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Created March 5, 2022 21:29
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module StagedPower where
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, TExp)
type Code a = Q (TExp a)
-- Monomorphic
qpower :: Int -> Q (TExp Int) -> Q (TExp Int)
qpower 0 _ = [||1||]
qpower i n = [||$$n * $$(qpower (i - 1) n)||]
-- Polymorphic
newtype Powerer = Pwr {getPwr :: forall a. Num a => a -> a}
makePowers :: forall a. Code a -> Code (a -> a -> a) -> Int -> Code (a -> a)
makePowers one times power = [||\n -> $$(go [||n||] power)||]
go :: Code a -> Int -> Code a
go _ 0 = one
go n i = [||$$times $$n $$(go n (i -1))||]
qpowerer :: Int -> Q (TExp Powerer)
qpowerer i =
Pwr $ \a ->
let times = (*)
one = 1
in $$(makePowers [||one||] [||times||] i) a
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