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Last active March 10, 2022 12:19
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# ~/.lldbinit-Xcode
# Apple private methods
command regex ivars 's/(.+)/po [%1 _ivarDescription]/'
command regex methods 's/(.+)/po [%1 _methodDescription]/'
command regex shortmethods 's/(.+)/po [%1 _shortMethodDescription]/'
command regex nextviewcontroller 's/(.+)/po [%1 _nextViewControllerInResponderChain]/'
command alias nextvc nextviewcontroller
# Convenience
command regex keywindowrecursivedescription 's/.*/po [[UIWindow keyWindow] recursiveDescription]/'
# Nib names
command regex tableviewcellnibname 's/(.+)/po [[[[[%1 nextResponder] nextResponder] valueForKey:@"_nibMap"] valueForKey:(id)[%1 reuseIdentifier]] valueForKeyPath:@"storage.bundleResourceName"]/'
command regex collectionviewcellnibname 's/(.+)/po [[[[%1 nextResponder] valueForKey:@"_cellNibDict"] valueForKey:(id)[%1 reuseIdentifier]] valueForKeyPath:@"storage.bundleResourceName"]/'
command regex viewcontrollernibname 's/(.+)/po [%1 nibName]/'
command regex viewcontrollerstoryboardname 's/(.+)/po [[%1 storyboard] name]/'
command regex nibname 's/(.+)/po [%1 valueForKeyPath:@"storage.bundleResourceName"]/'
# Spark Inspector
command alias startsparkinspector expr (void*)dlopen("/Applications/Spark", 2)
# DALDebugging
command regex propertynames 's/(.+)/po [%1 DALPropertyNames]/'
command regex ivarnames 's/(.+)/po [%1 DALIvarNames]/'
# LLDB Quicklook script
command script import ~/bin/
command alias ql quicklook
command regex qll 's/(.*)/quicklook -l -- %1/'
# testing
command regex variablelinedefinition 's/(.+)/fr v -c -- %1/'
command alias vld variablelinedefinition
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