By this time, you should have applied to at least 5 jobs for week 1 of your “soft launch” job search.
To get into the habit of having a productive job search ask yourself the following questions:
What’s going well Of the jobs I apply to on job boards, I'm hearing back from about one in five, which seems like a pretty good ratio considering the number of applications these posts receive. In general, the ones I hear from the most are ones that are looking for some kind of design background. Most of these are titled "Web Designer and Developer" or "Front End Developer." In general, I get more responses for places near where I live. In two weeks, out of roughly 15 applications, I've made it through the final round of interviews for one position (I'm still waiting to hear back about whether I got it or not), and had screener interviews with two more.
What’s not going well In general, my attempts to network have not gone anywhere – I didn't get any responses messaging people on LinkedIn, and while I told a couple friends who work in tech to keep me posted about any open positions, this hasn't gone anywhere yet.
What you are going to switch up for next week’s search for more results • Apply to more job board posts • Sign up for more job boards (AngelList, perhaps) • Attend a networking event in my area if one is occurring
Now that you’ve done some self-reflection set 3 goals that you’d like to accomplish this next week as it pertains to your search. • Create an AngelList account and start applying to jobs there • Learn more about programming patterns, something I think I'm weak on. • Attend a networking event.