<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> |
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'> |
<fontconfig> |
<match target="font"> |
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</edit> |
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</edit> |
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> |
<const>hintfull</const> |
</edit> |
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba"> |
<const>rgb</const> |
</edit> |
<edit mode="assign" name="autohint"> |
<bool>false</bool> |
</edit> |
<edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter"> |
<const>lcddefault</const> |
</edit> |
<edit mode="assign" name="dpi"> |
<double>102</double> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<dir>~/.local/share/fonts</dir> |
<match target="font"> |
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="font"> |
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle"> |
<const>hintfull</const> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="font"> |
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba"> |
<const>rgb</const> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="font"> |
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="font"> |
<!-- If the requested font is Fira GO --> |
<test compare="eq" name="family"> |
<string>FiraGO</string> |
</test> |
<!-- Replace the entire match list with Fira GO alone --> |
<edit mode="assign_replace" name="family"> |
<string>FiraGO</string> |
</edit> |
<!-- Assign the serif family --> |
<edit mode="append_last" name="family"> |
<string>serif</string> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match> |
<!-- If the requested font is serif --> |
<test qual="any" name="family"> |
<string>serif</string> |
</test> |
<!-- Make Fira GO the first result --> |
<edit mode="prepend_first" name="family"> |
<string>FiraGO</string> |
</edit> |
<!-- Followed by JoyPixels --> |
<edit mode="prepend_first" name="family"> |
<string>JoyPixels</string> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="font"> |
<!-- If the requested font is Fira GO --> |
<test compare="eq" name="family"> |
<string>FiraGO</string> |
</test> |
<!-- Replace the entire match list with Bitstream Vera Sans alone --> |
<edit mode="assign_replace" name="family"> |
<string>FiraGO</string> |
</edit> |
<!-- Assign the sans-serif family --> |
<edit mode="append_last" name="family"> |
<string>sans-serif</string> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="pattern"> |
<!-- If the requested font is sans-serif --> |
<test qual="any" name="family"> |
<string>sans-serif</string> |
</test> |
<!-- Make Fira GO the first result --> |
<edit mode="prepend_first" name="family"> |
<string>FiraGO</string> |
</edit> |
<!-- Followed by JoyPixels --> |
<edit mode="prepend_first" name="family"> |
<string>JoyPixels</string> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="font"> |
<!-- If the requested font is Fura Code Nerd Font --> |
<test compare="eq" name="family"> |
<string>FuraCode Nerd Font</string> |
</test> |
<!-- Replace the entire match list with Bitstream Vera Sans Mono alone --> |
<edit mode="assign_replace" name="family"> |
<string>FuraCode Nerd Font</string> |
</edit> |
<!-- Assign the monospace family last --> |
<edit mode="append_last" name="family"> |
<string>monospace</string> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<match target="pattern"> |
<!-- If the requested font is monospace --> |
<test qual="any" name="family"> |
<string>monospace</string> |
</test> |
<!-- |
Make FuraCode Nerd Font the first result |
Note: If you want a different monospace font, this is where you change it. |
--> |
<edit mode="prepend_first" name="family"> |
<string>FuraCode Nerd Font</string> |
</edit> |
<!-- Followed by JoyPixels --> |
<edit mode="prepend_first" name="family"> |
<string>JoyPixels</string> |
</edit> |
</match> |
<!-- Add emoji generic family --> |
<alias binding="strong"> |
<family>emoji</family> |
<default> |
<family>JoyPixels</family> |
</default> |
</alias> |
<!-- Alias requests for the other emoji fonts --> |
<alias binding="strong"> |
<family>Apple Color Emoji</family> |
<prefer> |
<family>JoyPixels</family> |
</prefer> |
<default> |
<family>sans-serif</family> |
</default> |
</alias> |
<alias binding="strong"> |
<family>Segoe UI Emoji</family> |
<prefer> |
<family>JoyPixels</family> |
</prefer> |
<default> |
<family>sans-serif</family> |
</default> |
</alias> |
<alias binding="strong"> |
<family>Noto Color Emoji</family> |
<prefer> |
<family>JoyPixels</family> |
</prefer> |
<default> |
<family>sans-serif</family> |
</default> |
</alias> |
<dir>~/.fonts</dir> |
</fontconfig> |
This creates weird issues with numbers in pages with Firefox.