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Last active March 8, 2024 13:43
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Show total current power draw of the PC on Linux, using powercap
# Installation:
# 1. put this script somewhere in your path - `/usr/local/bin/powerdraw` is probably
# a good idea.
# 2. Give the script execution permissions, e.g. `sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/powerdraw`
# 3. Optional - add a sudoers file to allow users to execute this file without typing their
# password over and over. For example, create `/etc/sudoers.d/allow-powerdraw` with the
# following content:
# %admin ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/powerdraw, /usr/local/bin/powerdraw -f
# ### NOTE ###
# This script uses powercap driver's energy_ju file to read power usage.
# That file is only readable to the root user, so this script start by
# trying to gain super use privileges using the following strategy:
# 1. If this script was already run with root permissions, just continue.
# 2. If running this script is listed as sudo capability for the current user, use sudo
# 3. If the script runs under a graphical environment with a pseudo terminal, use sudo
# 4. If the script runs under a graphical environment w/o a pseudo terminal, use pkexec
# 5. If the script runs without a graphical environment, use sudo.
# If something doesn't work, first check that the script knows how to use the correct su
# command and that it works.
function usage() {
local msg="$*"
[ -n "$msg" ] && echo "Error: $msg"
echo "Usage $0 [<options>]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " -f : continously output the current draw every second"
) >&2
exit 5
function scan_caps() {
find /sys/devices/virtual/powercap -name name | while read path; do
grep -q intel-rapl-mmio <<<"$path" && continue # ignore intel-rapl-mmio as its just a duplicate of intel-rapl (I think)
grep -q core "$path" && continue # "core"/"uncore" are summed in "package"
grep -q psys "$path" && continue # psys is a mystery?
fname="$(dirname $path)/energy_uj"
[ -e "$fname" ] && echo $fname
# switch to super user if needed - we can't read powercap's "energy_uj" without SYS_ADMIN_CAP
if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
sudo -l | grep -q $0 && exec sudo "$0" "$@"
if [ -n "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" -o -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then
case "$(tty)" in
*pts*) exec sudo "$0" "$@";;
*) exec pkexec "$0" "$@";;
exec sudo "$0" "$@"
CLIARGS=( "" "$@" ) # OPTIND is 1 based
while [ "$OPTIND" -lt "${#CLIARGS[*]}" ]; do
if getopts "hf" OPT; then
case $OPT in
f) FOLLOW=1;;
h) usage;;
*) usage invalid arg $OPT;;
OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND + 1 ))
caps=( $(scan_caps) )
while true; do
for (( i = 0; i < ${#caps[@]}; i++ )); do
if [ -n "${vals[$i]}" ]; then
con[$i]=$(( $(cat ${caps[$i]}) - ${vals[$i]} ))
sum=$(( sum + ${con[$i]} ))
vals[$i]=$(cat ${caps[$i]})
if [ "$sum" != 0 ]; then
awk '{print $1*10^-6 "W"}' <<<$sum
[ -z "$FOLLOW" ] && break;
sleep 1
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