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Created July 17, 2018 05:21
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21:02:38 < Owner> who is this loser in the press conference
21:02:49 < Owner> what a clown
21:03:19 < Owner> somehow this guy gets 4 bullshit questions in a row
21:07:52 < Owner>
21:07:59 < Owner> liberal flipout in 3...2...
21:11:37 < Owner> 1. she didnt abort the baby
21:11:41 < Owner> 2. she is being a mother
21:11:46 < Owner> 3. she is a real woman and not a tranny
21:11:59 < Owner> thats enough reason to make them flip out hard
21:19:50 < Owner> lol
21:20:36 < Owner> Mother, wife, and small business owner: "#WalkAway - My journey started when I was encouraged to Divorce". (the
welfare officer she contacted when they were in a bad spot suggested she'd get more money if she were a single mother)
21:20:58 < Owner> destruction of the family is the leftists goal (and religion) so the state can be in control of everything
21:21:31 < Owner> atheists are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet
22:42:20 < _habnabit> 🤔
22:42:27 < _habnabit> im athiest and i havent fucked my mom
22:49:06 < Owner> _habnabit: of course you are
22:49:17 < Owner> you are communist too?
22:50:06 < Owner> do you defend criminals who lie to you because its easier to accept the lie then to not fit in?
22:50:57 < _habnabit> these are some weird questions! i've just never felt like there's evidence of any sort of a higher power existing
22:51:19 < Owner> but you accept that everything came from nothing
22:51:22 < Owner> right...
22:52:01 < Owner> so yeah life is meaningless, its all an accident that defied all the laws of physics as we have observed them
22:52:11 < _habnabit> yes
22:52:22 < _habnabit> i'm a nihilistic hedonist
22:52:30 < Owner> satanist
22:52:33 < Owner> same thing
22:52:45 < _habnabit> i don't belive in satan :?
22:53:01 < Owner> its still satanism, because thats exactly what they believe
22:53:32 < Owner>
22:53:36 < _habnabit> but they believe in satan, and i don't
22:53:40 < _habnabit> so this isn't what they believe
22:53:42 < Owner> no they dont
22:53:46 < Owner> not all of them
22:53:49 < Owner> its more of a lifestyle
22:53:56 < Owner> which is exactly nihilistic hedonism
22:54:08 < Owner> the satan part is just to make fun of christians
22:54:18 < _habnabit> that's cool
22:55:25 < Owner> the thing you are missing is that you have to actually seek to find
22:55:40 < Owner> the truth is always hidden
22:55:46 < Owner> it isnt just given to you
22:56:24 < _habnabit> how long does one have to search for judeoislamochristian yahweh before giving up
22:56:36 < Owner> 6Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.
7Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to
him who knocks, the door will be opened.…
22:57:02 < Owner> research physics
22:57:27 < Owner> thats one way, or just ask it to be revealed in sincerity
22:57:32 < Owner> and you will get a sign
22:57:49 < Owner> unless you are too scared of the truth
22:57:55 < Owner> which is why you are a collectivist in the first place
22:58:00 < Owner> so you can just fit in with the delusion
22:58:12 < _habnabit> i'm not really interested in physics, and i already tried all this as a kid
22:58:32 < Owner> maybe you have no soul
22:58:49 < _habnabit> is that a thing
22:59:17 < Owner> it is if you want it to be
22:59:21 < _habnabit> i wasn't baptized if that's what you're talking about
22:59:26 < Owner> if you have higher respect for humanity and the creation
22:59:28 < _habnabit> no, how do you believe someone has no soul
23:00:09 < Owner> how do you beleive a fetus isnt a human?
23:00:31 < Owner> you would be more offended in me aborting puppies than a human
23:00:37 < _habnabit> what
23:00:44 < _habnabit> how is this connected to me not having a soul
23:00:49 < Owner> i said maybe
23:00:55 < Owner> i dont know if you have one or not or if its possible
23:00:57 < Owner> to not have one
23:01:04 < _habnabit> i see
23:01:24 < Owner> but probably you just gave up on humanity
23:01:40 < Owner> you just want to be comfortable
23:01:45 < Owner> materialistic
23:01:50 < Owner> basic satanism
23:02:00 < _habnabit> idk; at least i don't write people off because they don't share my religion
23:02:11 < Owner> atheism isnt a religion
23:02:14 < Owner> its a mental disorder
23:02:28 < _habnabit> you're missing the point
23:02:40 < Owner> i didnt write you off
23:02:47 < Owner> you wrote yourself off
23:02:54 < Owner> deal with it
23:03:33 < Owner> you will never find the truth if you dont take the hard steps of looking for it
23:03:36 < Owner> that applies to everything in life
23:03:44 < _habnabit> you told me i gave up on humanity and have a mental disorder. seems pretty disrespectful, just because i don't share your religion
23:04:18 < Owner> _habnabit: you are a coward
23:04:23 < Owner> just leave this place
23:04:32 < Owner> you wont ever get ops here
23:04:40 < Owner> i know your kind
23:04:44 < _habnabit> nobody has ops
23:05:09 < _habnabit> what is cowardly about being willing to accept people for who they are
23:05:21 < Owner> you accept yourself for who you are?
23:05:33 < Owner> that is weak and cowardly
23:05:41 < Owner> you can be better
23:05:49 < Owner> so tell me how i am wrong
23:06:03 < Owner> and ill tell you that you are delusional
23:07:07 < Owner> i dont accept anyone
23:07:21 < _habnabit> brutal
23:09:13 < Owner> what would i gain from accepting someone?
23:09:50 < Owner> a wife?
23:09:58 < Owner> lol
23:10:32 < _habnabit> i can't imagine not having friends
23:10:45 < Owner> "friends"
23:11:26 < _habnabit> why did you put that in quotes
23:11:37 < Owner> because you cant hear them talk about you behind your back
23:11:44 < Owner> and they cant hear you doing the same
23:11:47 < _habnabit> why would they :?
23:11:51 < _habnabit> why would i??
23:12:00 < Owner> because they are humans
23:12:38 < Owner> a dog will be a much better friend than a human
23:12:59 < Owner> you may end up with a handful of real friends in this life, if you are lucky
23:13:07 < Owner> most likely 2 - 3 max
23:13:27 < _habnabit> this is a very sad, empty life you've built for yourself and try to force on others
23:13:57 < Owner> _habnabit: you sound like a city person
23:14:11 < Owner> how many illegal drugs do you do to fit in?
23:14:27 < Owner> how many bad decisions have you made to fit in?
23:14:41 < Owner> doesnt bother me, i dont have to fit in
23:14:46 < Owner> thats highschool shit
23:15:02 < Owner> there is a reason you seek the comfort of crowds or friends or w/e
23:15:19 < Owner> because you are weak and lack self confidence because of internal problems you are trying not to confront
23:15:33 < Owner> but w/e im gonna go downstairs, peace!
23:16:21 < _habnabit> if this is being 'weak', i can't imagine what being strong is
23:31:10 < Owner> _habnabit: not saying stuff like 'i can't imagine not having friends'
23:31:26 < Owner> you dont think that sound pathetic and weak?
23:31:31 < Owner> says something about you?
23:31:40 < Owner> at least you are honest
23:31:47 < _habnabit> right: i think your life sounds pathetic and weak and i can't imagine it
23:31:50 < Owner> thats a good thing
23:32:14 < Owner> _habnabit: you are the one that says life is pointless so im just going to consume and be a waste
23:33:03 < Owner> hedonism = consumption
23:33:09 < Owner> nihilism means belief in nothing
23:34:21 < Owner> study what satanists say and you are going to agree with it
23:34:42 < Owner> thats not a problem for me, but you can be slime on the earth if you want
23:35:06 < Owner> take the road less traveled
23:35:10 < Owner> or not, your choice
23:35:41 < Owner> lets jest hope everything remains cushy
23:35:51 < Owner> or its not going to be easy for all the people like you to deal with it
23:36:13 < Owner> thats when you would see the truth about what your kind of beliefs can bring out in humanity
23:36:48 < Owner> i think its a setup
23:36:57 < Owner> you just have to spot the trap they are setting for you
23:37:09 < Owner> to make you a domesticated retard ready for slaughter
23:39:37 < Owner> you are just one of billions who have the veil of maya (as a concept) pulled over your eyes
23:39:47 < Owner> by a continuous stream of lies and propaganda
23:40:17 < Owner> then you think being with a bunch of people that all agree with you
23:40:23 < Owner> as you call them friends
23:40:25 < Owner> makes you right
23:40:31 < Owner> or OK
23:40:52 < Owner> it makes your situation even worse
23:41:19 < Owner> billions
23:41:26 < Owner> of clueless lemmings
23:42:06 < Owner> you think that leaves a lot of people to talk to?
23:42:37 < Owner> we all can choose who we want to talk to
23:42:51 < Owner> just remember that
23:43:05 < Owner> and remember that who you hang out with
23:43:08 < Owner> is who you become
23:43:44 < Owner> now run away
23:43:52 < Owner> back to your play dates
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