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Last active March 9, 2020 14:13
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AngularJs Authorization and permissions on routes and views.
'use strict';
// Declare app level module which depends on views, and components
var app = angular.module('eopd', [
'$locationProvider', '$routeProvider', '$httpProvider', 'ScrollBarsProvider', function ($locationProvider, $routeProvider, $httpProvider, ScrollBarsProvider) {
//Reset headers to avoid OPTIONS request (aka preflight)
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common = {};
$ = {};
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.put = {};
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.patch = {};
// enabled: true,
// requireBase: false,
// rewriteLinks: false
.when('/url1', {
templateUrl: 'templateUrl1',
controller: 'controller1',
requireLogin: true,
permission: ['ROLES_ARRAY']
.when('/url2', {
templateUrl: 'templateUrl2',
controller: 'controller2',
requireLogin: true,
permission: ['ROLES_ARRAY1']
$routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/home' });
ScrollBarsProvider.defaults = {
scrollButtons: {
enable: false // enable scrolling buttons by default
axis: 'y', // enable 2 axis scrollbars by default
scrollInertia: 400,
theme: 'dark',
autoHideScrollbar: false
'$rootScope', '$location', '$route', 'permissions', function ($rootScope, $location, $route, permissions) {
$rootScope.$on('Authorization Required', function () {
// check on routes whether the user has permission to view this url or not . And if not , then redirect to login page.
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, nextRoute, current) {
// check if the nextRoute requires the login or not . If login is required and user is not logged in then it is redirected to login page.
if ((nextRoute && nextRoute.requireLogin) && !$rootScope.isLoggedIn) {
var permission = nextRoute && nextRoute.permission;
if (permission && !permissions.hasPermission(permission)) {
<div class="collapsable-field" has-permission="ROLE_SENIORDOCTOR">
// this div will only be visible if the role is of senior doctor
// use in this format if you want not condition
<div class="collapsable-field" has-permission="!ROLE_SENIORDOCTOR">
// this div will only be visible if the role is not of senior doctor.
'use strict';
.directive('hasPermission', ['permissions', function (permissions) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.ready(function () {
var value = attrs.hasPermission.trim();
var notPermissionFlag = value[0] === '!';
if (notPermissionFlag) {
value = value.slice(1).trim();
function toggleVisibilityBasedOnPermission() {
var hasPermission = permissions.hasPermission([value]);
if (hasPermission && !notPermissionFlag || !hasPermission && notPermissionFlag) {;
else {
element.remove(); // Remove element from DOM
scope.$on('permissionsChanged', toggleVisibilityBasedOnPermission);
'use strict';
.factory('permissions', function ($rootScope) {
var permissionList;
return {
setPermissions: function (permissions) {
permissionList = permissions;
hasPermission: function (permissions) {
var hasPermission = false;
if (!permissionList) {
if (localStorage.roles && typeof(localStorage.roles).toLowerCase() == 'string')
permissionList = [localStorage.roles];
permissionList = localStorage.roles;
if (!permissionList) return false;
angular.forEach(permissions, function (permission, index) {
if (!hasPermission) {
permission = permission.trim();
return angular.forEach(permissionList, function (item) {
if (item) {
hasPermission = hasPermission || item.trim() === permission;
return hasPermission;
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