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Last active February 16, 2021 01:08
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declare var Package: any
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker';
import { useReducer, useState, useEffect, useRef, useMemo, DependencyList } from 'react';
// Warns if data is a Mongo.Cursor or a POJO containing a Mongo.Cursor.
function checkCursor (data: any): void {
let shouldWarn = false;
if (Package.mongo && Package.mongo.Mongo && data && typeof data === 'object') {
if (data instanceof Package.mongo.Mongo.Cursor) {
shouldWarn = true;
} else if (Object.getPrototypeOf(data) === Object.prototype) {
Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => {
if (data[key] instanceof Package.mongo.Mongo.Cursor) {
shouldWarn = true;
if (shouldWarn) {
'Warning: your reactive function is returning a Mongo cursor. '
+ 'This value will not be reactive. You probably want to call '
+ '`.fetch()` on the cursor before returning it.'
// Used to create a forceUpdate from useReducer. Forces update by
// incrementing a number whenever the dispatch method is invoked.
const fur = (x: number): number => x + 1;
const useForceUpdate = () => useReducer(fur, 0)[1];
interface IReactiveFn<T> {
<T>(c?: Tracker.Computation): T
type TrackerRefs = {
computation?: Tracker.Computation;
isMounted: boolean;
trackerData: any;
const useTrackerNoDeps = <T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>) => {
const { current: refs } = useRef<TrackerRefs>({
isMounted: false,
trackerData: null
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
// Without deps, always dispose and recreate the computation with every render.
if (refs.computation) {
// @ts-ignore This makes TS think ref.computation is "never" set
delete refs.computation;
// Use Tracker.nonreactive in case we are inside a Tracker Computation.
// This can happen if someone calls `ReactDOM.render` inside a Computation.
// In that case, we want to opt out of the normal behavior of nested
// Computations, where if the outer one is invalidated or stopped,
// it stops the inner one.
Tracker.nonreactive(() => Tracker.autorun((c: Tracker.Computation) => {
refs.computation = c;
if (c.firstRun) {
// Always run the reactiveFn on firstRun
const data = reactiveFn(c);
if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
refs.trackerData = data;
} else {
// For any reactive change, forceUpdate and let the next render rebuild the computation.
// To avoid creating side effects in render with Tracker when not using deps
// create the computation, run the user's reactive function in a computation synchronously,
// then immediately dispose of it. It'll be recreated again after the render is committed.
if (!refs.isMounted) {
// We want to forceUpdate in useEffect to support StrictMode.
// See:
if (refs.computation) {
(refs.computation as Tracker.Computation).stop();
delete refs.computation;
useEffect(() => {
// Let subsequent renders know we are mounted (render is comitted).
refs.isMounted = true;
// Render is committed. Since useTracker without deps always runs synchronously,
// forceUpdate and let the next render recreate the computation.
// stop the computation on unmount
return () =>{
}, []);
return refs.trackerData;
const useTrackerWithDeps = <T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>, deps: DependencyList, shouldNotUpdate?: CompareFn<T|undefined>): T => {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate()
const data = useRef<T>()
const setData = (newData: T)=> {
data.current = newData
useMemo(() => {
// To jive with the lifecycle interplay between Tracker/Subscribe, run the
// reactive function in a computation, then stop it, to force flush cycle.
const comp = Tracker.nonreactive(
() => Tracker.autorun((c: Tracker.Computation) => {
if (c.firstRun) data.current = reactiveFn();
// To avoid creating side effects in render, stop the computation immediately
Meteor.defer(() => { comp.stop() });
if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
}, deps);
useEffect(() => {
const computation = Tracker.autorun((c) => {
const newData = reactiveFn(c) as T;
const shouldUpdate = !shouldNotUpdate?.(newData, data.current);
if (shouldUpdate) {
return () => {
}, deps);
return data.current as T;
type CompareFn<X> = (newData: X, oldData: X)=> boolean
const useTrackerClient = <T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>, deps: DependencyList|null = null, shouldNotUpdate?: CompareFn<T>): T =>
(deps === null || deps === undefined || !Array.isArray(deps))
? useTrackerNoDeps(reactiveFn)
: useTrackerWithDeps(reactiveFn, deps, shouldNotUpdate);
const useTrackerServer = <T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>, deps: DependencyList, shouldNotUpdate?: CompareFn<T>): T =>
Tracker.nonreactive(reactiveFn) as T;
// When rendering on the server, we don't want to use the Tracker.
// We only do the first rendering on the server so we can get the data right away
const useTracker = Meteor.isServer
? useTrackerServer
: useTrackerClient;
const useTrackerDev = <T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>, deps: DependencyList, shouldNotUpdate?: CompareFn<T>): T => {
if (typeof reactiveFn !== 'function') {
'Warning: useTracker expected a function in it\'s first argument '
+ `(reactiveFn), but got type of ${typeof reactiveFn}.`
if (!Array.isArray(deps)) {
'Warning: useTracker expected an array in it\'s second argument '
+ `(dependency), but got type of ${typeof deps}.`
return useTracker(reactiveFn, deps, shouldNotUpdate);
export default Meteor.isDevelopment
? useTrackerDev
: useTracker;
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