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Last active April 11, 2024 18:59
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VSCode setup
// This configuration file allows you to pass permanent command line arguments to VS Code.
// Only a subset of arguments is currently supported to reduce the likelyhood of breaking
// the installation.
// NOTE: Changing this file requires a restart of VS Code.
// Use software rendering instead of hardware accelerated rendering.
// This can help in cases where you see rendering issues in VS Code.
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// Enabled by default by VS Code to resolve color issues in the renderer
// See for details
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code --install-extension adpyke.codesnap &&
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code --install-extension ritwickdey.LiveServer &&
code --install-extension rocketseat.rocketseatreactjs &&
code --install-extension rocketseat.rocketseatreactnative &&
code --install-extension rocketseat.theme-omni
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ghost commented Oct 29, 2020

Boa configuração, obrigado cara! Um abraço de Angolaaa

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Nice, deixei meu vs bem parecido. Valeu pelas dicas

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robsonrdsaraiva commented Jan 16, 2021

Configuração muito legal, parabéns e obrigado! Sem dúvida essa fonte é muito perfeita.

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