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Created May 23, 2020 12:08
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Solving Ballistic Trajectories
C/C++ reimplementation of the code.
HPlass ([email protected]) - 2020
bool solve_ballistic_arc_lateral(const VEC3 proj_pos, const float lateral_speed, const VEC3 target_pos, const float max_height, VEC3& fire_velocity, float& gravity)
// Handling these cases is up to your project's coding standards
assert(proj_pos != target_pos && lateral_speed > 0 && max_height > proj_pos.y && "fts.solve_ballistic_arc called with invalid data");
fire_velocity = VEC3::Zero;
gravity = NAN; //force trash here for some reason? I suppose?
VEC3 diff = target_pos - proj_pos;
VEC3 diffXZ = VEC3(diff.x, 0.0f, diff.z);
float lateralDist = diffXZ.Length();
if (lateralDist == 0) {
return false;
float time = lateralDist / lateral_speed;
fire_velocity = diffXZ * lateral_speed;
// System of equations. Hit max_height at t=.5*time. Hit target at t=time.
// peak = y0 + vertical_speed*halfTime + .5*gravity*halfTime^2
// end = y0 + vertical_speed*time + .5*gravity*time^s
// Wolfram Alpha: solve b = a + .5*v*t + .5*g*(.5*t)^2, c = a + vt + .5*g*t^2 for g, v
float a = proj_pos.y; // initial
float b = max_height; // peak
float c = target_pos.y; // final
gravity = -4 * (a - 2 * b + c) / (time * time);
fire_velocity.y = -(3 * a - 4 * b + c) / time;
return true;
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