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Last active January 9, 2025 00:23
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Send mail from local host using postfix on MacOS High Sierra.

Setting up postfix on MacOS High Sierra

MacOS Sierra High comes with preinstalled postfix. Follow these steps to configure it on a local system:

1. Create a sasl_passwd file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
  • Add this to the file [email protected]:PASSWORD

Replace EMAIL with your gmail username and replace PASSWORD with your gmail password.

  • Create a lookup table
sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

2. Edit the file

  • Open postfix's
sudo nano /etc/postfix/
  • Edit these values if they are not set already
mail_owner = _postfix
setgid_group = _postdrop
  • Add these fields at the end of the file (I am choosing as myrelayhost to send email from gmail account. You can choose any other SMTP relayhost)
#Gmail SMTP
# Enable SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP client.
# Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS), i.e. SSL.

3. Enable less secure app access

If you are using gmail then you must have to enable less secure app access.

4. Set postfix to autorun on reboot

  • Disable SIP

  • Open /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

sudo nano /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • Remove these lines

and add these lines

  • Reload and relaunch the deamon
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

5. Send mail

Test by sending a mail

echo "Postfix setting test" | mail -s "Hello Postfix" "[email protected]"

Replace [email protected] with the email id of recipent.

Some useful commands

  • mailq : Check mails in the queue and errors if mail not sent.
  • sudo postfix flush: Flush the queue.
  • sudo postsuper -d ALL Delete mails in the queue.
  • sudo rm /var/mail/$USER Remove all mails from local host.
  • sudo postfix start Start postfix mail system.
  • sudo postfix stop Stop postfix mail system.
  • sudo postfix reload Reload postfix mail system.


  1. How to send emails from localhost.
  2. Postfix auto start on Sierra for smtp relay.
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Thank you for sharing this!

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Is it possible to receive mail using this email address?

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haccks commented Oct 8, 2022

@saumyasinghal747 what email address?

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@haccks Thank you for responding so quickly!

The email address that I enter in step 1, let's say [email protected]. I can send emails as [email protected] using these instructions. However when I type mail, it says I don't have new mail whereas my gmail app says I do. It also says no mail for <my computer username>, so maybe it isn't configured to check for mail from my Gmail?

Any help would be great! Thank you so much!

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haccks commented Oct 10, 2022

@saumyasinghal747 This setup was to send email. To receive email you need some more configuration. Check this out.

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Unfortunately clicking on that link brings me to this page. Is that what you intended?

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haccks commented Oct 10, 2022

@saumyasinghal747 Sorry. Updated the link.

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raarts commented Nov 22, 2022

I'm kinda worried that you need to disable SIP. Does that mean that Apple installs postfix, but it's not intended to be used?

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haccks commented Nov 22, 2022

"Does that mean that Apple installs postfix, but it's not intended to be used?": No. It doesn't actually mean that. If you are doing any changes to /System directory then apple expects that you know what you are doing and it forces you to disable SIP to make any changes (as SIP is intended to enhance security of Mac).

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