I. Create a Middleman project with middleman-ember-template
$ middleman init hello --template=ember
II. Install ember.js package
$ bower install ember
$ symlink/copy necessary javascript files from 'components/' into 'vendor/javascripts/'
III. Add handlebars support
$ edit Gemfile
gem "sprockets-handlebars_template", :require => "sprockets/ember_handlebars_template"
IV. Write the app and build it.
$ middleman build
> the static site is now at 'build/' directory
You can find a live example at here
Server side app only need provide APIs, and you can find many projects like rails-api, sinatra, or backend written in Ruby, Python, Go, ...
Other build solutions: ember-rails, rake-pipeline
A list of sites build by ember.js with source code
- ember.js: A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
- bower: A package manager for the web
- middleman: Hand-crafted frontend development
- sprockets-handlebars_template: a handlebars template for sprockets
- middleman-ember-template: A middleman template for developping ember.js app
There is also this approach middleman-ember