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Last active September 29, 2020 16:53
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  • Save gyakovlev/bbcedebb0cb4931a926be92970a45d7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# place this file to /etc/portage/env/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel
# please, pre-fetch zfs tarball, like 'emerge zfs-kmod --fetchonly'
# also make sure that $PORTAGE_TMPDIR/portage/sys-fs/zfs-kmod* is not present
# simply set to false if not needed
: "${__EZFS_KERNEL_BUILTIN:=true}"
post_src_unpack() {
[[ ${__EZFS_KERNEL_BUILTIN} == true ]] || return
ebegin "zfs-builtin: hooked by ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} in ${FUNCNAME[0]}"
# this will obey keywords/masks, so make sure you have
# it in sync with sys-fs/zfs
# eg sys-fs/zfs-kmod-0.8.4-r1
best_zfs_kmod="$(portageq best_visible ${EROOT%/}/ zfs-kmod 2>/dev/null)"
einfo "zfs-builtin: will embed ${best_zfs_kmod} into linux source"
local orig_distdir zsrc_uri zdistfile
zsrc_uri="$(portageq metadata ${EROOT%/}/ ebuild ${best_zfs_kmod} SRC_URI 2>/dev/null)"
zdistfile="${zsrc_uri##*/}" # eg zfs-0.8.4.tar.gz
# we need to copy it to tmpdir for further use below
einfo "zfs-builtin: getting ${zdistfile}"
cp -v "${orig_distdir}/${zdistfile}" "${T}" || die
eend ${?}
post_src_configure() {
[[ ${__EZFS_KERNEL_BUILTIN} == true ]] || return
ebegin "zfs-builtin: hooked by ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} in ${FUNCNAME[0]}"
local repo zpvr zpv zp
repo="$(portageq get_repo_path ${EROOT%/}/ gentoo 2>/dev/null)" # eg /var/db/repos/gentoo
zpvr="${best_zfs_kmod#*/}" # eg zfs-kmod-0.8.4-r1
zp="${zpvr%-r*}" # eg zfs-kmod-0.8.4
zpv="${zp#zfs-kmod-}" # eg 0.8.4
zpv="${zpv%_rc*}" # unpacked directories never contain rcX suffix
# we want to run this in a subshell to prevent env pollution
# it still receives current env and subshell die works in EAPI=7
pushd "${repo}" > /dev/null || die
# turn off some features, since we already sandboxed.
# we have to pass DISTDIR here so it can find zfs tarball.
FEATURES="-cgroup -ipc-sandbox -mount-sandbox -pid-sandbox" \
DISTDIR="${T}" EXTRA_ECONF="--enable-linux-builtin\
ebuild sys-fs/zfs-kmod/"${zpvr}".ebuild clean configure || die
popd > /dev/null || die
pushd "${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/portage/${best_zfs_kmod}/work/zfs-${zpv}" > /dev/null || die
./copy-builtin "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" || die
popd > /dev/null || die
# end subshell
einfo "zfs-builtin: ${zpvr} embedded into ${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"
# we now have to re-run configure phase with zfs enabled, so start clean
# this is not really required, but better be safe
rm -rf "${WORKDIR}"/build || die
emake O="${WORKDIR}"/modprep "${MAKEARGS[@]}" clean
emake O="${WORKDIR}"/modprep "${MAKEARGS[@]}" olddefconfig
# it may be disabled if not restored from savedconfig
einfo "zfs-builtin: enabling CONFIG_ZFS=y in case it's disabled"
sed -i 's/# CONFIG_ZFS is not set/CONFIG_ZFS=y/' "${WORKDIR}"/modprep/.config || die
emake O="${WORKDIR}"/modprep "${MAKEARGS[@]}" olddefconfig
emake O="${WORKDIR}"/modprep "${MAKEARGS[@]}" modules_prepare
cp -pR "${WORKDIR}"/modprep "${WORKDIR}"/build || die
einfo "zfs-builtin: ZFSification done"
eend ${?}
post_src_install() {
[[ ${__EZFS_KERNEL_BUILTIN} == true ]] || return
ebegin "zfs-builtin: hooked by ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} in ${FUNCNAME[0]}"
# now it's safe to delete source
# not needed to keep tree with zfs-2*, but does not hurt ether
[[ -d "${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/portage/${best_zfs_kmod}" ]] &&\
{ rm -rf "${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/portage/${best_zfs_kmod}" || die ; }
einfo "zfs-builtin: ZFS src cleanup done"
eend ${?}
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