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Last active February 18, 2025 14:06
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  • Save haccer/3698ff6927fc00c8fe533fc977f850f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save haccer/3698ff6927fc00c8fe533fc977f850f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PoC script to mass-locate vulnerable subdomains using results from Rapid7's Project Sonar
# Usage : ./ <save file>
# Example: ./ cname_list.txt
# Premium
function ech() {
spinner=( "|" "/" "-" "\\" )
while true; do
for i in ${spinner[@]}; do
echo -ne "\r[$i] $1"
sleep 0.15
# Joining elements together
function join_by() {
local IFS=$1
echo "$*"
# Kill function
function die() {
disown $1
kill -9 $1
length=$(echo -n $3 | wc -m)
Count=$(($length + 5))
Clear=$(head -c $Count < /dev/zero | tr '\0' '\040')
echo -ne "\r $Clear"
echo -e "\r[*] $2"
function run() {
ech "$1" &
eval "$2"
die $pid "$3" "$1"
# Gathering data from
# Instructions for if you already have a file downloaded:
# 1. Comment or delete the next four lines.
# 2. Comment out the line below with the downloaded .gz file
#file=$(echo "insertfilehere.gz")
latest=$(curl -s "" | grep "<td><a" | grep any | head -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f2)
file=$(echo $latest | cut -d'/' -f3)
cmd="wget -q$latest"
run "Downloading $file (This may take a while)." "$cmd" "Finished Downloading $file"
# Parsing it into a file called cname_scanio
msg="Grepping for CNAME records."
ech $msg &
zcat $file | grep 'type":"cname' | awk -F'":"' '{print $3, $5}' | \
awk -F'"' '{print $1, $3}' | sed -e s/" type "/" "/g >> cname_scanio
die $pid "CNAME records grepped." $msg
# List of CNAMEs we're going to grep for
declare -a arr=(
# Prepare CNAME grep
DOMAINS=$(join_by '|' ${arr[@]})
# Grepping CNAMEs from the array
cmd="grep -Ei '${DOMAINS}' cname_scanio >> cname_db"
run "Sorting CNAME records." "$cmd" "CNAME records sorted."
# Sorting the CNAME list
cmd="cat cname_db | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq >> $1"
run "Cleaning up." "$cmd" "Cleaned up."
# RM files.
rm cname_db cname_scanio
echo "[+] Finished."
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hussec commented Jul 20, 2024

I don't know about the 'dangerous functions' but when I run it in ubuntu I get:

$ ./
[*] Finished Downloading                  
[|] Greppinggzip: compressed data not read from a terminal. Use -f to force decompression.
For help, type: gzip -h
[*] CNAME records grepped.
[*] CNAME records sorted.   
[|] Cleaning up../ eval: line 38: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
./ eval: line 38: `cat cname_db | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq >> '
[*] Cleaned up.   
[+] Finished.
# Usage : ./ <save file>
# Example: ./ cname_list.txt

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <save file>"
  exit 1

# Premium
function ech() {
  spinner=( "|" "/" "-" "\\" )
  while true; do
    for i in ${spinner[@]}; do
      echo -ne "\r[$i] $1"
      sleep 0.15

# Joining elements together
function join_by() {
  local IFS=$1
  echo "$*"

# Kill function
function die() {
  disown $1
  kill -9 $1
  length=$(echo -n $3 | wc -m)
  Count=$(($length + 5))
  Clear=$(head -c $Count < /dev/zero | tr '\0' '\040')
  echo -ne "\r $Clear"
  echo -e "\r[*] $2"

function run() {
  ech "$1" &
  eval "$2"
  die $pid "$3" "$1"

# Gathering data from
# Instructions for if you already have a file downloaded:
# 1. Comment or delete the next four lines.
# 2. Comment out the line below with the downloaded .gz file
#file=$(echo "insertfilehere.gz")
latest=$(curl -s "" | grep "<td><a" | grep any | head -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f2)
file=$(echo $latest | cut -d'/' -f3)
cmd="wget -q$latest"
run "Downloading $file (This may take a while)." "$cmd" "Finished Downloading $file"

# Parsing it into a file called cname_scanio
msg="Grepping for CNAME records."
ech $msg &
zcat -f $file | grep 'type":"cname' | awk -F'":"' '{print $3, $5}' | \
  awk -F'"' '{print $1, $3}' | sed -e s/" type "/" "/g >> cname_scanio
die $pid "CNAME records grepped." $msg

# List of CNAMEs we're going to grep for
declare -a arr=(

# Prepare CNAME grep
DOMAINS=$(join_by '|' ${arr[@]})

# Grepping CNAMEs from the array
cmd="grep -Ei '${DOMAINS}' cname_scanio >> cname_db"
run "Sorting CNAME records." "$cmd" "CNAME records sorted."

# Sorting the CNAME list
cmd="cat cname_db | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq >> $1"
run "Cleaning up." "$cmd" "Cleaned up."

# RM files.
rm cname_db cname_scanio
echo "[+] Finished."

This should work

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@hussec your script is not working now.

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xOryus commented Feb 11, 2025

Not working.

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