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Guy Kisel guykisel

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bitshifter /
Last active February 18, 2025 22:02
A Perforce custom completer for nushell (work in progress)
# nushell version 0.93.0
# some short flags cannot be added to extern completers due to this bug
# List Perforce help topics
def "nu-complete p4 help topics" [] {
regner / BuildProject.xml
Last active March 11, 2025 15:46
A sample BuildGraph script for building, cooking, and packaging an Unreal project.
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
Why is this one giant script instead of a bunch of smaller scripts?
Mostly this comes down to BuildGraph and personal preference. As the language BuildGraph isn't
really much of a programming language there is no easy way to use an IDE and jump between
includes, find usages of variables, and just generally quickly search things. It was found to
be easier to have a single large file that a developer can quickly jump up and down in when
trying to understand what the BuildGraph script is doing.
comerford / get-ue5-custom-s3.ps1
Created March 22, 2023 19:57
Public rclone wrapper
# this asssumes that the custom UE5 that you want to download is in an S3 bucket and is in a self-extracting archive (7zip or similar)
# for the last version built, 225GB is needed at least, but we might be re-running, so need to get the current amount downloaded and subtract if present
$driveInfo = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem' | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $path[0] }
rtfpessoa / nextdns.js
Last active January 10, 2025 04:16 Block Youtube Ads
// ID of the config, e.g. A1234BCD.
const configID = "A1234BCD";
// API key, found at the bottom of your account page in
const APIKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
// Mark true or false. If true, failed links will be retried 3 times at progressively increasing intervals.
// If false, failed links will not be retried.
const retryFailedLinks = true;
// Time delay between requests in milliseconds.
// 800 seems to not give any errors but is rather slow while anything faster will give errors (in limited testing).
// If you want to go lower, it is recommended that "retryFailedLinks" is true
LanceMcCarthy /
Last active March 8, 2025 21:24
List of Package Ids
Name Package Id Version Source
7Zip 7zip.7zip 19.0.0 winget
Altap Salamander salamander choco
Alt-Tab Terminator alt-tab-terminator choco
AutoHotkey Lexikos.AutoHotkey winget
AutoHotkey Store Edition Latest msstore (via winget)
andrewgrant / InstallBuild.cs
Created September 13, 2019 19:19
Example of using Gauntlet in Unreal to deploy builds to devices
using AutomationTool;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnrealBuildTool;
namespace Gauntlet.Examples
exhuma /
Last active September 2, 2024 15:57 — forked from mrh1997/
Retrieve Windows Credential via Python
Access windows credentials
Credentials must be stored in the Windows Credentials Manager in the Control
Panel. This helper will search for "generic credentials" under the section
"Windows Credentials"
Example usage::
result = get_generic_credential('foobar')
raphaelcastaneda /
Created January 31, 2019 01:49
Bash function to search lastpass cli and put passwords on your clipboard
function getpw() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: getpw <LPASS_ENTRY>"
return 1
options=$(lpass ls | egrep -i "$*")
count=$(echo "$options" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
if [ $count -gt 1 ]; then
echo "$options"
echo "Too many LastPass entries returned. Please pick from one of the above $count items."
wavezhang /
Last active March 14, 2025 13:29
download java from oracle without login
wget -c --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
apremalal /
Created August 17, 2016 01:26
Exclude vendor directory from goimports, go fmt,go install, go test ...
echo 'Formatting the code base...'
godep go fmt $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
echo 'Optimizing the imports...'
goimports -w $(go list -f {{.Dir}} ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
echo 'Installing dependencies. This might take some time...'
godep go install $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
echo "Executing test"