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Forked from maxious/
Created July 26, 2022 13:10
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  • Save guilespi/9a90ef8ba7f419e48c01a439b8bd4f00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save guilespi/9a90ef8ba7f419e48c01a439b8bd4f00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Esee/Anran 960P 180° Wireless Fisheye Panoramic CCTV Smart Camera HD WIFI Webcam IP

the camera

Might also be the dv163 P1:

Based on Ankya AK3918 HD IP Camera SoC

Firmware => Telnet/FTP

Check/download latest firmware (site blocked for malware in Chrome/Firefox) Response:

New Firmware=1\r\n

Another version

Updating to version 1.4.70 opens up telnet/ftp if the files "ftp_telnet_flag" and "uart_flag" are on the SD card.

Someone else wonders about cracking the root hash

MD5 HASH: $1$4dAkkeWK$HCy0K1z8E.wAuwgLV8bWd/
Password (ASCII): "j1/_7sxw"
Password (HEX): 6a312f5f37737877

GDBserver from or


Working URLs:

  • /snapshot or /snapshot.jpg or /NetSDK/Video/encode/channel/101/snapshot or /NetSDK/Video/encode/channel/102/snapshot
A jpeg 640x480 snapshot from camera
  • /cgi-bin/gw2.cgi
<juan ver="1.0" seq="0"><conf type="read" user="" password=""><spec vin="1" ain="1" io_sensor="0" io_alarm="0" hdd="0" sd_card="0" /><info device_name="IPC" device_model="IPC" device_sn="F2731110583936" hardware_version="1.0.0" software_version="1.7.27(1.4.70_CW)" build_date="2017/09/28" build_time="10:22:36"></info></conf></juan>
  • /custom/OEM
{ "Function": { "promptSoundType": "english" } }
  • /bubble/live Video and audio streaming - see below
  • /user/user_list.xml
<user ver="1.0" you="" add_user="no" ret="sorry" mesg="check in falied"/>
  • /cgi-bin/hi3510/echo.cgi
fun echo script
  • /cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi or /cgi-bin/hi3510/preset.cgi
sends you a random bit of memory! probably meant to have params like detailed in
  • /cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi
blank if no params


Streaming happens TCP port 64444 with a handshake looking like:

login = 'LTCP...u'.replace('.',b'\x00')
loginSoup = '<SOUP version="1.0"><auth usr="admin" psw="" eseeid="" nat="symmetric" client="" imei="" isp="" buddleid=""/></SOUP>.'.replace('.',b'\x00')

#response LTCP...?<SOUP version="1.0"><auth usr="admin" psw="" error="0"/></SOUP>

create = 'LTCP...R'.replace('.',b'\x00')
createSoup = '<SOUP version="1.1"><vcon cmd="create" id="132137576" app="RemoteSetup" /></SOUP>.'.replace('.',b'\x00')

startStream = 'LTCP...O'.replace('.',b'\x00')
startStreamSoup = '<SOUP version="1.0"><streamreq ch="vin0" stream="stream0" opt="start"/></SOUP>.'.replace('.',b'\x00')

#response LTCP...[<SOUP version="1.0"><streamreq ch="vin0" stream="stream0" opt="start" cam_des="P1"/></SOUP>

You can extract H264 frames out of a packet capture on port 64444:

ffmpeg -err_detect ignore_err -i stream.pcap -c copy stream.mp4

There is also streaming on port 80 via the url /bubble/live but this requires a custom handshake as well, see below python script to use ffplay.

The stream is of type Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1280x720, 518 kb/s, 15.02 fps, 15 tbr, 1200k tbn, 30 tbc

├── V1.4.70_CW.tar
├── root
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── ash -> busybox
│   │   ├── base64 -> busybox
│   │   ├── busybox
│   │   ├── cat -> busybox
│   │   ├── catv -> busybox
│   │   ├── chmod -> busybox
│   │   ├── chown -> busybox
│   │   ├── cp -> busybox
│   │   ├── cttyhack -> busybox
│   │   ├── date -> busybox
│   │   ├── dd -> busybox
│   │   ├── df -> busybox
│   │   ├── dmesg -> busybox
│   │   ├── dnsdomainname -> busybox
│   │   ├── dumpkmap -> busybox
│   │   ├── echo -> busybox
│   │   ├── egrep -> busybox
│   │   ├── false -> busybox
│   │   ├── fgrep -> busybox
│   │   ├── free -> busybox
│   │   ├── fsync -> busybox
│   │   ├── getopt -> busybox
│   │   ├── grep -> busybox
│   │   ├── hostname -> busybox
│   │   ├── ionice -> busybox
│   │   ├── iostat -> busybox
│   │   ├── ip -> busybox
│   │   ├── ipaddr -> busybox
│   │   ├── ipcalc -> busybox
│   │   ├── iplink -> busybox
│   │   ├── iproute -> busybox
│   │   ├── iprule -> busybox
│   │   ├── iptunnel -> busybox
│   │   ├── kill -> busybox
│   │   ├── killall -> busybox
│   │   ├── killall5 -> busybox
│   │   ├── linux32 -> busybox
│   │   ├── linux64 -> busybox
│   │   ├── ln -> busybox
│   │   ├── login -> busybox
│   │   ├── ls -> busybox
│   │   ├── mkdir -> busybox
│   │   ├── mknod -> busybox
│   │   ├── more -> busybox
│   │   ├── mount -> busybox
│   │   ├── mountpoint -> busybox
│   │   ├── mv -> busybox
│   │   ├── netstat -> busybox
│   │   ├── nice -> busybox
│   │   ├── od -> busybox
│   │   ├── pidof -> busybox
│   │   ├── ping -> busybox
│   │   ├── powertop -> busybox
│   │   ├── printenv -> busybox
│   │   ├── ps -> busybox
│   │   ├── pwd -> busybox
│   │   ├── rm -> busybox
│   │   ├── rmdir -> busybox
│   │   ├── scriptreplay -> busybox
│   │   ├── sed -> busybox
│   │   ├── setarch -> busybox
│   │   ├── setserial -> busybox
│   │   ├── sh -> busybox
│   │   ├── sleep -> busybox
│   │   ├── stat -> busybox
│   │   ├── stty -> busybox
│   │   ├── sync -> busybox
│   │   ├── tar -> busybox
│   │   ├── touch -> busybox
│   │   ├── true -> busybox
│   │   ├── umount -> busybox
│   │   ├── uname -> busybox
│   │   ├── uncompress -> busybox
│   │   ├── usleep -> busybox
│   │   ├── vi -> busybox
│   │   ├── watch -> busybox
│   │   └── yes -> busybox
│   ├── dev
│   ├── etc
│   │   ├── fstab
│   │   ├── group
│   │   ├── host.conf
│   │   ├── hosts
│   │   ├── init.d
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── rc.local
│   │   │   └── rcS
│   │   ├── inittab
│   │   ├── jffs2
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── mdev.conf
│   │   ├── nsswitch.conf
│   │   ├── passwd
│   │   ├── profile
│   │   ├── resolv.conf -> jffs2/resolv.conf
│   │   ├── services
│   │   ├── shadow
│   │   ├── sysconfig
│   │   │   └── HOSTNAME
│   │   └── udhcpd.conf
│   ├── init -> bin/busybox
│   ├── lib
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   └── modules
│   │   ├── 3.4.35
│   │   └── block2mtd.ko
│   ├── mnt
│   │   ├── nand
│   │   └── sd
│   ├── proc
│   ├── sbin
│   │   ├── acpid -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── adjtimex -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── arp -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── blockdev -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── bootchartd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── depmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── devmem -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fbsplash -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fdisk -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── getty -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── halt -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hwclock -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifconfig -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifdown -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifenslave -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifup -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── init -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── inotifyd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── insmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── iwlist
│   │   ├── klogd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── loadkmap -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── logread -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── losetup -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lsmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── makedevs -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mdev -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mkdosfs -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mkfs.vfat -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── modinfo -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── modprobe -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nameif -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── passwd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pivot_root -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── poweroff -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── reboot -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rmmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── route -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setconsole -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── slattach -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── switch_root -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sysctl -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── syslogd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── telnetd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tunctl -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udhcpc -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udhcpd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── updater
│   │   ├── vconfig -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   └── watchdog -> ../bin/busybox
│   ├── sys
│   ├── tmp
│   ├── usr
│   └── var
├── root.sqsh4
├── root.sqsh4.md5
├── usr
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── [ -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── [[ -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── anyka_font_16.bin
│   │   ├── anyka_ipc
│   │   ├── arping -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── awk -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── basename -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── beep -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cal -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── chat -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── chrt -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── chvt -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cksum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── clear -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cmp -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── crontab -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cut -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── daemon
│   │   ├── dc -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── diff -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── dirname -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── dos2unix -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── du -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── dumpleases -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── eject -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── env -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── expand -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── expr -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fgconsole -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── find -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fold -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── free -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpget -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpput -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fuser -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── gb_un.bin
│   │   ├── groups -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── head -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hexdump -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hostapd
│   │   ├── hostapd_cli
│   │   ├── hostid -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── id -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifplugd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── install -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ipcrm -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ipcs -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── iwlist
│   │   ├── kbd_mode -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── killall -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── killall5 -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── less -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── logger -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── logname -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lsof -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lspci -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lsusb -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── md5sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mesg -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mkfifo -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nc -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nslookup -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── od -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── passwd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pgrep -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pkill -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pmap -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── printf -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pscan -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pstree -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pwdx -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── readahead -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── readlink -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── realpath -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── renice -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── reset -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── resize -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rtcwake -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rx -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── script -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setkeycodes -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setsid -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sha1sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sha256sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sha512sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── showkey -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── signalRate
│   │   ├── smemcap -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sort -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── split -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── strings -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tail -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tcpsvd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tee -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── telnet -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── test -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tftp -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tftpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── time -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── timeout -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── top -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── traceroute -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tty -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udpsvd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── unix2dos -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── uptime -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── uudecode -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── uuencode -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── volname -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── wc -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── which -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── whoami -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── whois -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── wpa_cli
│   │   ├── wpa_supplicant
│   │   ├── xargs -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   └── yes -> ../../bin/busybox
│   ├── lib
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   └──
│   ├── local
│   │   ├── factory_cfg.ini
│   │   ├── hostapd.conf
│   │   ├── isp_9712.conf
│   │   ├── isp_ar0130.conf
│   │   ├── isp_h42.conf
│   │   ├── isp_h42_krt.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_ja.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_yws.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_ja.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_yws.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1135_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1135_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1135_yws.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1145_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1145_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1145_yws.conf
│   │   ├── multi_conf_mode
│   │   ├── p2p_conf_in.json
│   │   ├── p2p_conf_out.json
│   │   ├── test_cfg.ini
│   │   └── wpa_supplicant.conf
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├── 8188fu.ko
│   │   ├── ak_ethernet.ko
│   │   ├── ak_gpio_module.ko
│   │   ├── ak_pwm_char.ko
│   │   ├── akcamera.ko
│   │   ├── akmci.ko
│   │   ├── g_mass_storage.ko
│   │   ├── i2c-dev.ko
│   │   ├── otg-hs.ko
│   │   ├── sdio_wifi.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_ar0130.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_gc1024.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_h42.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_h61.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_ov9712.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1035.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1045.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1135.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1145.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1235.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1245.ko
│   │   └── udc.ko
│   ├── sbin
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── brctl -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── chroot -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── dhcprelay -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── fakeidentd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fbset -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── inetd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── loadfont -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nanddump -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nandwrite -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nbd-client -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ntpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rdate -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rdev -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── readprofile -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── setfont -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setlogcons -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── telnetd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ubiattach -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubidetach -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubimkvol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubirmvol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubirsvol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubiupdatevol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udhcpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── share
│   ├── mp3
│   │   ├── chinese
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── english
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── german
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── korean
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Please_wait.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── portuguese
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── russian
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   └── spanish
│   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   ├── udhcpc
│   │   └── default.script
│   └── udhcpd.conf
├── usr.sqsh4
├── usr.sqsh4.md5
├── zImage
└── zImage.md5
35 directories, 471 files
# view output via: python3 | ffplay -i pipe:
# or can write to file
write_to_files = False
import socket
import time
import datetime
import sys
TCP_IP = ''
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
* Avoid socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use exception
* The SO_REUSEADDR flag tells the kernel to reuse a local socket in TIME_WAIT state,
* without waiting for its natural timeout to expire.
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
s.send(b'GET /bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n')
data = s.recv(1142)
data = s.recv(54)
# s.setblocking(0)
if write_to_files:
timestamp =":", "-")
dump = open(timestamp + '-socket.dump', 'wb')
# os.mkfifo(timestamp + '-socket.h264')
h264 = open(timestamp + '-socket.h264', 'wb')
g711 = open(timestamp + '-socket.g711', 'wb')
dump = None
g711 = None
h264 = sys.stdout.buffer
g711_prelude = b'\xaa\x00\x00\x00'
# decode with ```sox --channels 1 --type raw --rate 8000 -e a-law ~/Downloads/audio.g711 output.wav``` then write as
h264_prelude = b'\x00\x00\x00\x01'
in_h264 = False
while True:
data = s.recv(16)
before_data = None
dump.write(data) if write_to_files else None
if g711_prelude in data:
idx = data.index(g711_prelude)
print("g711 @ " + str(idx))
before_data = data[:idx]
data = data[idx:]
if in_h264:
g711.write(before_data) if write_to_files else None
g711.flush() if write_to_files else None
in_h264 = False
if h264_prelude in data:
idx = data.index(h264_prelude)
print("h264 @ " + str(idx))
before_data = data[:idx]
data = data[idx:]
if in_h264:
g711.write(before_data) if write_to_files else None
g711.flush() if write_to_files else None
in_h264 = True
if in_h264:
g711.write(data) if write_to_files else None
except BlockingIOError:
except BrokenPipeError:
print("shutting down") if write_to_files else None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("shutting down") if write_to_files else None
g711.close() if write_to_files else None
dump.close() if write_to_files else None
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka syslogd started: BusyBox v1.20.2
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: Normal zone: 10160 pages, LIFO batch:1
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: pcpu-alloc: [0] 0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 10160
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock1 ro rootfstype=squashfs init=/sbin/init mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Memory: 40MB = 40MB total
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Memory: 36656k/36656k available, 4304k reserved, 0K highmem
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000 ( 896 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: vmalloc : 0xc3000000 - 0xff000000 ( 960 MB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc2800000 ( 40 MB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xc0000000 ( 16 MB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc036f000 (3484 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .init : 0xc036f000 - 0xc0389000 ( 104 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .data : 0xc038a000 - 0xc03acc40 ( 140 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .bss : 0xc03acc64 - 0xc03ca27c ( 118 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NR_IRQS:95
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: sched_clock: 32 bits at 100 Hz, resolution 10000000ns, wraps every 4294967286ms
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new device driver usb
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: i2c-ak39 i2c-ak39: i2c-0: AK39 I2C adapter
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Linux video capture interface: v2.00
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP: reno registered
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: exFAT: Version 1.2.9
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: jffs2: version 2.2. © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: msgmni has been set to 71
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: io scheduler noop registered
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK39xx uart driver init, (c) 2013 ANYKA
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: ak39-uart.0: ttySAK0 at MMIO 0x20130000 (irq = 10) is a AK39
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.err kernel: ion: failed to create debug files.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: brd: module loaded
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: loop: module loaded
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK Motor Driver (c) 2013 ANYKA
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm_init
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: ak39_codec_probe enter.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm_probe
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: akpcm initialize OK!
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm_probe ok.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.err kernel: akisp_init
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: Start to init Anyka SPI Flash...
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK SPI Driver, (c) 2012 ANYKA
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[0]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = A
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x150000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x260000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[1]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = B
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x3a0000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x3b0000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[2]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = C
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x50000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x750000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[3]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = D
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x10000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x7a0000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Creating 4 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x000000260000-0x0000003b0000 : "A"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x0000003b0000-0x000000750000 : "B"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x000000750000-0x0000007a0000 : "C"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x0000007a0000-0x0000007b0000 : "D"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: Init AK SPI Flash finish.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akspi master initialize success, use for DMA mode.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: input: akgpio-keys as /devices/platform/akgpio-keys/input/input0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: ak-rtc ak-rtc: rtc core: registered ak-rtc as rtc0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP: cubic registered
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: lib80211: common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: lib80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.err kernel: ak-rtc ak-rtc: hctosys: invalid date/time
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:1.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: devtmpfs: mounted
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Freeing init memory: 104K
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: ar0130_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: gc1024_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: h42_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: h61_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: ov9712_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1035_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1045_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1135_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1145_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1235_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1245_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.err kernel: aksensor_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kernel: soc-camera-pdrv soc-camera-pdrv: Probing soc-camera-pdrv
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kernel: ak_camera ak_camera.39: AK Camera driver attached to camera 0
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID ar0130_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: gc1024_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID gc1024_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: h42_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID h42_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: h61_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID h61_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID ov9712_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1035_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1035_get_id fail
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1035_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1045_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1045_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1135_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1135_get_id fail
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1135_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1145_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1145_g_ctl val:0x1145
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kernel: aksensor 0-0001: Probing sc1145 Sensor ID: 0x1145
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka init: starting pid 393, tty '/dev/ttySAK0': '/sbin/getty -L ttySAK0 115200 vt100 '
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kernel: i2c /dev entries driver
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_monitor:280] This thread id : 406
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: MainAPP monitor started, interval:3Sec, fifo[/tmp/daemon_fifo].size=50
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ***************************************
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: *****A monitor daemon has running!*****
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ***************************************
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ********** Watch Dog Enabled! **********
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: watchdog timeout = 8(s)
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_anyka_feed_watchdog:86] This thread id : 408
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_broadcast_pth:1786] This thread id : 407
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_broadcast_pth:1809] create udp socket success, socket fd:7.
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_broadcast_pth:1838] ready to receive broadcast
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK MCI Driver (c) 2010 ANYKA
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kernel: akmci ak_mci: Mci Interface driver.mmc0. using l2dma, sw IRQ. detect mode:plugin alway.
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 6, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 7, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 23, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 0, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 24, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 13, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 11, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 41, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 42, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 10, dir: 0, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka user.debug syslog: *********************************************************
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka user.debug syslog: *************1.4.70_CW_build@Dec 13 2017_14:57:26**********
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka user.debug syslog: *********************************************************
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb-host usb-host: Anyka usb host controller
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb-host usb-host: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb-host usb-host: irq 18, io mem 0x20200000
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: Product: Anyka usb host controller
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.4.35 usb-host
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: SerialNumber: Anyka usb host controller
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: Usb otg-hs controller driver initialized
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using usb-host
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0bda, idProduct=f179
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: Product: 802.11n
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Realtek
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 00e04c000001
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: module init start
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: rtl8188fu v4.3.23.4_19019.20160811
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: build time: Dec 20 2016 09:14:50
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: hal_com_config_channel_plan chplan:0x23
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan0) if1 mac_addr=9c:a3:a9:21:1e:5f
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8188fu
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: module init ret=0
Nov 30 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: assoc success
Nov 30 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set bssid:00:00:00:00:00:00
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: **************************ret_board:1*******************************
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: save software version ok !
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [monitor:24] This thread id : 512
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: the daemon fifo has created
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_init_setting:2499] anyka config file check ok.
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 220, filelen = 220
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: init all font buffer inused, font_num: 45
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: anyka_init_camera_info: 4, CAM1
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [sd_init_status:175] sdcard status: 0
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: dma alloc vir:0xffdfc000, phy:0x831c0000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: dma alloc vir:0xffdf0000, phy:0x831c8000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: dma alloc vir:0xffdf8000, phy:0x831c4000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_module_init: ISPDrvLib V0.1.11
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp2 module init: isp_struct size=34796, dma_area=0xffdfc000, dma_bytes=10472, io_base=0xf0010000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kernel: ak_camera ak_camera.39: AK Camera driver attached to camera 0
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: MCLK sc1145_g_ctl val:24
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1145_set_poweron
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set ssid [XXXXX] fw_state=0x00000008
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set bssid:f0:9f:c2:6e:XX:XX
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: start auth
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: auth success, start assoc
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: assoc success
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set pairwise key camid:4, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:0, type:AES
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ispsdk_lib version:V2.0.03
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: set 3d ref addr:y=0x80000000
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: Isp_Module_Load_Def_Awb_Step get awb_attr ok, auto_awb_step:30
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: init isp success
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: camera height: 720, 720
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera:]cur frames:25
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Change_Fps_Pthread:338] This thread id : 518
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set group key camid:5, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:1, type:AES
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.err kernel: soc-camera-pdrv soc-camera-pdrv: S_CROP denied: getting current crop failed
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: init_device==>S_FMT succeedded!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: init_userp==>REQBUFS succeedded!userptr[count=4]
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: start_capturing==>STREAMON succeedded!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: set occlusion color succeedded!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: aksensor_s_stream resume.
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: mmc0: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable.
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kernel: mmc0: new SDHC card at address e624
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kernel: mmcblk0: mmc0:e624 SU04G 3.69 GiB
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kernel: mmcblk0: p1
Nov 30 00:00:15 anyka user.debug syslog: *********get_device_id:F2731110583936*********
Nov 30 00:00:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Nov 30 00:00:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 2700, filelen = 2700
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Set_StyleId set styleId: 3
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: Isp_Module_Reload_Config_Awb_Step get awb_attr ok, cur auto_awb_step:10, set to step:30
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_ircut_pthread:2696] This thread id : 542
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_open] H.264 params: w=1280, h=720, qpMin=20, qpMax=42, bps=786432, gop=120, fps=15
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_open] H.264 params: w=1280, h=720, qpMin=20, qpMax=42, bps=256000, gop=80, fps=10
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_open] H.264 params: w=640, h=480, qpMin=20, qpMax=42, bps=262144, gop=120, fps=15
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:417] This thread id : 545
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:429] the thread sleep
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_data:586] This thread id : 546
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:172] This thread id : 547
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:196] audio thread start processing
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:200] audio thread sleep
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_phone_manage:69] This thread id : 549
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_fs_asyn_write_main:120] This thread id : 548
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_anyka_feed_watchdog:98] schedule to long, interval: 2298210577
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Set the flip 0
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Set_Normal
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: Fat file system start scan disk, total 966176 cluster.
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: .......isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: *********sn:F2731110583936*********
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: ...FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Mar 25 12:27:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 2700, filelen = 2700
Mar 25 04:27:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: ........................................Scan disk finish, spend time:2200ms.
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: n1 user_count = 1!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: video_add 0.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 768(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:431] the thread wake
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_set_encode_fps:1019] set fps:15, bps:767
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 767(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 768(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: video_add 1.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 256(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_set_encode_fps:1019] set fps:15, bps:255
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 255(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 256(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: audio add G711A
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_add:481] system add an audio thread:(type:1)!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: --AudioCodec Version V1.13.00_svn4772--^M
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_send_encode_data:441] This thread id : 604
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ## G711 encode open, type=17^M
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:204] audio thread wake
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture_ioctl reset buf
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: === capture_pause ===
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm set capture device(s) = 1
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: [chg_channel_source,0, 4]!
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kernel: set_channel_source
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ****set MIC gain 5
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: adc: perfect asic pll clk is:399360000, actual sample rate is 8012.
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ---ADC asic_pll = 400000000, SR_save = 8012. des_sr = 8000, div = 194
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture buffer alloc: c1784000, 4000
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture boundary: -2147483648
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture rate: 1f40
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: adc: perfect asic pll clk is:399360000, actual sample rate is 8012.
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ---ADC asic_pll = 400000000, SR_save = 8012. des_sr = 8000, div = 194
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_start_movedetection]enable=1, SensitivityLevel=70
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio]enable=1, SensitivityLevel=70
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio:41]rations:8
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: === capture_pause ===
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC_Start: aec 0, nr 1, agc 1
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: --Echo Version V1.1.04--^M
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ## AEC open^M
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC_Thread+
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC_Prio_Supervisor_Thread+
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --motion detector Motion Detect Lib V2.0.00--^M ^M
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_init_move_handle:1374] Open MotionDect: ratio=8, m_uThreshold=35
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_move_check_main:1425] This thread id : 610
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_start_movedetection:116] start success!!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [rtl8188_eu_bps] start, thread id: 612
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC starts capture, timer: 1 jiffies @ 100 Hz
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ~~capture prd_bytes:2048
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: *********** del eth0 ip**************
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: P2PDeviceDemo version:1.4.70_CW
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: p2p video_add 0.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 768(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: p2p video_add 1.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 256(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: p2p audio add G711A
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_add:481] system add an audio thread:(type:1)!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_send_encode_data:441] This thread id : 627
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: *********** del eth0 mask**************
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: ***********gw**************
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 2000(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [30,37]
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_add:481] system add an audio thread:(type:1)!
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_send_encode_data:441] This thread id : 667
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_mainchn_IQP] minIQP = 27!
Mar 25 07:45:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: ak_rtc_settime: 118-3-25 7:45:53
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 2700, filelen = 2700
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio]enable=1, SensitivityLevel=70
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio:41]rations:8
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [ak_n1_del_network_route] ip:, netmask:, gw:, dns:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [LED_PWM_init:510]open pwm failed
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get ip from config:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get mask from config:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get gw from config:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get dns from :
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:45:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_mac_addr] get interface wlan0 mac addr: 9C:A3:A9:21:1E:5F
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 1536(kbps)
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: *************************
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [ak_n1_del_wireless_netinfo] ip:, netmask:, gw:, dns:
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: Get WiFi Network, ssid: XXXXX, pswd: XXXXX
Mar 25 07:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_anyka_feed_watchdog:98] schedule to long, interval: 11915647
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:45:55 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:45:55 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:45:55 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:45:56 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:45:56 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:45:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 1280(kbps)
Mar 25 15:45:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:45:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Device 1110583936 logined Server!!!
Mar 25 07:46:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: [sched_delayed] sched: RT throttling activated
Mar 25 07:46:04 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 15:46:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 1024(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:46:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:46:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:46:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 900(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 15:46:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:46:19 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 131
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 128
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 129
Mar 25 07:46:26 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 800(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 716(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:46:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:46:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:46:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:46:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:46:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 512(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,39]
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:46:45 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:46:45 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:46:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:53 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:46:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:46:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:46:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:46:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:47:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:47:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:47:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:47:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:47:19 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:47:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:47:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:47:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:47:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:29 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:37 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:47:37 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:47:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:47:40 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:48 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:48 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:56 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:47:56 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:47:57 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:57 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:47:57 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:48:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:48:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:48:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 07:48:05 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 15:48:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:15 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:15 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:15 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:23 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:48:23 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:48:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:48:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:48:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 15:48:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:48:26 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:48:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:48:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 15:48:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:48:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:48:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:48:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 15:48:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:48:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 07:48:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:48:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:48:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:49:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:49:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:49:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:49:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 15:49:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:49:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:49:13 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:49:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:49:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 07:51:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Mar 25 07:51:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Mar 25 15:51:09 anyka user.debug syslog: RTL8188: Ignore Notice "WPA: Group rekeying completed with f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f [GTK=CCMP]".
Mar 25 15:51:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ------------timeout:1---------
Mar 25 07:51:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set group key camid:6, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:2, type:AES
Mar 25 15:51:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 07:54:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 15:54:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:19:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:19:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:19:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:19:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:19:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:19:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:19:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 129
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 130
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 131
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:19:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:19:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:19:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:19:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:19:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:19:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:19:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:53 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:19:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:20:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:20:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:20:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:20:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:20:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:20:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:20:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:20:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 08:20:24 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 08:20:24 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 16:20:24 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:20:25 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:20:25 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 40449).
Mar 25 16:20:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:20:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:20:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 129
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 130
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 131
Mar 25 08:20:33 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:20:35 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:20:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:20:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 42855).
Mar 25 16:20:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:20:48 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:48 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:20:48 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:20:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:49 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:20:50 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:20:50 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 37172).
Mar 25 16:20:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:20:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:20:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:20:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [ warn] Spook: Connection Reset by Peer.
Mar 25 16:20:57 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:21:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:21:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:21:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:21:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:21:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:21:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:21:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:21:26 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:26 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:21:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:21:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:21:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:21:34 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:21:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:37 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:21:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:21:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:21:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:21:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:22:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:22:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:22:02 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:22:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:22:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:22:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:22:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:22:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 16:22:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:22:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:22:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:22:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:23:50 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=1, but id -1
Mar 25 16:24:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:25:45 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:25:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:26:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 16:26:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:27:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:27:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:28:31 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:28:31 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 32437).
Mar 25 16:28:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:34:02 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 16:34:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:43:08 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:43:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:51:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Mar 25 08:51:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Mar 25 08:51:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set group key camid:5, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:1, type:AES
Mar 25 16:51:07 anyka user.debug syslog: RTL8188: Ignore Notice "WPA: Group rekeying completed with f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f [GTK=CCMP]".
Mar 25 16:51:07 anyka user.debug syslog: ------------timeout:2---------
Mar 25 16:51:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:52:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:52:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:52:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:52:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:16
Mar 25 16:52:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:52:34 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 08:52:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:35 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:35 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:52:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:52:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:52:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:52:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:52:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:52:51 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:52:51 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:52:51 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:52:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:52:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:52:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:53:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:02 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:02 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:53:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:53:11 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:53:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:53:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:53:16 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:53:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:29 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:53:29 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:53:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:53:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:53:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:20
Mar 25 16:53:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:53:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 08:53:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:50 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:58 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:53:58 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:54:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:54:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:54:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:54:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:54:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 16:54:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:54:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:54:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:54:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:54:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:54:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 08:54:33 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 08:54:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 16:54:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:54:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:54:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:54:40 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:54:40 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 128
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 129
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:54:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:54:50 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:50 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:54:50 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:54:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:14
Mar 25 16:54:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:54:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:54:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:55:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:55:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:55:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:55:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:55:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:55:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:55:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:55:25 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=1, but id -1
Mar 25 16:55:26 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:55:26 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:55:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:55:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:55:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:55:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:55:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:55:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:55:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:56:26 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:56:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:12 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:26:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 131
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 128
Mar 25 17:26:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:26:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:26:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:26:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:26:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:26:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:26:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:26:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:26:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:26:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:26:41 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:43 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:26:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:51 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:26:51 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:26:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:26:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:26:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 09:26:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 17:27:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:27:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:27:11 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:27:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:27:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:27:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:27:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:27:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:27:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:27:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:27:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:27:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:27:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:27:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:27:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:27:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [44]
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:27:56 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:56 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:27:56 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 17:28:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:28:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:28:11 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:28:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:28:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:28:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:28:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:21 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:21 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:28:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:29 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:28:29 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:28:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:28:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:28:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:28:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:28:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:28:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:40 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:40 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:40 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:28:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:28:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:28:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:28:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:28:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:28:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:28:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:01 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:29:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:29:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:29:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:29:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:29:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:29:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:29:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:29:27 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:29:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:29:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 09:30:04 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=1, but id -1
Mar 25 17:30:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:43:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:43:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:43:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
$ nc -t 192.168.1.X 23
anyka login: root
Password: j1/_7sxw
welcome to file system
[root@anyka ~]$ ls
bin dev etc init lib mnt proc sbin sys tmp usr var
[root@anyka ~]$ uname -ar
Linux anyka 3.4.35 #191 Wed Dec 13 14:56:53 CST 2017 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
[root@anyka ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor : ARM926EJ-S rev 5 (v5l)
BogoMIPS : 199.06
Features : swp half fastmult edsp java
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 5TEJ
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0x926
CPU revision : 5
Hardware : Cloud39E_AK3918E+H42_V1.0.2
Revision : 0000
Serial : 0000000000000000
[root@anyka ~]$ free -m
free -m
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 35 34 1 0 4
-/+ buffers: 30 5
Swap: 0 0 0
[root@anyka ~]$ mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type squashfs (ro,relatime)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
tmpfs on /mnt type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/loop0 on /usr type squashfs (ro,relatime)
/dev/mtdblock3 on /etc/jffs2 type jffs2 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /mnt/tf type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
[root@anyka ~]$ busybox
BusyBox v1.20.2 (2016-07-26 13:20:19 CST) multi-call binary.
Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, Denys Vlasenko
and others. Licensed under GPLv2.
See source distribution for full notice.
Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
or: busybox --list[-full]
or: busybox --install [-s] [DIR]
or: function [arguments]...
BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as.
Currently defined functions:
[, [[, acpid, adjtimex, arp, arping, ash, awk, base64, basename, beep,
blockdev, bootchartd, brctl, cal, cat, catv, chat, chmod, chown,
chroot, chrt, chvt, cksum, clear, cmp, cp, crontab, cttyhack, cut,
date, dc, dd, depmod, devmem, df, dhcprelay, diff, dirname, dmesg,
dnsdomainname, dos2unix, du, dumpkmap, dumpleases, echo, egrep, eject,
env, expand, expr, fakeidentd, false, fbset, fbsplash, fdisk,
fgconsole, fgrep, find, fold, free, fsync, ftpd, ftpget, ftpput, fuser,
getopt, getty, grep, groups, halt, hd, head, hexdump, hostid, hostname,
hwclock, id, ifconfig, ifdown, ifenslave, ifplugd, ifup, inetd, init,
inotifyd, insmod, install, ionice, iostat, ip, ipaddr, ipcalc, ipcrm,
ipcs, iplink, iproute, iprule, iptunnel, kbd_mode, kill, killall,
killall5, klogd, less, linux32, linux64, linuxrc, ln, loadfont,
loadkmap, logger, login, logname, logread, losetup, ls, lsmod, lsof,
lspci, lsusb, makedevs, md5sum, mdev, mesg, mkdir, mkdosfs, mkfifo,
mkfs.vfat, mknod, modinfo, modprobe, more, mount, mountpoint, mv,
nameif, nanddump, nandwrite, nbd-client, nc, netstat, nice, nslookup,
ntpd, od, passwd, pgrep, pidof, ping, pivot_root, pkill, pmap,
poweroff, powertop, printenv, printf, ps, pscan, pstree, pwd, pwdx,
rdate, rdev, readahead, readlink, readprofile, realpath, reboot,
renice, reset, resize, rm, rmdir, rmmod, route, rtcwake, rx, script,
scriptreplay, sed, setarch, setconsole, setfont, setkeycodes,
setlogcons, setserial, setsid, sh, sha1sum, sha256sum, sha512sum,
showkey, slattach, sleep, smemcap, sort, split, stat, strings, stty,
sum, switch_root, sync, sysctl, syslogd, tail, tar, tcpsvd, tee,
telnet, telnetd, test, tftp, tftpd, time, timeout, top, touch,
traceroute, true, tty, tunctl, ubiattach, ubidetach, ubimkvol,
ubirmvol, ubirsvol, ubiupdatevol, udhcpc, udhcpd, udpsvd, umount,
uname, uncompress, unix2dos, uptime, usleep, uudecode, uuencode,
vconfig, vi, volname, watch, watchdog, wc, which, whoami, whois, xargs,
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