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Created October 11, 2012 11:29
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A C++ example of Dive Into Python
//Having to include so many different header files to do basic
//things like open a file, use strings, vectors and tuples, etc,
//is still annoying.
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <string>
//To use C++11 lambdas with Boost lambdas we define this.
//Warning! Bugs in Boost < 1.51 and with compilers that are not
//standard compliant. Gcc 4.7+ should work. In Boost 1.52 and
//later we may not need the define at all.
#include <boost/format.hpp> // String formating
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> // Join list of strings
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp> // Iterate over files and directories
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp> // Adaptors!
#include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp> // We just need one algorithm
//Like from ... import * in Python. Beware namespace collisions.
//Don't open namespaces directly in a header file.
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace boost::adaptors;
typedef map<string, string> propMap; // Modelling mp3 metadata String Key/Val
//Extension to FileInfo functor
typedef map<path, function<propMap(string)>> extLookup;
//Size of Mp3 metadata section. Located at the end of the file.
const int kTailSize = 128;
string stripnulls(string s){
using namespace boost::algorithm; // Example of local "using"
erase_all(s, "\0"); //Remove the null bytes
trim(s); //Trim whitespace in both ends of the string
return s;
string ord(string s){
//Chars are signed by default, so we need a cast to treat
//them as unsigned, like the Python code
int i = static_cast<unsigned char>(s[0]);
//Boost format is a type safe version of sprintf, which also
//avoids the problem with preallocating a buffer
return (boost::format("%1%") % i).str();
//In C++11, passing functions around is much easier.
//Everything that behaves like a function from string to string
//can be stored in a function<string(string)>, including objects
//with overloaded call semantics, aka functors.
typedef function<string(string)> StrToStr;
//In the olden days we could not initialize a map inline like this
//Key -> metadata mapping. Unfortunately tuples cannot be
//{}-initialized when nested.
const map<const string, const tuple<int, int, StrToStr>> TagDataMap {
{"title" , make_tuple( 3, 30, stripnulls)},
{"artist" , make_tuple( 33, 30, stripnulls)},
{"album" , make_tuple( 63, 30, stripnulls)},
{"year" , make_tuple( 93, 4, stripnulls)},
{"comment" , make_tuple( 97, 29, stripnulls)},
{"genre" , make_tuple(127, 1, ord)}};
propMap Mp3FileInfo(string p){
propMap ret {{"name", p}};
ifstream f(p, ios::binary);
if( return ret;
string sbuf;
f.seekg(-kTailSize, ios::end);[0], kTailSize);
if(sbuf.substr(0,3) != "TAG") return ret;
int start, length;
StrToStr mapfun;
//for loops over collections are finally convenient to use.
for(auto td : TagDataMap){
//"tie" is tuple deconstruction and assignment, just like in Python
tie (start, length, mapfun) = td.second;
ret[td.first] = mapfun(sbuf.substr(start, length));
return ret;
vector<propMap> listDirectory(string directory, extLookup exts){
directory_iterator startd(directory), endd;
auto files = make_iterator_range(startd, endd);
vector<propMap> retmap;
for(path p : files){
auto x = exts.find(p.extension());
if(x != exts.end()){
I actually think that for loops are too general, and should
be used as seldom as possible. Range algorithms like filter
and transform tell the reader (and compiler) exactly what I
am doing to my data and leaves less room for bugs and misinterpretation.
I know this is heresy to many C++-ers, though.
The following is how the above for loop would look in a functional
list-comprehension style, featuring Boost's range algorithms
and the new C++11 lambda expression.
boost::copy(files | filtered([exts](path p){return exts.count(p.extension());})
| transformed([exts](path p){return exts.find(p.extension())->second(p.string());}),
I decided not to go with this anyway, since in this case the
original for loop is so succinct.
return retmap;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
//A map from file extension to function,
//replacing the brittle Python introspection method
extLookup exts = {{".mp3", Mp3FileInfo}};
//Get a property map for each file in the given directory
for(propMap pm: listDirectory(argv[1], exts)){
//"join" is like join in Python and "pm | transformed" pipes
//the property map through a mapping function that makes
//strings from the properties.
cout << join(pm | transformed([](propMap::value_type pv){
return (boost::format("%1%=%2%") % pv.first % pv.second).str();
}), "\n");
cout << "\n\n";
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