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Created November 7, 2018 05:39
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whack square wave midi player
import mido
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import simpleaudio as sa
import sys
import io
A = 440 # hertz
wave_function = [np.sin, scipy.signal.square, scipy.signal.sawtooth][1]
round = int
is_stdin = False
def times_sr(n):
return round(n * SAMPLE_RATE)
def parse_midi(fname):
"""converts the midi to a set of tuples representing notes"""
if not is_stdin:
midi = mido.MidiFile(fname)
midi = mido.MidiFile(file=io.BytesIO(
assert midi.type != 0, "oh god why not type 1 midis i quit"
m = list(midi)
total_num_notes = len([msg for msg in m if not msg.is_meta])
elapsed = 0
keyboard = [None] * 128
out = []
for idx, msg in enumerate(m):
elapsed += msg.time
if msg.is_meta:
elif msg.type == "note_on":
if keyboard[msg.note] is None:
keyboard[msg.note] = (msg.velocity, elapsed)
print("warning: two note_on events! ignoring")
elif msg.type == "note_off":
if keyboard[msg.note] is None:
print("warning: note_off on an off note! ignoring")
out.append((msg.note, keyboard[msg.note][0], keyboard[msg.note][1], elapsed - keyboard[msg.note][1]))
note = out[-1]
#print(note[0], note[1], note[2] * 48000, note[3] * 48000)
keyboard[msg.note] = None
print("Parsed", idx, "/", total_num_notes, "MIDI messages.", end="\r")
return (out, midi)
def note_freq(note):
# note[0] is the key/pitch. since a4 is mapped to key 69, we use that in our conversion.
return A * 2 ** ((note[0] - 69) / 12)
def note_to_waveform(note):
# note[3] is the note duration, note[1] is note velocity/amplitude
t = np.linspace(0, note[3], round(note[3] * SAMPLE_RATE), False)
return note[1] * wave_function(note_freq(note) * t * 2 * np.pi)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if sys.argv[1] == "-":
sys.argv[1] = "[stdin]"
is_stdin = True
print("Parsing MIDI", sys.argv[1])
notes, midi = parse_midi(sys.argv[1])
midi_length = midi.length
#print("Parsed", len(notes), "notes.")
total_num_notes = len(notes)
notes.sort(key=lambda n: n[0], reverse=True)
pitch = -1
ts = 0
audio = np.zeros(times_sr(midi_length))
line = np.zeros(times_sr(midi_length))
# iterate note by note, merging the sound line with the output audio as we go
for idx, note in enumerate(notes, start=1):
if note[0] != pitch:
# add the note line to the audio
audio += line
pitch = note[0]
ts = 0
line = np.zeros(times_sr(midi_length))
#print(f"\n{pitch:>3}: ", end="")
_, vel, note_ts, note_duration = note
# insert the note waveform into the current line
line[times_sr(note_ts):times_sr(note_ts) + times_sr(note_duration)] = note_to_waveform(note)
#print(" " * (note_ts - ts) + "+" * note_duration, end="")
ts = note_ts + note_duration
print("Generated", idx, "/", total_num_notes, "notes.", end="\r")
# normalize to 16 bit range
audio *= 32767 / np.max(np.abs(audio))
# convert to 16 bit data
audio = audio.astype(np.int16)
#print("Generated", len(notes), "waveforms")
print("Writing audio to ", (sys.argv[1] if not is_stdin else "output") + ".wav")[1] + ".wav", SAMPLE_RATE, audio)
print("Playing audio...")
player = sa.play_buffer(audio, 1, 2, SAMPLE_RATE)
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