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from PIL import Image
def hide_text_in_image(image_path, text):
image =
pixels = list(image.getdata())
# Convert text to binary
binary_text = ''.join(format(ord(char), '08b') for char in text)
if len(binary_text) > len(pixels):
raise ValueError("Text too long to hide in the image")
encoded_pixels = []
index = 0
for pixel in pixels:
if index < len(binary_text):
# Hide one bit of the text in the least significant bit of each color channel
red = pixel[0] & 0b11111110 | int(binary_text[index])
green = pixel[1] & 0b11111110 | int(binary_text[index])
blue = pixel[2] & 0b11111110 | int(binary_text[index])
encoded_pixels.append((red, green, blue))
index += 1
encoded_image =, image.size)
# Save the encoded image with a different filename"encoded_image.png")
print("Text hidden successfully in the image.")
def extract_text_from_image(image_path):
encoded_image =
encoded_pixels = list(encoded_image.getdata())
extracted_text = ""
for pixel in encoded_pixels:
# Extract the least significant bit of each color channel
red = pixel[0] & 0b00000001
green = pixel[1] & 0b00000001
blue = pixel[2] & 0b00000001
extracted_text += str(red)
extracted_text += str(green)
extracted_text += str(blue)
# Convert binary to text
text = ""
for i in range(0, len(extracted_text), 8):
char = extracted_text[i:i+8]
text += chr(int(char, 2))
return text
# Example usage:
image_path = "original_image.png"
text_to_hide = "This is a secret message!"
hide_text_in_image(image_path, text_to_hide)
# Extract the hidden text from the encoded image
extracted_text = extract_text_from_image("encoded_image.png")
print("Extracted text:", extracted_text)
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