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Some approaches to making a state machine in Haskell
module StateMachine where
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
data Init = Init
deriving (Eq, Show)
data A = A Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
data B = B String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data C = C Int String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data GotInt = GotInt Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
data GotString = GotString String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data State = StateInit Init
| StateA A
| StateB B
| StateC C
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Event = EventGotInt GotInt
| EventGotString GotString
deriving (Eq, Show)
Valid transitions:
Init -> GotInt -> A
Init -> GotString -> B
A -> GotString -> C
B -> GotInt -> C
(C has no valid transitions)
-- First approach:
-- Multi-param type class with single method
-- We have one instance for each valid transition, and one instance to dispatch
-- on our sum types State and Event.
-- We have to wire up the "dispatch function" by hand.
-- The type classes ensure we cannot add in a bad transition.
-- We could, however, forget to use a valid transition, in which case it would
-- fall through to the error case.
class NextState currentState event where
next :: event -> currentState -> State
-- Specific instances
instance NextState Init GotInt where
next (GotInt i) Init = StateA (A i)
instance NextState Init GotString where
next (GotString s) Init = StateB (B s)
instance NextState A GotString where
next (GotString s) (A i) = StateC (C i s)
instance NextState B GotInt where
next (GotInt i) (B s) = StateC (C i s)
-- "Dispatch function" that handles our sum types
handleEventMPTC :: Event -> State -> Either String State
handleEventMPTC (EventGotInt e) (StateInit s) = Right $ next e s
handleEventMPTC (EventGotString e) (StateInit s) = Right $ next e s
handleEventMPTC (EventGotString e) (StateA s) = Right $ next e s
handleEventMPTC (EventGotInt e) (StateB s) = Right $ next e s
handleEventMPTC _ _ = Left "Invalid Transition"
foldEventsMPTC :: State -> [Event] -> Either String State
foldEventsMPTC = foldlM (flip handleEventMPTC)
-- Second approach:
-- Multi-param type class with single method and catch-all error instance
-- Same as the above, but add a "catch-all" overlappable instance.
-- If there is no specific implementation for a transition, the compiler will
-- use that instance, which always goes to an error state.
-- In this implementation, we wired up a "dispatch instance" by hand.
-- But we do not have to think about what instances exist or not, we
-- just dispatch every possible combination of types. This means we could
-- probably build this automatically using Generics or TemplateHaskell, which
-- would be great and error-proof.
-- This is great if we're folding a list of Events (since there's no way to know
-- at compile-time what that sum type Event will hold at run time, so we have to
-- deal with the error case.
-- Having an error state is inevitable if we want to do something like folding
-- over a list of Events, because there's no way to know at compile-time what
-- each Event will hold at runtime, since Event is a sum type. So this solution
-- is great if what you want to do is fold over a list of Events that you read
-- from user input or from a database.
-- However, we have lost the validation that prevented us from explicitly
-- calling `next (C 0 "What") (GotString "Who")`, because there's now an instance
-- that implements that. Besides, all our transitions return
-- `Either String State`, so all of them could potentially return an error state.
-- If we're doing something different from "folding over a list of Events that
-- we read from user input or from a database", then having those compile-time
-- checks of correctnes and totality may be useful.
class NextStateWithFallbackInstance currentState event where
nextWFallback :: event -> currentState -> Either String State
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} NextStateWithFallbackInstance s e where
nextWFallback _ _ = Left "Invalid Transition"
instance NextStateWithFallbackInstance Init GotInt where
nextWFallback (GotInt i) Init = Right $ StateA (A i)
instance NextStateWithFallbackInstance Init GotString where
nextWFallback (GotString s) Init = Right $ StateB (B s)
instance NextStateWithFallbackInstance A GotString where
nextWFallback (GotString s) (A i) = Right $ StateC (C i s)
instance NextStateWithFallbackInstance B GotInt where
nextWFallback (GotInt i) (B s) = Right $ StateC (C i s)
instance NextStateWithFallbackInstance State Event where
-- We could also split this dispatch table into several, by adding an instance
-- for each State that would handle the Event sum type.
nextWFallback (EventGotInt e) (StateInit s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotString e) (StateInit s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotInt e) (StateA s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotString e) (StateA s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotInt e) (StateB s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotString e) (StateB s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotInt e) (StateC s) = nextWFallback e s
nextWFallback (EventGotString e) (StateC s) = nextWFallback e s
foldEventsMPTCWFallback :: State -> [Event] -> Either String State
foldEventsMPTCWFallback = foldlM (flip nextWFallback)
-- Third approach:
-- One single-param type class per event
-- We still have to wire up this "dispatch function" by hand
-- The type classes ensure we cannot add in a bad transition.
-- We could, however, forget to use a valid transition, in which case it would
-- fall through to the error case.
-- One advantage here is that we could get rid of the "GotInt" and "GotString"
-- types if we wanted, unpacking their content directly into the Event sum type.
class HandleGotInt currentState where
gotInt :: GotInt -> currentState -> State
class HandleGotString currentState where
gotString :: GotString -> currentState -> State
instance HandleGotInt Init where
gotInt (GotInt i) Init = StateA (A i)
instance HandleGotString Init where
gotString (GotString s) Init = StateB (B s)
instance HandleGotString A where
gotString (GotString s) (A i) = StateC (C i s)
instance HandleGotInt B where
gotInt (GotInt i) (B s) = StateC (C i s)
class HandleEvent currentState where
handleEvent :: Event -> currentState -> Either String State
instance HandleEvent Init where
handleEvent (EventGotInt e) = Right . gotInt e
handleEvent (EventGotString e) = Right . gotString e
instance HandleEvent A where
handleEvent (EventGotString e) s = Right $ gotString e s
handleEvent _ _ = Left "Invalid Transition"
instance HandleEvent B where
handleEvent (EventGotInt e) s = Right $ gotInt e s
handleEvent _ _ = Left "Invalid Transition"
instance HandleEvent C where
handleEvent _ _ = Left "Invalid Transition"
instance HandleEvent State where
handleEvent e (StateInit s) = handleEvent e s
handleEvent e (StateA s) = handleEvent e s
handleEvent e (StateB s) = handleEvent e s
handleEvent e (StateC s) = handleEvent e s
foldEventsOneTypeclassPerEvent :: State -> [Event] -> Either String State
foldEventsOneTypeclassPerEvent = foldlM (flip handleEvent)
-- | Fourth approach:
-- Multi-param type class with a third parameter to point the result state
-- In this case, we get pretty strong guarantees if we know the types of all
-- states and events at compile time (check the examples at the end).
-- Notice that in this approach the "content" of the state cannot be used to
-- choose the final state; the type of the current state and event fully determine
-- the type of the next state. This is expressed by the functional dependency on
-- the Transition class. This functional dependency forbids us to create two
-- instances for the same pair of currentState and event types with different
-- resulting states. On the other hand, it allows the compiler to infer the type
-- of a call to transitionTo.
-- The sum-type instances allow us to go back to the normal approach of folding
-- a list of Events on top of some State.
-- The AsState typeclass isn't really necessary, but it allows the sum-type instances
-- to avoid referring directly to the State constructors, so if we change the result
-- type of some transition, we do not have to change the sum-type instance.
class Transition currentState event nextState | currentState event -> nextState where
transitionTo :: event -> currentState -> nextState
-- Specific instances
instance Transition Init GotInt A where
transitionTo (GotInt i) Init = A i
instance Transition Init GotString B where
transitionTo (GotString s) Init = B s
instance Transition A GotString C where
transitionTo (GotString s) (A i) = C i s
instance Transition B GotInt C where
transitionTo (GotInt i) (B s) = C i s
-- Cool thing we can do at compile time
(~:>) :: Transition state event next => state -> event -> next
state ~:> event = transitionTo event state
infixl 7 ~:>
(>>:=) :: (Monad m, Transition state event next) => m state -> (state -> m event) -> m next
(>>:=) mstate fevent = do
state <- mstate
event <- fevent state
pure (transitionTo event state)
infixl 2 >>:=
(<*:>) :: (Monad m, Transition state event next) => m state -> m event -> m next
(<*:>) mstate mevent = flip transitionTo <$> mstate <*> mevent
infixl 2 <*:>
x :: C
x = Init ~:> GotInt 42 ~:> GotString "The Answer"
y :: IO C
y = pure Init
<*:> GotInt <$> readLn
<*:> GotString <$> getLine
z :: IO C
z = pure Init
<*:> GotInt <$> readLn
>>:= \case (A i) | i == 42 -> pure $ GotString "The Answer"
| otherwise -> GotString <$> getLine
-- Sum-type instances
instance Transition Init Event (Either String State) where
transitionTo (EventGotInt e) s = Right . asState $ transitionTo e s
transitionTo (EventGotString e) s = Right . asState $ transitionTo e s
instance Transition A Event (Either String State) where
transitionTo (EventGotString e) s = Right . asState $ transitionTo e s
transitionTo _ _ = Left "Invalid transition"
instance Transition B Event (Either String State) where
transitionTo (EventGotInt e) s = Right . asState $ transitionTo e s
transitionTo _ _ = Left "Invalid transition"
instance Transition C Event (Either String State) where
transitionTo _ _ = Left "Invalid transition"
instance Transition State Event (Either String State) where
transitionTo e (StateInit s) = transitionTo e s
transitionTo e (StateA s) = transitionTo e s
transitionTo e (StateB s) = transitionTo e s
transitionTo e (StateC s) = transitionTo e s
-- Helper class to wrap states
class AsState s where
asState :: s -> State
instance AsState Init where
asState = StateInit
instance AsState A where
asState = StateA
instance AsState B where
asState = StateB
instance AsState C where
asState = StateC
foldEventsMPTC2 :: State -> [Event] -> Either String State
foldEventsMPTC2 = foldlM (flip transitionTo)
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