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Created July 13, 2024 20:40
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C# Color Space Conversion Utilities
using System.Windows.Media;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
namespace ZetaColorEditor.Colors;
public interface IColor<out T> where T:IColor<T>
/// <summary>
/// Constructs <see cref="T"/> from the specified <see cref="Color"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">
/// The color to convert.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The <see cref="T"/> instance that represents the specified RGB color.
/// </returns>
static abstract T FromColor(Color color);
/// <summary>
/// Converts the current color to a <see cref="Color"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The <see cref="Color"/> instance that represents the current color.
/// </returns>
Color ToColor();
/// <summary>
/// Compares the current color with a <see cref="Color"/> for visual equality.
/// Two colors of zero opacity are considered equal, even if their other components differ.
/// The comparison is done by converting the current color to a <see cref="Color"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other">
/// The color to compare with the current color.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified color is visually equal to the current color; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
bool IsVisuallyEqualTo(Color other)
var thisColor = ToColor();
if (thisColor.A == 0 && other.A == 0) return true;
return thisColor == other;
/// <summary>
/// Compares the current color with another color for visual equality.
/// Two colors of zero opacity are considered equal, even if their other components differ.
/// The comparison is done by converting both the current color and the other color to <see cref="Color"/> instances.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other">
/// The color to compare with the current color.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified color is visually equal to the current color; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
bool IsVisuallyEqualTo<TOther>(IColor<TOther> other) where TOther : IColor<TOther>
=> IsVisuallyEqualTo(other.ToColor());
/// <summary>
/// Contains extension methods for the <see cref="double"/> type.
/// </summary>
public static class MathExtensions
private const double IsZeroTolerance = 0.00001;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the specified value can be considered zero.
/// If the tolerance is not specified, the default value of 0.00001 is used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The value to check</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">The strictly positive tolerance value to use</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified value can be considered zero; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
public static bool IsZero(this double x, double? tolerance = null) => Math.Abs(x) < (tolerance ?? IsZeroTolerance);
/// <summary>
/// Shifts the value to the specified range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to shift.</param>
/// <param name="min">The minimum value of the range.</param>
/// <param name="max">The maximum value of the range.</param>
public static double WrapAround(this double value, double min, double max)
var range = max - min;
var result = (value - min) % range;
return min + (result < 0 ? result + range : result);
/// <summary>
/// Simultaneously calculates the minimum and maximum values from the specified sequence of numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values">
/// The sequence of numbers to process.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values from the specified sequence.
/// </returns>
public static (double min, double max) GetMinMax(params double[] values)
var minValue = values[0];
var maxValue = values[0];
if (values.Length >= 2)
for (var i = 1; i < values.Length; i++)
var num = values[i];
minValue = Math.Min(minValue, num);
maxValue = Math.Max(maxValue, num);
return (minValue, maxValue);
/// <summary>
/// Provides extension methods for color space conversion.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// </remarks>
public static class ColorExtensions
public static RgbColor ToRgbColor(this Color color) => new(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
public static HsbColor ToHsbColor(this Color color) => color.ToRgbColor().ToHsbColor();
public static HslColor ToHslColor(this Color color) => color.ToRgbColor().ToHslColor();
public static HslColor ToHslColor<T>(this IColor<T> source) where T : IColor<T> => source.ToColor().ToHslColor();
public static HsbColor ToHsbColor<T>(this IColor<T> source) where T : IColor<T> => source.ToColor().ToHsbColor();
public static RgbColor ToRgbColor<T>(this IColor<T> source) where T : IColor<T> => source.ToColor().ToRgbColor();
/// <summary>
/// Represents an element of the HSB color space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Hue"><see cref="double"/>-valued Hue, from 0 to 360</param>
/// <param name="Saturation"><see cref="double"/>-valued Saturation, from 0 to 100</param>
/// <param name="Brightness"><see cref="double"/>-valued Brightness, from 0 to 100</param>
/// <param name="Alpha"><see cref="byte"/>-valued Alpha</param>
public readonly record struct HsbColor(double Hue, double Saturation, double Brightness, byte Alpha) : IColor<HsbColor>
public override string ToString() => $@"Hue: {Hue:0}; saturation: {Saturation:0}; brightness: {Brightness:0}.";
/// <summary>
/// Compares the current color with another color for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other"> The color to compare with the current color. </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified color is equal to the current color; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Two colors are considered equal if their components are equal.
/// Even if both colors have zero opacity, they will only be considered equal if all other components are also equal.
/// </remarks>
public bool Equals(HsbColor other) => (Hue - other.Hue).IsZero() &&
(Saturation - other.Saturation).IsZero() &&
(Brightness - other.Brightness).IsZero() &&
Alpha == other.Alpha;
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = Alpha.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Hue.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Saturation.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Brightness.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public static HsbColor FromColor(Color color) => color.ToHsbColor();
public Color ToColor()
double red, green, blue;
double h = Hue, s = Saturation / 100, b = Brightness / 100;
if (s.IsZero()) red = green = blue = b;
// the color wheel has six sectors.
// Without this WrapAround, the smooth transition between 360 and 0 will be broken
var sectorPosition = h.WrapAround(0, 360) / 60;
var sectorNumber = (int)Math.Floor(sectorPosition);
var fractionalSector = sectorPosition - sectorNumber;
var p = b * (1 - s);
var q = b * (1 - s * fractionalSector);
var t = b * (1 - s * (1 - fractionalSector));
// We save vertical screen space by using tuple deconstruction.
(red, green, blue) = sectorNumber switch
0 => (b, t, p),
1 => (q, b, p),
2 => (p, b, t),
3 => (p, q, b),
4 => (t, p, b),
_ => (b, p, q)
var nRed = byte.CreateSaturating(red * 255);
var nGreen = byte.CreateSaturating(green * 255);
var nBlue = byte.CreateSaturating(blue * 255);
return Color.FromArgb( Alpha, nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
/// <summary>
/// Represents an element of the HSL color space.
/// </summary>
public readonly record struct HslColor(double Hue, double Saturation, double Light, byte Alpha) : IColor<HslColor>
public override string ToString() => Alpha < 255
? $@"hsla({Hue:0}, {Saturation:0}%, {Light:0}%, {Alpha / 255f})"
: $@"hsl({Hue:0}, {Saturation:0}%, {Light:0}%)";
/// <summary>
/// Compares the current color with another color for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other"> The color to compare with the current color. </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified color is equal to the current color; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Two colors are considered equal if their components are equal.
/// Even if both colors have zero opacity, they will only be considered equal if all other components are also equal.
/// </remarks>
public bool Equals(HslColor other) => (Hue - other.Hue).IsZero() &&
(Saturation - other.Saturation).IsZero() &&
(Light - other.Light).IsZero() &&
Alpha == other.Alpha;
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = Alpha.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Hue.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Saturation.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Light.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
private static double Hue2Rgb(double v1, double v2, double vH)
vH = vH.WrapAround(0, 1);
if (6.0 * vH < 1.0) return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6.0 * vH;
if (2.0 * vH < 1.0) return v2;
if (3.0 * vH < 2.0) return v1 + (v2 - v1) * (2.0 / 3.0 - vH) * 6.0;
return v1;
public static HslColor FromColor(Color color) => color.ToHslColor();
public Color ToColor()
double red, green, blue;
var h = Hue / 360.0;
var s = Saturation / 100.0;
var l = Light / 100.0;
if (s.IsZero()) red = green = blue = l;
var var2 = l < 0.5 ? l + l * s : l + s - l * s;
var var1 = 2.0 * l - var2;
red = Hue2Rgb(var1, var2, h + 1.0 / 3.0);
green = Hue2Rgb(var1, var2, h);
blue = Hue2Rgb(var1, var2, h - 1.0 / 3.0);
var nRed = byte.CreateSaturating(red * 255);
var nGreen = byte.CreateSaturating(green * 255);
var nBlue = byte.CreateSaturating(blue * 255);
return Color.FromArgb(Alpha,nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
/// <summary>
/// Represents an element of the RGB color space.
/// All channel values are from 0 to 255.
/// </summary>
public readonly record struct RgbColor(byte Red, byte Green, byte Blue, byte Alpha) : IColor<RgbColor>
public override string ToString() => Alpha < 255
? $@"rgba({Red}, {Green}, {Blue}, {Alpha / 255d})"
: $@"rgb({Red}, {Green}, {Blue})";
/// <summary>
/// Compares the current color with another color for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other">
/// The color to compare with the current color.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified color is equal to the current color; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method compares the colors component-wise.
/// Two colors with zero opacity are NOT considered equal unless all other components are also equal.
/// </remarks>
public bool Equals(RgbColor other) => Red == other.Red &&
Green == other.Green &&
Blue == other.Blue &&
Alpha == other.Alpha;
public HsbColor ToHsbColor()
// We use double to increase the precision.
var r = Red / 255d;
var g = Green / 255d;
var b = Blue / 255d;
var (minValue, maxValue) = MathExtensions.GetMinMax(r, g, b);
var delta = maxValue - minValue;
double hue = 0;
double saturation;
var brightness = maxValue * 100;
if (maxValue.IsZero() || delta.IsZero())
hue = 0;
saturation = 0;
// The initial version had a mistake here. minValue was compared to zero,
// instead of maxValue. Also, according to the wiki, the correct fallback is 0, not 100.
saturation = maxValue.IsZero() ? 0 : delta / maxValue * 100;
if ((r - maxValue).IsZero()) hue = (g - b) / delta;
else if ((g - maxValue).IsZero()) hue = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
else if ((b - maxValue).IsZero()) hue = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
hue = (hue < 0 ? hue + 6 : hue) * 60;
return new (hue, saturation, brightness, Alpha);
public HslColor ToHslColor()
var varR = Red / 255.0; //input values are from 0 to 255 inclusive
var varG = Green / 255.0;
var varB = Blue / 255.0;
var (minChannel, maxChannel) = MathExtensions.GetMinMax(varR, varG, varB);
var maxDelta = maxChannel - minChannel; //Delta RGB value
double h, l = (maxChannel + minChannel) / 2;
if (maxDelta.IsZero()) return new HslColor(0, 0, l * 100.0, Alpha);
var denominator = (l < 0.5) ? maxChannel + minChannel : 2.0 - maxChannel - minChannel;
double s = maxDelta / denominator;
var delR = ((maxChannel - varR) / 6.0 + maxDelta / 2.0) / maxDelta;
var delG = ((maxChannel - varG) / 6.0 + maxDelta / 2.0) / maxDelta;
var delB = ((maxChannel - varB) / 6.0 + maxDelta / 2.0) / maxDelta;
if ((varR - maxChannel).IsZero()) h = delB - delG;
else if ((varG - maxChannel).IsZero()) h = 1.0 / 3.0 + delR - delB;
else if ((varB - maxChannel).IsZero()) h = 2.0 / 3.0 + delG - delR;
// ReSharper disable once CommentTypo
else h = 0.0; // Uwe Keim
h = h.WrapAround(0, 1);
return new HslColor(h * 360.0, s * 100.0, l * 100.0, Alpha);
// When the entire structure fits into a single integer, we can use it as its own hash code.
public override int GetHashCode() => Alpha << 24 | Blue << 16 | Green << 8 | Red;
public static RgbColor FromColor(Color color) => color.ToRgbColor();
public Color ToColor() => Color.FromArgb(Alpha, Red, Green, Blue);
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