One annoyance of running a publically-accessible WordPress site is the bots that attempt to rapidly try thousands of login attempts via /wp-login.php
Even if none of the guesses are ever likely to work, the site will waste resources running PHP and SQL to confirm that to be the case.
A barrier to these drive-by hack attempts can be added using nginx's http_limit_req, where rate limiting is applied only to POST requests for the login page, not affecting the rest of the site.
we create the zoneLOGINLIMIT
is the size of the shared memory zone for tracking requests, and15r/m
limits to 15 requests per minute (ie 1 every 4 seconds).map $request_method $posting_id { default ""; POST $binary_remote_addr; } limit_req_zone $posting_id zone=LOGINLIMIT:1m rate=15r/m;
Add a reusable configuration snippet to
location ~ /wp-login.php$ { limit_req zone=LOGINLIMIT; limit_req_status 429; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:///run/php/php-fpm.sock; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/wp-login.php; }
Call it from the host configuration in, eg,
server { ... include /etc/nginx/snippets/wordpress-login-limit.conf; ... }
We use $binary_remote_addr
as the key for lookups, but other keys could be used, such as an X-Forwarded-For:
Limits don't even have to be based on IP address - other variables, eg $geoip_country_code
, could be used creatively if appropriate.
(Restricting checks to POST requests was adapted from a blog post).