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Created November 11, 2011 00:04
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Affine transform using shapely geometries
__date__ ="$Aug 10, 2011 3:49:16 PM$"
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
import numpy as np
class AffineTransform():
def __init__(self):
self.transMatrix = None
self.shift = None
def define_from_points(self, sourceToDest = {}):
if len(sourceToDest) != 3:
raise ValueError('only 2d transform is implemented')
rhs = np.matrix(6 * [0.0]).transpose()
mat = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,6)))
sourcePoints = sourceToDest.keys()
for i in xrange(0, 6, 2):
source = sourcePoints[i / 2]
dest = sourceToDest[source]
# @type dest Point
rhs[i] = dest.x
rhs[i + 1] = dest.y
for j in xrange(2):
mat[i + j, 0 + 3 * j] = source.x
mat[i + j, 1 + 3 * j] = source.y
mat[i + j, 2 + 3 * j] = 1.0
v = mat.getI() * rhs
self.transMatrix = np.matrix(np.zeros((2,2)))
self.transMatrix[0,0] = v[0,0]
self.transMatrix[0,1] = v[1,0]
self.transMatrix[1,0] = v[3,0]
self.transMatrix[1,1] = v[4,0]
self.shift = np.matrix([v[2,0], v[5,0]]).transpose()
def transform(self, geometry):
if type(geometry) == type(Point()):
v = np.matrix([geometry.x, geometry.y]).transpose()
res = self.transMatrix * v + self.shift
return Point(res[0,0], res[1,0])
if type(geometry) == type(tuple([])):
return self.transform(Point(geometry))
elif type(geometry) == type(Polygon()):
# @type geometry Polygon
ps = geometry.exterior.coords
newPs = []
for p in ps:
thePoint = self.transform(p)
return Polygon(newPs)
raise ValueError('Unknown geometry type: {0}'.format(geometry) )
def test_translation():
aft = AffineTransform()
points = {}
p1 = Point(0,0)
p2 = Point(1,1)
p3 = Point(0,1)
points[p1] = Point(1,1)
points[p2] = Point(2,2)
points[p3] = Point(1,2)
p1 = aft.transform(Point(10,10))
assert Point(11.0,11.0).wkb == p1.wkb
def test_rotation():
aft = AffineTransform()
points = {}
p1 = Point(0,0)
p2 = Point(1,1)
p3 = Point(0,1)
points[p1] = Point(0,0)
points[p2] = Point(-1,-1)
points[p3] = Point(0,-1)
assert aft.transform(Point(10,10)).wkb == Point(-10, -10).wkb
def test_polygon():
aft = AffineTransform()
points = {}
p1 = Point(0,0)
p2 = Point(1,1)
p3 = Point(0,1)
points[p1] = Point(0 + 10,0 + 15)
points[p2] = Point(-1 + 10,-1 + 15)
points[p3] = Point(0 + 10,-1 + 15)
pts = []
polygon = Polygon([(-1, -1), (1,-1), (1,1), (-1,-1)])
print polygon.wkt
p1 = aft.transform(polygon)
print p1.wkt
def test():
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Hello World"
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