/checking
down_old = down, ydstogo_old = ydstogo, epa_old = epa,
#update yard line, down, yards to go from play result
yardline_100 = yardline_100 - yards_gained, down = ifelse(yards_gained >= ydstogo, 1, down + 1),
#if the fumble spot would have resulted in turnover on downs, need to give other team the ball and fix
change = ifelse(down == 5, 1, 0), down = ifelse(down == 5 , 1, down),
#yards to go is 10 if its a first down, update otherwise
ydstogo = ifelse(down == 1, 10, ydstogo - yards_gained),
#fix yards to go for goal line (eg can't have 1st & 10 inside opponent 10 yard line)
ydstogo = ifelse(yardline_100 < ydstogo, yardline_100, ydstogo),
#10 yards to go if possession change
ydstogo = ifelse(change == 1 , 10, ydstogo),
#flip field for possession change
yardline_100 = ifelse(change == 1, 100 - yardline_100, yardline_100),
goal_to_go = ifelse(yardline_100 == ydstogo, 1, 0),
ep_old = ep) %>%
select(-ep, -epa)
t2 <- calculate_expected_points(n, "half_seconds_remaining", "yardline_100",
"down", "ydstogo", "goal_to_go") %>%
mutate(ep = ifelse(change == 1, -ep, ep), fixed_epa = ep - ep_old) %>%
select(game_id, play_id, fixed_epa)
d <- d %>%
left_join(t2, by=c("game_id", "play_id")) %>%
mutate(epa = ifelse(!, fixed_epa, epa)) %>%
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