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Last active September 5, 2017 13:19
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cvim configuration file
" cvim configuration
" Use local configuration
let configpath = "/home/baptiste/.cvimrc"
set localconfig
let homedirectory = "/home/baptiste"
" Hint configuration
let hintcharacters = "asdfghjkl;"
set nodimhintcharacters
" Hide cursor when scrolling
set autohidecursor
" Command bar location
let barposition = "bottom"
" Disable smooth page scrolling
set nosmoothscroll
" Show a list of command when pressing :
set completeonopen
" Open defaut chrome://newtab page
set defaultnewtabpage
" Search engines management
let searchalias i = "imdb"
let searchengine nar = ""
let searchalias n = "nar"
let searchengine drive = ""
let searchalias d = "drive"
let searchengine github = ""
let searchalias g = "github"
let searchengine qwant = ""
let searchalias q = "qwant"
let searchengine webopedia = ""
let searchalias w = "webopedia"
let searchengine ixquick = ""
let searchengine i = "ixquick"
" This will do the same thing as above, except typing ':tabnew withbase' into to command bar
" without any search parameters will open
" let searchengine dogpile = ""
let searchengine dogpile = [ "", "" ]
let searchalias dp = "dogpile"
" List of completion engines
let completionengines = [ "qwant", "google", "drive", "wikipedia", "imdb", "duckduckgo", "nar", "dogpile", "github", "ixquick" ]
let defaultengine = "dogpile"
" cVim disabled on sites
let blacklists = [ "*", "*://*", "@*", "" ]
" TODO Add bookmark
" Default: <C-b>
unmap a
map a createBookmark
" Buffer management
unmap b
map b :buffer<Space>
" TODO Opening previously opened tab
" map <C-^>
" Opening text area outside
let vimcommand = 'urxvt -e vim'
imap <C-o> editWithVim
set cncpcompletion
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