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Last active June 27, 2021 14:41
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module BioModels.Definitions.Model.LocalDefault
import Data.Kind
import Data.Reflection
import GHC.Generics
-- * A class for defaults that can be overridden
-- | A class for all datatypes which can be split in several fields whose
-- default values can be different from one part of the code to the next.
-- This works thanks to the `Given` class in Data.Reflection. This API provides
-- two functions, 'given' which gets a value from the context, and 'give' which
-- sets a value in the context of some expression. An example:
-- let f :: (Given Int) => Int -> Int
-- f x = x + g x
-- g :: (Given Int) => Int -> Int
-- g x = x * given
-- in give 2 (f 3)
-- The @f x@ function actually has a extra constraint: @Given Int@, as
-- internally it needs an extra 'Int' to be passed via the context. @give 2
-- expr@ sets this Int in the context of @expr@.
-- 'LocalDefault' generalizes that behavior to records which can 'give'
-- several values ('withLocalDef'), or require several values to be 'given'
-- to be reconstructed ('localDef'). Indeed we do not pass the records
-- themselves via the context, but their individuals components. This way, when
-- we use 'withLocalDef' to set some 'PipelineOpts' in the context of an
-- expression, this expression does not have to retrieve a 'PipelineOpts', it can
-- use 'localDef' to retrieve any subset of them (like SolverOpts,
-- InlineOpts, OdeOpts, etc). A function using internally 'localDef' to get
-- SolverOpts for instance will have a @Needs SolverOpts@ constraint, just as
-- any function calling it until we set the SolverOpts or a superset of them
-- with 'withLocalDef'.
-- Note that having a 'withLocalDef' inside another call to 'withLocalDef' will
-- create two incoherent instances, so this should be avoided.
-- IMPORTANT: This requires all the subfields to be individual data or newtypes,
-- to remove any ambiguity.
class LocalDefault a where
-- | The subfields of the datatype @a@
type LocalDefaultFields a :: [Type]
-- | Override the default value of some type @a@ in the context of an
-- expression
withLocalDef :: forall t. a -> ((Needs a) => t) -> t
-- | Get the overridden value of @a@ from the context
localDef :: (Needs a) => a
-- | Tells which individual option fields we need to be able to read from the
-- context to construct some datatype
type family Needs a where
Needs (GenericDeriving t) = Needs t
Needs a = GivenAll (LocalDefaultFields a)
-- | A constraint to specify that a function needs to access a list of datatypes
-- from the context
type family GivenAll a :: Constraint where
GivenAll '[o] = Given o
GivenAll (o ': os) = (Given o, GivenAll os)
-- * Generic implementation
-- * Generic localDef
type family ConcatConList a b where
ConcatConList '[] b = b
ConcatConList (a ': xa) b = a ': ConcatConList xa b
class GLocalDefault f where
gLocalDef :: (GGivenCons f) => f a
gWithLocalDef :: f x -> (GGivenCons f => t) -> t
type GGivenCons f :: Constraint
type GLocalDefaultFieldsRep f :: [Type]
instance GLocalDefault f => GLocalDefault (M1 i c f) where
gLocalDef = M1 gLocalDef
gWithLocalDef (M1 v) x = gWithLocalDef v x
type GGivenCons (M1 i c f) = GGivenCons f
type GLocalDefaultFieldsRep (M1 i c f) = GLocalDefaultFieldsRep f
instance (GLocalDefault fa, GLocalDefault fb) => GLocalDefault (fa :*: fb) where
gLocalDef = gLocalDef :*: gLocalDef
gWithLocalDef (a :*: b) x = gWithLocalDef a (gWithLocalDef b x)
type GGivenCons (fa :*: fb) = (GGivenCons fa, GGivenCons fb)
type GLocalDefaultFieldsRep (fa :*: fb) = ConcatConList (GLocalDefaultFieldsRep fa) (GLocalDefaultFieldsRep fb)
instance (LocalDefault a) => GLocalDefault (K1 i a) where
gLocalDef = K1 localDef
gWithLocalDef (K1 v) x = withLocalDef v x
type GGivenCons (K1 i a) = Needs a -- [1], GGivenCons (Rep t) = Needs t
type GLocalDefaultFieldsRep (K1 i a) = '[a]
genericLocalDef :: forall t. (Needs t ~ GGivenCons (Rep t), Generic t, GLocalDefault (Rep t), Needs t) => t
genericLocalDef = to gLocalDef
genericWithLocalDef :: forall t a. (Needs t ~ GGivenCons (Rep t), Generic t, GLocalDefault (Rep t)) => t -> (Needs t => a) -> a
genericWithLocalDef v x = gWithLocalDef (from v) x
-- *
type GLocalDefaultFields t = GLocalDefaultFieldsRep (Rep t)
-- * Derivation VIA WIP
-- | A type wrapper for deriving via using generic
newtype FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving t = FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving t
instance LocalDefault (FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving a) where
type LocalDefaultFields (FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving a) = '[ a ] -- By default, we treat @a@ as one
-- big field
-- | Override the default value of some type @a@ in the context of an
-- expression
withLocalDef (FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving a) x = give a x
{-# INLINE withLocalDef #-}
-- | Get the overridden value of @a@ from the context
localDef = FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving given
{-# INLINE localDef #-}
newtype GenericDeriving t = GenericDeriving t
deriving (Show, Generic)
Generic t
, GLocalDefault (GHC.Generics.Rep t)
, GGivenCons (Rep t) ~ Needs t
) =>
LocalDefault (GenericDeriving t)
withLocalDef (GenericDeriving t) x = genericWithLocalDef t x
localDef = GenericDeriving genericLocalDef
type LocalDefaultFields (GenericDeriving t) = GLocalDefaultFieldsRep (Rep t)
data A = A
deriving (Show)
data B = B
deriving (Show)
data Rec = Rec {
aa :: A,
bb :: B
deriving (Generic, Show)
deriving via (FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving A) instance LocalDefault A
deriving via (FlatLocalDefaultGenericDeriving B) instance LocalDefault B
data Rec2 = Rec2 {
aaa :: A,
bbb :: B
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- This one works
instance LocalDefault Rec2 where
type LocalDefaultFields Rec2 = GLocalDefaultFields Rec2
withLocalDef = genericWithLocalDef
localDef = genericLocalDef
-- But that one, does not (well, it does now)
deriving via (GenericDeriving Rec) instance LocalDefault Rec
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