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Created July 6, 2015 00:01
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Solver for the "Find odd-ball from a group of balls using a balance" problem
_ = require("underscore")
# State represents aggregate information we've learned about the set of balls.
# in the beginning, all of them are unknown. if they are on the heavier side of
# the balance, they become heavier or lighter if they're on the lighter side.
# if we've ruled them out as not the odd-ball, they become regular.
class State
constructor: (@unknown = 0, @heavier = 0, @lighter = 0, @regular = 0) ->
toString: -> [@unknown, @heavier, @lighter, @regular].toString()
size: -> @unknown + @heavier + @lighter + @regular
dup: -> new State(@unknown, @heavier, @lighter, @regular)
# eachGroup generates every possible two group combination where the groups are
# of equal size. these are the groups we put on the balance to see if we learn
# something.
# it's a simple twist on the basic combination generating recursive funtion.
# callback is called with the resulting groups on every other pick so that the
# groups are always the same size.
eachGroup = (initial, callback) ->
fn = (left, right, rest, picked = 0) ->
if picked % 2 == 0
# if the callback returns true, we return early to skip further checks
if callback(left, right, rest)
return true
for key, count of rest
if count > 0
left[key] += 1
rest[key] -= 1
# recurse and switch out the sides so that the other one gets a ball added next
if fn(right, left, rest, picked + 1)
return true
left[key] -= 1
rest[key] += 1
return false
fn(new State(), new State(), _.clone(initial))
# test the selections of balls by returning three new possible states
balance = (left, right, rest) ->
states = []
if left.size() != right.size() or left.size() == 0
return states
left_heavier_than_right = (left, right, rest) ->
state = new State()
state.regular += rest.size() # all rest balls become regular
state.regular += left.regular + right.regular # regulars don't change
state.regular += right.heavier # heavier on the right side become regular
state.heavier += left.heavier # heavier on the left just stay as heavier
state.regular += left.lighter # lighter on the left become regular
state.lighter += right.lighter # lighter on the right stay lighter
state.heavier += left.unknown # unknowns on the left become heavier
state.lighter += right.unknown # unknowns on the right become lighter
return state
both_sides_balanced = (left, right, rest) ->
state = rest.dup()
state.regular += left.size() # both sides on the scale are regular balls
state.regular += right.size()
return state
# 1. left is heavier than right
states.push(left_heavier_than_right(left, right, rest))
# 2. right is heavier than left
states.push(left_heavier_than_right(right, left, rest))
# 3. both sides are balanced - only possible if there are unknowns in the rest
if rest.unknown > 0 or rest.heavier > 0 or rest.lighter > 0
states.push(both_sides_balanced(left, right, rest))
return states
# check if we can tell which one is the odd ball. we're basically done when all
# but one are known to be regular.
checkFinal = (state) ->
state.regular == state.size() - 1 or state.regular == state.size()
checks = 0
# the main recursive function that starts out with a state and puts every possible
# group combination on the balance to see if it solves the puzzle.
solve = (state = new State(10), tries_remaining = 3) ->
if tries_remaining > 0
tries_remaining -= 1
return false
eachGroup state, (left, right, rest) ->
checks += 1
states = balance(left, right, rest)
if states.length > 0
# return true if all of the states we got from the balance function above are
# known to be final.
if _.every states, checkFinal
return true
# othersise, return true if all of the states themselves can be solved using
# this same function. this is where we recurse however many times necessary.
else if _.every(states, (state) -> solve(state, tries_remaining))
# this can sometimes prematurely print that it was solved if the program gets
# lucky with one of the child states when the others would fail. ultimately,
# we can learn the first correct move by looking at this output where
# tries_remaining is the largest value.
console.log "solved in child state (#{tries_remaining})", left.toString(), right.toString(), "rest", rest.toString(), "state", state.toString()
return true
# run the solve function and print the total number of groups tested. a lot of them
# will actually be similar, so this can be sped up using some sort of caching mechanism.
console.log "final", solve(), "tried", checks
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