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Created February 12, 2013 03:41
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# SCRIPT: log_keystrokes.bash
# PURPOSE: This shell script is used to monitor a login session by
# capturing all of the terminal data in a log file using
# the script command. This shell script name should be
# the last entry in the user's $HOME/.profile. The log file
# is both kept locally and e-mailed to a log file administrative
# user either locally or on a remote machine.
# set -n # Uncomment to check syntax without any execution
# set -x # Uncomment to debug this shell script
############# DEFINE AUDIT LOG MANAGER ###################
# This user receives all of the audit logs by e-mail. This
# Log Manager can have a local or remote e-mail address. You
# can add more than one e-mail address if you want by separating
# each address with a space.
LOG_MANAGER="logman" # List to e-mail audit log
################ DEFINE FUNCTIONS HERE ###################
cleanup_exit ()
# This function is executed on any type of exit except of course
# a kill -9, which cannot be trapped. The script log file is
# e-mailed either locally or remotely and the log file is
# compressed. The last "exit" is needed so the user does not
# have the ability to get to the command line without logging.
if [[ -s ${LOGDIR}/${LOGFILE} ]]
mailx -s "$TS - $LOGNAME Audit Report" $LOG_MANAGER \
compress ${LOGDIR}/${LOGFILE} 2>/dev/null
# Set a trap
trap 'cleanup_exit' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26
################ DEFINE VARIABLES HERE ###################
TS=$(date +%m%d%y%H%M%S) # File time stamp
THISHOST=$(hostname|cut -f1-2 -d.) # Host name of this machine
LOGDIR=/usr/local/logs/script # Directory to hold the logs
LOGFILE=${THISHOST}.${LOGNAME}.$TS # Creates the name of the log file
touch $LOGDIR/$LOGFILE # Creates the actual file
set -o vi 2>/dev/null # Previous commands recall
# Set the command prompt
export PS1="[$LOGNAME:$THISHOST]@"'$PWD> '
#################### RUN IT HERE ##########################
chmod 600 ${LOGDIR}/${LOGFILE} # Change permission to RW for the owner
script ${LOGDIR}/${LOGFILE} # Start the script monitoring session
chmod 400 ${LOGDIR}/${LOGFILE} # Set permission to read-only for the owner
cleanup_exit # Execute the cleanup and exit function
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