Start with getting nvm which stands for node version manager.
curl -o- | bash
after that you need to source
your .bashrc
for it to work in your current shell:
source $HOME/.bashrc
check if nvm
is installed: nvm -v
This should return a version number, else you need to go back to the previous step and source
your .bashrc
or on MacOS .zshrc
or .bash_profile
To install the latest working version of node
use the following command:
nvm install 16.8.0
Again, check if all went well: node -v
and also npm -v
npm install -g yarn
If you get permission error, run it with sudo
For the sake of simplicity, let's install Rust with their official curl to sh pipe.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Press 1 for default installation and wait for it to finish.
If the script warns you that Rust is already installed, remove the old version with following: You can do this without manually deleting the old rust binaries by uninstalling cargo and then auto-removing its now un-needed dependencies:
sudo apt remove cargo
sudo apt autoremove
Then you need to add it to your path like this:
echo "source $HOME/.cargo/env" | tee -a ~/.bashrc
one more step and we're done with installing Rust and all the other tools.
We need to source
the .bashrc
: source ~/.bashrc
And then verify if the installation went well:
cargo --version
Which should return a version number.
Clone the Nym repo from Github:
git clone
go to the downloaded directory and the nym-wallet directory inside it:
cd nym/nym-wallet
Now install all dependencies: yarn install
After it finishes you can now compile the nym-wallet binaries: yarn build
This will take a while, depending on your hardware, so sit back and relax!
If you do not want to build the .appImage and .deb files you can kill the process after the first binary gets built with CTRL+C
The nym-wallet binary is built in nym/nym-wallet/target/release
directory. Let's assume you're still in nym/nym-wallet/ directory then cd target/release
and to launch the binary: ./nym-wallet
. This should open a new window with the GUI Nym-wallet. Congrats !!!