- Create Amazon Aurora DSQL Cluster on Virgnia with Ohio (Linked region) and Oregon (Witness region).
- Replace required section of C# program to yours, and run C# Program where ever you like, LINQPAD, Console App and etc...
- Launch Cloud Shell on virginia https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudshell/home?region=us-east-1#
$ psql --host=DSQL_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_VIRGINIA --port=5432 --dbname=postgres --username=admin
Password for user admin: COPY FROM Connect > Authentication token > Copy
postgres=> select count(*) from owner;
(1 row)
postgres=> select * from owner limit 20;
id | name | city | telephone
01939031-16d7-7008-8764-fafb1d7fba44 | John Doe 298250 | 61253 | a27248af-e4c8-4242-9
01939031-16d7-704c-b4b6-02d13a49ca58 | John Doe 221756 | 53198 | d930062a-9208-4f73-b
01939031-16d7-70c0-9883-ca6215bc9f6f | John Doe 409502 | 38924 | a14f5003-b529-4b5c-9
01939031-16d7-70e3-a672-5cfcdcd14101 | John Doe 223371 | 1503 | 59dac43e-8656-42b3-b
01939031-16d7-7145-ba97-466f821bb673 | John Doe 677661 | 84179 | f6eeefed-b171-4b91-9
01939031-16d7-716b-86ba-ed4abadfead5 | John Doe 356230 | 21694 | 433859fa-fe26-40c0-8
01939031-16d7-71b1-b49a-afcfd25e39cc | John Doe 383846 | 98768 | 0c430216-e576-4131-9
01939031-16d7-71e8-8a7e-091dfc5aff2f | John Doe 737747 | 51639 | 1fdf086c-0284-463a-a
01939031-16d7-722a-b7f1-55e1d74ee645 | John Doe 513463 | 98008 | ede4d901-0e04-4427-b
01939031-16d7-727c-b2a9-c389cf10da68 | John Doe 851841 | 25854 | 3db86316-4fa3-404a-a
01939031-16d7-72d6-aae8-130f294963c2 | John Doe 781576 | 5740 | 0131772f-97b0-4d79-b
01939031-16d7-7327-b606-d4126b233223 | John Doe 407915 | 52801 | 78220314-c920-4ddc-9
01939031-16d7-7358-bdb8-0b43abd96d14 | John Doe 274231 | 67683 | 2c435b25-fa1a-4e86-b
01939031-16d7-7370-9e3e-36c3c6ad5af5 | John Doe 439645 | 54563 | 165e26b1-4d6e-499c-a
01939031-16d7-73b6-a177-84567ecd1035 | John Doe 151434 | 79293 | cf35f5e3-3883-4e5a-8
01939031-16d7-740c-8025-87b8c81fdd41 | John Doe 283634 | 17129 | 22bc4d34-6b65-4f20-9
01939031-16d7-743d-a63d-5ff19be9c053 | John Doe 766444 | 66751 | 84465da2-f92a-47d1-b
01939031-16d7-7480-a512-e98224f4369a | John Doe 503196 | 28088 | f6c2e9b3-98f4-4012-a
01939031-16d7-7488-a273-5c307f3d565f | John Doe 339391 | 64527 | 2f1701d6-e543-412b-b
01939031-16d7-74b0-8e91-f5456622bebd | John Doe 575847 | 24751 | a5e9abc8-5e85-49c0-a
(20 rows)
- Launch Cloud Shell on Ohio https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudshell/home?region=us-east-2# and confirm data exists as same as virginia.
$ psql --host=DSQL_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_OHIO --port=5432 --dbname=postgres --username=admin
Password for user admin: COPY FROM Connect > Authentication token > Copy
postgres=> select count(*) from owner;
postgres=> select count(*) from owner;
(1 row)
postgres=> select * from owner limit 20;
id | name | city | telephone
01939031-16d7-7008-8764-fafb1d7fba44 | John Doe 298250 | 61253 | a27248af-e4c8-4242-9
01939031-16d7-704c-b4b6-02d13a49ca58 | John Doe 221756 | 53198 | d930062a-9208-4f73-b
01939031-16d7-70c0-9883-ca6215bc9f6f | John Doe 409502 | 38924 | a14f5003-b529-4b5c-9
01939031-16d7-70e3-a672-5cfcdcd14101 | John Doe 223371 | 1503 | 59dac43e-8656-42b3-b
01939031-16d7-7145-ba97-466f821bb673 | John Doe 677661 | 84179 | f6eeefed-b171-4b91-9
01939031-16d7-716b-86ba-ed4abadfead5 | John Doe 356230 | 21694 | 433859fa-fe26-40c0-8
01939031-16d7-71b1-b49a-afcfd25e39cc | John Doe 383846 | 98768 | 0c430216-e576-4131-9
01939031-16d7-71e8-8a7e-091dfc5aff2f | John Doe 737747 | 51639 | 1fdf086c-0284-463a-a
01939031-16d7-722a-b7f1-55e1d74ee645 | John Doe 513463 | 98008 | ede4d901-0e04-4427-b
01939031-16d7-727c-b2a9-c389cf10da68 | John Doe 851841 | 25854 | 3db86316-4fa3-404a-a
01939031-16d7-72d6-aae8-130f294963c2 | John Doe 781576 | 5740 | 0131772f-97b0-4d79-b
01939031-16d7-7327-b606-d4126b233223 | John Doe 407915 | 52801 | 78220314-c920-4ddc-9
01939031-16d7-7358-bdb8-0b43abd96d14 | John Doe 274231 | 67683 | 2c435b25-fa1a-4e86-b
01939031-16d7-7370-9e3e-36c3c6ad5af5 | John Doe 439645 | 54563 | 165e26b1-4d6e-499c-a
01939031-16d7-73b6-a177-84567ecd1035 | John Doe 151434 | 79293 | cf35f5e3-3883-4e5a-8
01939031-16d7-740c-8025-87b8c81fdd41 | John Doe 283634 | 17129 | 22bc4d34-6b65-4f20-9
01939031-16d7-743d-a63d-5ff19be9c053 | John Doe 766444 | 66751 | 84465da2-f92a-47d1-b
01939031-16d7-7480-a512-e98224f4369a | John Doe 503196 | 28088 | f6c2e9b3-98f4-4012-a
01939031-16d7-7488-a273-5c307f3d565f | John Doe 339391 | 64527 | 2f1701d6-e543-412b-b
01939031-16d7-74b0-8e91-f5456622bebd | John Doe 575847 | 24751 | a5e9abc8-5e85-49c0-a
(20 rows)
Based on AWS Amazon Aurora DDSQL Doc.
- Use the .NET to generate a token in Aurora DSQL
- Using .NET to interact with Amazon Aurora DSQL
- Enum SslMode - Nphsql
Because SslMode.VerifyFull
shows following error related to some TLS issue.
Exception while performing SSL handshake
The remote certificate was rejected by the provided RemoteCertificateValidationCallback.
at Npgsql.Internal.NpgsqlConnector.NegotiateEncryption(SslMode sslMode, NpgsqlTimeout timeout, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Npgsql.Internal.NpgsqlConnector.RawOpen(SslMode sslMode, NpgsqlTimeout timeout, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Npgsql.Internal.NpgsqlConnector.<Open>g__OpenCore|214_1(NpgsqlConnector conn, SslMode sslMode, NpgsqlTimeout timeout, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Npgsql.Internal.NpgsqlConnector.Open(NpgsqlTimeout timeout, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Npgsql.PoolingDataSource.OpenNewConnector(NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTimeout timeout, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Npgsql.PoolingDataSource.<Get>g__RentAsync|33_0(NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTimeout timeout, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection.<Open>g__OpenAsync|42_0(Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Q. What is current limitation of Amazon Aurora DSQL
see Amazon Docs Known issues in Amazon Aurora DSQL