Save gullyn/95b2ab9e465317f1d4e4607cf6e94205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<body onload=z=c.getContext`2d`,setInterval(`c.width=W=150,Y<W&&P<Y&Y<P+E|9<p?z.fillText(S++${Y=`,9,9|z.fillRect(p`}*0,Y-=--M${Y+Y},P+E,9,W),P))):p=M=Y=S=6,p=p-6||(P=S%E,W)`,E=49) onclick=M=9><canvas id=c> |
@jmromrell Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation. It is very interesting.
A small riff on @jmromrell's excellent version allows this to scale better for 'full-screen' play but takes us back closer to 240 bytes.
<svg height="100%" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 290 190" id=c onload="Y=G=T=0;setInterval('T%99?0:Y>G&Y<G+75?G=T%75:V=Y=T=0;Y-=V-=.04;c.innerHTML=`<path d=\'M${99-T%99} ${G}h9V0h-9Zv75h9V150h-9ZM0 ${Y}v9h9v-9H0\'/><text y=11>${T++}`',9)"onclick=V=2>
It may be possible to address viewport scaling in fewer bytes with transform: scale(X)
(e.g #c { transform: scale(2);}
if we could avoid needing to set height/width/viewBox.
@kres0345 Mobile browsers do support Data URIs as shown on this Can I Use page.
Although another two bytes would be nice, I don't think that is enough of a reward for mobile compatibility.
You can actually just remove the "Z" and the "H0" from the path:
<svg id=c onload="Y=G=T=0;setInterval('T%99?0:Y>G&Y<G+75?G=T%75:V=Y=T=0;Y-=V-=.04;c.innerHTML=`<path d=\'M${99-T%99} ${G}h9V0h-9Zv75h9V150h-9M0 ${Y}v9h9v-9\'/><text y=11>`+T++',9)"onclick=V=2>
which is 192 bytes. This means the path is no longer closed, but it displays the same way because it is closed implicitly when it gets filled. The downside is that this is not very well defined behavior - I think - so some browsers could display it differently.
<svg id=c onload="Y=G=T=0;setInterval('T%99?Y-=V-=.1:Y>G&Y<G+60?G=T%75:V=Y=T=0;c.innerHTML=`<path d=\'M${99-T%99} ${G}h9V0h-9Zv60h9V150h-9M0 ${Y}v9h9v-9\'/><text y=11>`+T++',9)"onclick=V=3>
189 bytes. But a bit more difficult (like the real flappy bird)
it's been so long that I forgot how to run this...
You can try this URL:
data:text/html,%3Csvg id%3Dc onload%3D"Y%3DG%3DT%3D0%3BsetInterval('T%2599%3FY-%3DV-%3D.1%3AY%3EG%26Y%3CG%2B60%3FG%3DT%2575%3AV%3DY%3DT%3D0%3Bc.innerHTML%3D`%3Cpath d%3D%5C'M%24%7B99-T%2599%7D %24%7BG%7Dh9V0h-9Zv60h9V150h-9M0 %24%7BY%7Dv9h9v-9%5C'%2F%3E%3Ctext y%3D11%3E`%2BT%2B%2B'%2C9)"onclick%3DV%3D3%3E
Easier to read if you only replace % with %25 in the address bar:
data:text/html,<svg id=c onload="Y=G=T=0;setInterval('T%2599?Y-=V-=.1:Y>G&Y<G+60?G=T%2575:V=Y=T=0;c.innerHTML=`<path d=\'M${99-T%2599} ${G}h9V0h-9Zv60h9V150h-9M0 ${Y}v9h9v-9\'/><text y=11>`+T++',9)"onclick=V=3>
@pratyushmittal Happy to explain!
The SVG solution actually fails to run if you put line breaks in it since most of it is a string, but I'll add them anyways for explanation purposes:
Maybe this explanation might help you find more improvements. 😉