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Last active May 22, 2020 21:07
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Lulzbot Mini Aerostruder S3D
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<profile name="Lulzbot Mini Aerostruder" version="2018-02-19 13:02:51" app="S3D-Software 4.0.0">
<baseProfile>LulzBot Mini</baseProfile>
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<temperatureController name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" temperature="245"/>
<temperatureController name="Heated Bed">
<setpoint layer="1" temperature="105"/>
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<firmwareTypeOverride>RepRap (Marlin/Repetier/Sprinter)</firmwareTypeOverride>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S155 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (ABS=155),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (ABS=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F900 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<celebrationSong>Random Song</celebrationSong>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="ABS">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S155 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (ABS=155),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (ABS=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F900 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="HIPS">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="2" speed="40"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S155 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (HIPS=155),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (HIPS=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="eSun PETG">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<temperatureController name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" temperature="255"/>
<setpoint layer="2" temperature="245"/>
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="3" speed="20"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S160 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (PETG=160),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (PETG=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0,</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F900 ; fast retract 5mm,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime 4 of 5mm retracted,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="PETG">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<temperatureController name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" temperature="240"/>
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="3" speed="20"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S160 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (PETG=160),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (PETG=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0,</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F900 ; fast retract 5mm,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime 4 of 5mm retracted,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="NGen">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<temperatureController name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" temperature="230"/>
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="3" speed="40"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S160 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (NGEN=160),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (NGEN=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="Alloy 910">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S185 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (A910=185),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R185 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (A910=185),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0,</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="PCTPE">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S170 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (PCTPE=170),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R185 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (PCTPE=185),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="TGlase (Clarity)">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="2" speed="40"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S155 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (TGLASE=155),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (TGLASE=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="TGlase (Strength)">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="2" speed="30"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S155 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (TGLASE=155),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R170 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (TGLASE=170),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0,</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="Cheetah">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="3" speed="35"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S160 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (CHEETAH=160),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R180 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (CHEETAH=180),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0,</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="PC-Max">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S165 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (PCMax=165),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R180 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (PCMax=180),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureMaterial name="PLA">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="2" speed="75"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S140 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (PLA=140),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R140 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (PLA=140),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
<autoConfigureQuality name="High Detail">
<autoConfigureQuality name="Medium">
<autoConfigureQuality name="Fast">
<autoConfigureQuality name="T-Glase Only - Clarity">
<autoConfigureQuality name="T-Glase Only (Strength)">
<autoConfigureMaterial name="NinjaFlex">
<extruder name="Primary Extruder">
<setpoint layer="1" speed="0"/>
<setpoint layer="3" speed="30"/>
<startingGcode>;FOR LULZBOT MINI AEROSTRUDER,G26 ; clear potential probe-fail condition,G21 ; metric values,G90 ; absolute positioning,M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ; start with the fan off,G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0,M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; begin bed heating,G28 ; home all axes,G0 X-2 Y189 Z158 F200 ; move away from endstops,M109 S160 ; set and wait for RETRACT TEMP (NINJAFLEX=160),G1 E-15 F150 ; suck up 15mm of filament,M109 R180 ; set and wait for WIPE+PROBE TEMP (NINJAFLEX=180),G1 X42 Y173 F11520 ; move nozzle over wiper pad,G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; push nozzle into wiper,G1 X42 Y173 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 Z0.5 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 Z1 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X42 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X52 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X57 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X87 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X77 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X97 Y171 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X107 Y173 F4000 ; wiping,G1 X112 Y171 Z0.5 F1000 ; wiping,G1 Z5 ; -- raise z prepare for move to secondary wiper,G1 X105 Y181 ; -- right end of secondary wiper,G1 Z1 ; -- Move down to pad,G1 X49 Y181.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint,G1 X105 Y181 Z0.5 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint and go deeper,G1 X49 Y181.5 Z2 F4000 ; -- wipe off lint while moving up and away,G1 Z10 ; raise extruder ,G28 X Y ; home X and Y,G0 X-2 Y189 F200 ; move away from endstops,M204 S300 ; set probing acceleration,M400 ; wait for clear buffer,G29 ; start auto-leveling sequence,M204 S2000 ; restore standard acceleration,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; begin heating extruder to print temp,G28 X ; home X to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 X-2 ; - untrigger,G28 Y ; home Y to fix any coordinate shift during G29,G0 Y189 ; - untrigger,G1 X-2 Y6 Z8 F3500 ; move to warmup position,M400 ; wait for moves to finish,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp,M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp if needed,G1 Z0.6 E0 F125 ; - extrude filament back into nozzle and move close to bed,G1 Z1.8 E6 F125 ; - extrude a blob to prime nozzle,G1 E5.5 F250 ; - small retract,G1 X12 Y12 Z5 F5000 ; - move up and away from blob,G92 E0 ; - reset current extruder position to 0</startingGcode>
<endingGcode>G91 ; relative,G0 E-5 F800 ; retract,G0 Z3 F480 ; move away from part,G90 ; absolute,G92 E0 ; set extruder 0,M104 S0 ; hotend off,M140 S0 ; bed heater off ,M107 ; fans off,G1 X90 Y5 Z158 F10000 ; move to cooling position ,G0 E4 F200 ; re-prime most of retraction,M190 R50 ; Set and wait for PEI BED REMOVAL TEMP (ABS=50),G1 Y80 F1000 ; move to middle for end-of-print photo,M84</endingGcode>
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gunlock commented May 22, 2020

ScottW credited with initial version. See here.

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