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Print a one line ASCII console animation in Python
# Example output:
# .-'¯ _,.-'¯ _,.-'¯ _,.-'¯ _,.-'¯ | your message here |.,_ ¯'-.,_ ¯'-.,_ ¯'-.,_ ¯'-.,_ ¯
# The things next to the message are animated and moving.
import time
import sys
import os
def wait():
_, cols = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
cols = int(cols)
# You can choose or create a different animation pattern:
# chars = "_.~\"|"
# chars = "\"`-._,-'"
# chars = """|/-.-\\|/-'-\\"""
# chars = """|/-\\|/-\\"""
chars = "_,.-'¯ "
message = "| your message here |"
cols -= len(message)
half_cols = int(cols/2)
for i in range(100000):
sys.stdout.write("\r" +
"".join([chars[(i + j) % len(chars)] for j in range(half_cols)]) +
message +
"".join([chars[(i - j) % len(chars)] for j in range(half_cols)])
# print("") # uncomment this line to print many lines, filling up the whole screen.
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