<div class="title">Hello</div>
- No commits/pushes to master 🚫
- Every feature (or every fix, anything new from master) is a new branch
- Never re-use branches
- Commit often (every time you’re happy/your code working). Remember, commits are “saves” or “snapshots” of your local code, something for you to rollback to if something breaks and also to track your own progress!
- Don’t understimate the power of PR interface on Github. Describe your changes, read code, ask questions, ask for corrections before you merge!
Let's put an end to datepicker suffering! Follow this steps to have your shiny new datepicker working in no time! (and remind yourselves of JS plugins in Rails)
Note: We recommend using Bootstrap Datepicker (try your own luck with anything different and remember, jQuery-UI's datepicker sucks, don't use it). These are the only three links you need: