- Predictably Irrational https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/0061353248/
- Rápido e devagar https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/853900383X/
- Misbehaving: A Construção Da Economia Comportamental https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/8551004131/
- Influence: Science and Practice https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/0205609996/
I recomend reading at least two of the above.
If you feel like you know enough about how your mind is fucked-up miscalibrated, you can move on to the lists below.
Each one has a few sublists. The order of the sublists does not matter. For each sublist, the first link is the one I see as a good starting point, but the order does not matter too much, either.