The environement are configured from ~/.config/nvim
In order to avoid having to install all tools in every virtual environment it's possible to create virtualenvs dedicated to neovim.
Find appropriate stable python version.
I'm using pyenv to manage python version, but
I'm not using pyenv-virtualenv
as I want to manage the location of my virutal environments, ie. not under $PYENV_ROOT
but under ~/.virtualenvs
and as with ZSH I'm using
that uses this location and I prefer this than using pyenv-virtualenvwrapper that has not been active since long.
# Python 2.7: deprecated
pyenv install --list
pyenv install 2.7.18
# Create virtualenv manually
virtualenv -p $PYENV_ROOT/versions/2.7.18/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/neovim2
source ~/.virtualenvs/neovim2/bin/activate
pip install pynvim neovim
# Optionally install some linters
pip install flake8 rstcheck jedi pylint
pyenv which python
# Python 3
cd ~/.config/nvim
pyenv install --list
pyenv install 3.10.8
cd ~/.config/nvim
pyenv local 3.10.8
mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs
python -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/neovim3
source ~/.virtualenvs/neovim3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Optionally install some linters?
pip install flake8 rstcheck jedi pylint
# Check path for vim conf
pyenv which python
# ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
" Dedicated virtualenvs for neovim
let g:python_host_prog = $HOME . '/.virtualenvs/neovim2/bin/python'
let g:python3_host_prog = $HOME . '/.virtualenvs/neovim3/bin/python'
# Check conf in neovim
cd ~/.config/nvim
# Update rvm
rvm get stable
# Check known versions
rvm list known
# Install a specific version
rvm install 3.1.2
# Create a gemst for neovim for this specific ruby version
rvm ruby-3.1.2 do rvm gemset create neovim
# Install neovim in the gemset
rvm ruby-3.1.2@neovim do gem install neovim
# Store information about the ruby-version and gemset to use
echo '3.1.2' > .ruby-version
echo 'neovim' > .ruby-gemset
ALE is a handy vim plugin for doing asychronous syntax checks. It will rely on various linters
brew install yamllint
brew install ansible-lint
brew install write-good
brew install proselint