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Created May 24, 2019 17:49
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Simple implementation of TypeLevelSets
DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies,
GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators,
module TypeLevelSets (
ToSet, Add, Delete, Union, Difference
) where
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Type.Bool
-- Type -> Symbol
-- from
type family TypeName a :: Symbol where
TypeName Double = "Double"
TypeName Int = "Int"
TypeName String = "String"
TypeName (M1 D ('MetaData name _ _ _) f ()) = name
TypeName a = TypeName (Rep a ())
type family CmpName a b :: Ordering where
CmpName a b = CmpSymbol (TypeName a) (TypeName b)
-- insertion sort from
type family Sort xs where
Sort '[] = '[]
Sort (x ': xs) = Insert x (Sort xs)
type family Insert x xs where
Insert x '[] = x ': '[]
Insert x (y ': ys) = Insert' (CmpName x y) x y ys
type family Insert' b x y ys where
Insert' 'LT x y ys = x ': (y ': ys)
Insert' _ x y ys = y ': Insert x ys
-- List append
type family (++) as bs where
'[] ++ bs = bs
(a : as) ++ bs = a : (as ++ bs)
-- List as set
-- Naive Delete - assumes there is only one of each
type family Delete' a bs where
Delete' a '[] = '[]
Delete' a (a ': t) = t
Delete' a (h ': t) = h ': Delete' a t
type family Add' a bs where
Add' a bs = Insert a (Delete' a bs)
-- Nub only deletes sequences of duplicates
type family Nub' as where
Nub' '[] = '[]
Nub' (x : x : xs) = Nub' (x : xs)
Nub' (x : xs) = x : Nub' xs
type family Setlike as where
Setlike as = Nub' (Sort as)
type family Union' as bs where
Union' as bs = Setlike (as ++ bs)
type family Difference' as bs where
Difference' as '[] = as
Difference' '[] bs = '[]
Difference' as (b ': bs) = Difference' (Delete' b as) bs
-- Set kind
data Set (as :: [*])
type family ToSet as where
ToSet as = Set (Setlike as)
type family Add a bs where
Add a (Set bs) = Set (Add' a bs)
type family Delete a bs where
Delete a (Set bs) = Set (Delete' a bs)
type family Union as bs where
Union (Set as) (Set bs) = Set (Union' as bs)
type family Difference as bs where
Difference (Set as) (Set bs) = Set (Difference' as bs)
Run the >>> blocks below in GHCi to try it out
>>> :set -XDataKinds -XDeriveGeneric -XGADTs -XKindSignatures
>>> import GHC.Generics
>>> data X deriving Generic
>>> data Y deriving Generic
>>> data Z deriving Generic
>>> :kind! ToSet '[X, X, Y, Z, Y, Y, Z]
ToSet '[X, X, Y, Z, Y, Y, Z] :: *
= Set '[X, Y, Z]
>>> :kind! Union (ToSet '[Y, X, X, Y]) (ToSet '[Z])
Union (ToSet '[Y, X, X, Y]) (ToSet '[Z]) :: *
= Set '[X, Y, Z]
>>> :kind! Nub' '[X, X, Y, Z, Y, Y, Z]
Nub' '[X, X, Y, Z, Y, Y, Z] :: [*]
= '[X, Y, Z, Y, Z]
>>> :kind! (Sort '[Z, Y, X])
(Sort '[Z, Y, X]) :: [*]
= '[X, Y, Z]
>>> data Bla (ts :: *) where Bla :: Integer -> Bla ts deriving (Eq)
>>> (Bla 1 :: Bla (ToSet '[X, Y, Z])) == (Bla 1 :: Bla (ToSet '[Z, X, Y]))
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