This is non-sense DPI-C example of SystemVerilog.
This example can run on Windows and ModelSim-Altera 10.1b.
C code is able to be compiled by Mingw-gcc.
to compile:
$ vlib work
#include <stdio.h> | |
#include <stdint.h> | |
#include <inttypes.h> | |
int main() { | |
uint8_t u8 = UINT8_MAX; | |
uint16_t u16 = UINT16_MAX; | |
uint32_t u32 = UINT32_MAX; | |
uint64_t u64 = UINT64_MAX; |
#include <cstddef> | |
#include <cstdint> | |
#include <cassert> | |
#include <iostream> | |
template <std::size_t W> | |
struct BV { | |
std::uint32_t const value; | |
explicit constexpr BV(std::uint32_t v) : value(v) { |
module FF13_2_DialFacePuzzle where | |
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, msum) | |
import Text.Printf (printf) | |
import System.Environment (getArgs) | |
import Debug.Trace (trace) | |
type Graph = ([Int], [(Int, Int)]) | |
-- |
module Main where | |
import Data.Char (chr) | |
import System.Exit | |
import Data.Word | |
-- numbers | |
num0 :: Int |
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} | |
import Control.Lens | |
data Hoge = A Int | |
| B Bool | |
| C Char | |
| D | |
| E String deriving Show |
This is non-sense DPI-C example of SystemVerilog.
This example can run on Windows and ModelSim-Altera 10.1b.
C code is able to be compiled by Mingw-gcc.
to compile:
$ vlib work
This is non-sense FFI example of Haskell.
to compile:
$ ghc --make eject.hs c_eject.c
can not choise drive, just run:
$ ./eject
This has some changes from original, to be compiled by cygwin-gcc.
to compile:
$ gcc -o eject eject.c
run with drive letter:
$ ./eject d
#! /bin/bash | |
IFS=':' | |
is_include () { | |
l=$1 | |
e=$2 | |
for p in $l; do | |
if [ "$p" == "$e" ]; then |
module BitVector (BitVector, unsigned, signed, width, value, toHexStr) where | |
import Data.Bits | |
import Data.Monoid | |
import Text.Printf | |
data BitVector = BV Int Integer | |
width :: BitVector -> Int | |
width (BV w _) = w |