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Last active June 5, 2021 01:07
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Ethereum Supple Chain Demo
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Calculator {
int public num;
constructor() public {
num = 1;
function getNum() view public returns(int) {
return num;
function add(int x, int y) public pure returns(int) {
return x + y;
function sub(int x, int y) public pure returns(int) {
return x - y;
function setNum(int x) public {
num = x;
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
import "";
contract SupplyChain {
using SafeMath for uint;
// Entities
struct Entity {
string name;
EntityType entityType;
mapping (address => Entity) public entities;
mapping (address => uint) entityNumGoods;
// Goods
enum GoodStatus {PENDING, SOLD}
struct Good {
string name;
GoodStatus status;
Good[] public goods;
mapping (uint => address) public goodToOwner;
// Events
event NewEntity(address entityAddress, string name, EntityType entityType);
event NewGood(uint goodId, string name);
event GoodSold(uint goodId, string name);
// Modifiers
modifier isProducer(address _sender) {
require(entities[_sender].entityType == EntityType.PRODUCER);
modifier isNotDuplicateEntity(address _sender) {
bytes memory _name = bytes(entities[_sender].name);
require(_name.length == 0);
// function to initialize an entity
function initEntity(string memory _name, EntityType _entityType) public isNotDuplicateEntity(msg.sender) {
entities[msg.sender].name = _name;
entities[msg.sender].entityType = _entityType;
emit NewEntity(msg.sender, _name, _entityType);
// function to initialize a good
function initGood(string memory _goodName) public isProducer(msg.sender) {
uint id = goods.push(Good(_goodName, GoodStatus.PENDING));
goodToOwner[id] = msg.sender;
emit NewGood(id, _goodName);
function transferGood(uint goodId, address _to) public {
goodToOwner[goodId] = _to;
function makePayment(address payable _to) public payable {
require(msg.value > 0);
// get all goods that belong to an entity
function getGoodsByOwner(address _owner) public view returns(uint[] memory) {
uint[] memory result = new uint[](entityNumGoods[_owner]);
uint counter = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < goods.length; i++) {
if (goodToOwner[i] == _owner) {
result[counter] = i;
return result;
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mikasaid commented Jun 5, 2021

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;import "";

contract SupplyChain { using SafeMath for uint;
// Entities enum EntityType {PRODUCER, PROCESSOR, DISTRIBUTER, RETAILER} struct Entity { string name; EntityType entityType; } mapping (address => Entity) public entities; mapping (address => uint) entityNumGoods; // Goods enum GoodStatus {PENDING, SOLD} struct Good { string name; GoodStatus status; } Good[] public goods; mapping (uint => address) public goodToOwner; // Events event NewEntity(address entityAddress, string name, EntityType entityType); event NewGood(uint goodId, string name); event GoodSold(uint goodId, string name); // Modifiers modifier isProducer(address _sender) { require(entities[_sender].entityType == EntityType.PRODUCER); _; } modifier isNotDuplicateEntity(address _sender) { bytes memory _name = bytes(entities[_sender].name); require(_name.length == 0); _; }
// function to initialize an entity function initEntity(string memory _name, EntityType _entityType) public isNotDuplicateEntity(msg.sender) { entities[msg.sender].name = _name; entities[msg.sender].entityType = _entityType; emit NewEntity(msg.sender, _name, _entityType); } // function to initialize a good function initGood(string memory _goodName) public isProducer(msg.sender) { uint id = goods.push(Good(_goodName, GoodStatus.PENDING)); goodToOwner[id] = msg.sender; emit NewGood(id, _goodName); }
function transferGood(uint goodId, address _to) public { goodToOwner[goodId] = _to; entityNumGoods[msg.sender].sub(1); entityNumGoods[_to].add(1); } function makePayment(address payable _to) public payable { require(msg.value > 0); _to.transfer(msg.value); } // get all goods that belong to an entity function getGoodsByOwner(address _owner) public view returns(uint[] memory) { uint[] memory result = new uint; uint counter = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < goods.length; i++) { if (goodToOwner[i] == _owner) { result[counter] = i; counter++; } } return result; }}

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