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Last active January 4, 2022 15:20
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Electrum 2.8 password checking with a partial wallet file
#!/usr/bin/env python
from Crypto.Cipher.AES import new as new_aes, MODE_CBC
import zlib, re, hashlib, base64, random
# The decypted and decompressed wallet should start with one of these two:
EXPECTED_BYTES_1 = b'{\n "'
EXPECTED_BYTES_2 = b'{\r\n "'
# After the initial string above, it should continue with:
# one or more printable non-doublequotes, then doubleqoute, colon, space
EXPECTED_RE = re.compile(b'[\x23-\x7E!]+": ')
# Returns True if the key correctly starts decrypting the ciphertext (which may be truncated)
def check_encrypted_zlib(ciphertext, key, iv):
assert ciphertext and len(ciphertext) % 16 == 0
assert len(key) == 16
assert len(iv) == 16
aes = new_aes(key, MODE_CBC, iv)
plaintext = aes.decrypt(ciphertext[:16]) # decrypt the first block
# This is an unnecessary check, but zlib is slow, and this speeds things up; YMMV
if not (plaintext.startswith(b'\x78\x9c') and ord(plaintext[2]) & 0x7 == 0x5):
return False
decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(15) # calls deflateInit2 with windowBits==15, same as Electrum
uncompressed = b'' # the entire uncompressed string so far
pos = found_valid = 0
while pos < len(ciphertext):
uncompressed += decompressor.decompress(plaintext) # calls deflate, raises on error (wrong password)
# Look for the expected initial bytes
if uncompressed.startswith(EXPECTED_BYTES_1):
found_valid = len(EXPECTED_BYTES_1)
elif uncompressed.startswith(EXPECTED_BYTES_2):
found_valid = len(EXPECTED_BYTES_2)
# If found, look for the byte pattern which follows
# the static bytes above to minimize false positives
if found_valid:
plaintext = aes.decrypt(ciphertext[pos+16:]) # decrypt and then
uncompressed += decompressor.decompress(plaintext) # uncompress the rest
return bool(EXPECTED_RE.match(uncompressed[found_valid:]))
except zlib.error as e:
return False # wrong passwords usually end up here
if len(uncompressed) >= EXPECTED_BYTES_LEN:
return False # didn't find the expected initial bytes
# Decrypt the next block
pos += 16
plaintext = aes.decrypt(ciphertext[pos:pos+16])
assert False, 'at least some text decompressed from 512 input bytes'
# Read in up to 512 bytes of ciphertext -- with 3ish bytes of zlib & deflate header and up to
# 289ish bytes of Huffman codes, this should be plenty to find the beginning of the JSON data.
max_data_len = 512
max_data_len += 37 # add the 4-byte magic & 33-byte ephemeral compressed pubkey
max_data_len = (max_data_len + 2) // 3 * 4 # convert to its base64 length (rounding up)
with open(r'btcrecover\test\test-wallets\electrum28-wallet', 'rb') as wallet_file:
base64_data =
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(base64_data)[37:] # remove the 4-byte magic & 33-byte pubkey, then
ciphertext = ciphertext[:len(ciphertext) // 16 * 16] # truncate to a multiple of 16 (AES block len)
# ECC code elided; these are the results w/ password 'btcr-test-password' and the test file
shared_pubkey = b'\x02-mdy<]\xe7\x89-1\xdc\x13)\xb2\xa3\x90!\xf9U\x7f\x18\xb4NC\x03g\xf4; \xf2\x90\x8f'
# Should print True
keys = hashlib.sha512(shared_pubkey).digest()
print check_encrypted_zlib(ciphertext, keys[16:32], keys[:16]) # ciphertext, key, iv
# Should print False
keys = 48 * b'\0'
print check_encrypted_zlib(ciphertext, keys[16:32], keys[:16]) # ciphertext, key, iv
# Not-very-good false positive checking
for i in xrange(1000000):
keys = b''.join(chr(random.randrange(256)) for j in xrange(48))
assert check_encrypted_zlib(ciphertext, keys[16:32], keys[:16]) == False
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