Save hadley/144c406871768d0cbe66b0b810160528 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
library(shiny) | |
library(httr) | |
# OAuth setup -------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Most OAuth applications require that you redirect to a fixed and known | |
# set of URLs. Many only allow you to redirect to a single URL: if this | |
# is the case for, you'll need to create an app for testing with a localhost | |
# url, and an app for your deployed app. | |
if (interactive()) { | |
# testing url | |
options(shiny.port = 8100) | |
APP_URL <- "http://localhost:8100/" | |
} else { | |
# deployed URL | |
APP_URL <- "https://servername/path-to-app" | |
} | |
# Note that secret is not really secret, and it's fine to include inline | |
app <- oauth_app("shinygithub", | |
key = "51d46f96810d1fd182a2", | |
secret = "66eec8782825eeb61007dbef32f91afc9c3587aa", | |
redirect_uri = APP_URL | |
) | |
# Here I'm using a canned endpoint, but you can create with oauth_endpoint() | |
api <- oauth_endpoints("github") | |
# Always request the minimal scope needed. For github, an empty scope | |
# gives read-only access to public info | |
scope <- "" | |
# Shiny ------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
has_auth_code <- function(params) { | |
# params is a list object containing the parsed URL parameters. Return TRUE if | |
# based on these parameters, it looks like auth codes are present that we can | |
# use to get an access token. If not, it means we need to go through the OAuth | |
# flow. | |
return(!is.null(params$code)) | |
} | |
ui <- fluidPage( | |
# Your regular UI goes here, for when everything is properly auth'd | |
verbatimTextOutput("code") | |
) | |
# A little-known feature of Shiny is that the UI can be a function, not just | |
# objects. You can use this to dynamically render the UI based on the request. | |
# We're going to pass this uiFunc, not ui, to shinyApp(). If you're using | |
# ui.R/server.R style files, that's fine too--just make this function the last | |
# expression in your ui.R file. | |
uiFunc <- function(req) { | |
if (!has_auth_code(parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING))) { | |
url <- oauth2.0_authorize_url(api, app, scope = scope) | |
redirect <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", url) | |
tags$script(HTML(redirect)) | |
} else { | |
ui | |
} | |
} | |
server <- function(input, output, session) { | |
params <- parseQueryString(isolate(session$clientData$url_search)) | |
if (!has_auth_code(params)) { | |
return() | |
} | |
# Manually create a token | |
token <- oauth2.0_token( | |
app = app, | |
endpoint = api, | |
credentials = oauth2.0_access_token(api, app, params$code), | |
cache = FALSE | |
) | |
resp <- GET("https://api.github.com/user", config(token = token)) | |
# TODO: check for success/failure here | |
output$code <- renderText(content(resp, "text")) | |
} | |
# Note that we're using uiFunc, not ui! | |
shinyApp(uiFunc, server) |
@hadley this worked fantastic thank you, launched a prototype on heroku here- https://oauth-shiny.herokuapp.com
I made a modification where the token is saved to the environment, but a stop_for_status(resp)
before launching UI in order to avoid running any of the server
Is there a reason why you would want the # TODO: check for success/failure here
in the server
vs the uiFunc
(see below)?
uiFunc <- function(req) {
if (!has_auth_code(parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING))) {
url <- oauth2.0_authorize_url(api, app, scope = scope)
redirect <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", url)
} else {
# Manually create a token
token <<- oauth2.0_token(
app = app,
endpoint = api,
credentials = oauth2.0_access_token(api, app, parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING)$code),
cache = FALSE
# validate before launching UI
resp <- GET("https://api.github.com/user", config(token = token))
to avoid resetting the token you then refer to it directly in the server,
server <- function(input, output, session) {
params <- parseQueryString(isolate(session$clientData$url_search))
if (!has_auth_code(params)) {
# Use the token created above
resp <- GET("https://api.github.com/user", config(token = token))
output$code <- renderText(content(resp, "text"))
btw, thank you as always for being an amazing resource
This has worked for me and have managed to get it working using a different type of authentication, thanks very much for that!
My one problem is that the return URL I get doesn't involve a query but instead a hash and am struggling to find the # equivalent of req$QUERY_STRING
. This is the first time I have seen the UI used as a function so struggling to find the location I need.
@ashbadry I am in the same situation as you are. The token that I want to retrieve is from an url starting with a pound sign. I have tried many ways but they all didn't work.
These are couple problems I have:
- I am unable to retrieve the url with # sign from global environment
- I tried to move the authentication page in the beginning part of the server, the authentication page won't appear.
I don't understand how req$QUERY_STRING
works, and there is no such thing as req$URL_HASH
. Is there any solution to solve this problem?
I am trying to implement the oauth2.0 flow for a flex dashboard on a Mac Osx (10.14.5), R (3.5.3), and RStudio (1.2.1326). While currently I am able to put in my username and password, it just gets stuck on the flexdashboard loading screen.This is cross posted on Stackoverflow. Below is a minimally reproducible example of what I tried.
title: "Question"
orientation: rows
vertical_layout: fill
fontsize: 12
runtime: shiny
```{r oauth1}
options(shiny.host = '', shiny.port = 8100, shiny.trace = TRUE)
APP_URL <- "https://localhost:8100/"
if (interactive()) {
# testing url
cat(file=stderr(), "starting in interactive mode!")
APP_URL <- "http://localhost:8100/"
} else {
# deployed URL
cat(file=stderr(), "starting in non-interactive mode!")
APP_URL <- example_url
app <- oauth_app("Accounts",
key = KEY,# Add key value here
secret = SECRET,# Add secret value here
redirect_uri = APP_URL
api <- oauth_endpoint(
authorize = "https://example_url/oauth/authorize",
access = "https://example_url/oauth/token"
scope <- ""
has_auth_code <- function(params) {
urlParams = parseQueryString(isolate(session$clientData$url_search))
```{r oauth2}
# Manually create a token
token <- oauth2.0_token(
app = app,
endpoint = api,
cache = FALSE)
save(token, file="ox_oauth")
params <- parseQueryString(isolate(session$clientData$url_search))
resp <-GET("https://example_url_1/api/user", config(token = token))
cat(file=stderr(), "Looking for response")
cat(file=stderr(), resp)
```{r ui}
uiFunc <- function(req) {
cat(file=stderr(), "starting UI function")
if (!has_auth_code(parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING))) {
url <- oauth2.0_authorize_url(api, app, scope = scope)
cat(file=stderr(), url)
redirect <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", url)
} else {
Page 1
row {data-width=800 data-height=100 .tabset .tabset-fade}
### Section 1
```{r pg1sec1}
label = "Assignment type",
choices = c("HW", "R"),
multiple = TRUE,
# selectize = TRUE,
options = list(placeholder = "Select assignment type(s)"),
width = '98%',
selected = ""
```{r og1sec1.1}
observeEvent(input$A_Type, {
x <- input$A_Type
updateSelectizeInput(session, "A_Type2",
selected = x)
Page 2
row {data-width=800 data-height=100 .tabset .tabset-fade}
### Section 1
```{r pg2sec1}
label = "Assignment type",
choices = c("HW", "R"),
multiple = TRUE,
width = '98%'
I get this output:
Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
Please point your browser to the following url:
When I paste this url in a browser window, I am led through the oauth flow (able to add in username, pwd) and then I get to the flexdashboard loading page and just get stuck there.
Would appreciate any input. Thanks!
@blakiseskream's (@hadley) approach above works well with Google OAuth, but I'm trying to figure how to avoid the ERROR: Unauthorized (HTTP 401)
on page refresh, which you can observe at https://oauth-shiny.herokuapp.com as well. This breaks Shiny Server's "reload" feature.
The exact error on my end when I reload the app page is Warning: Error in oauth2.0_access_token: Bad Request (HTTP 400). Failed to get an access token.
I have to remove all URL params and go through the OAuth flow again for the app to load again.
# ui.R
app <- oauth_app("my-app",
key = "XXX",
secret = "XXX",
redirect_uri = "https://mydomain.com/my-app"
api <- oauth_endpoints("google")
scope <- "openid email profile"
params <- list(prompt="select_account")
has_auth_code <- function(params) return(!is.null(params$code))
# Main ----
uiFunc <- function(req) {
if (interactive()) {
# Skip OAuth flow
if (!has_auth_code(parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING))) {
# OAuthorize
url <- oauth2.0_authorize_url(api, app, scope=scope, query_extra=params)
redirect <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", url)
} else {
# Manually create a token
token <- oauth2.0_token(
endpoint = api,
app = app,
credentials = oauth2.0_access_token(api, app, parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING)$code, user_params=params),
cache = TRUE
# Get user details
user <- GET("https://openidconnect.googleapis.com/v1/userinfo", config(token=token))
user <<- content(user, as="parsed")
not working for me - i'm getting the following error:
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Could not resolve host: github.com
Anyone can help me ?
How do we get the access_token from redirect URL implicit grant flow? In your example, you use the 'code'.
Thanks for the great source of inspiration.
I forked and made some modifications to handle both simple user/password authentication (admin / azerty) and github SSO
@hadley, still I don't quite understand the uiFunc magic, is there a doc that explains this feature (other that bookmarking) ?
Also this tags$script(HTML(redirect))
seems very powerful but also a bit dangerous as it resets reactiveVal and other objects defined in the server function definition, right ?
I am using ui.R and server. R files for the ShinyApp. But i don't get the "Session" object in the server file once the app gets redirected.
May i know, what is the problem in uiFunc()?
First, thank you very much for this. I have been successfully using this for some time.
For someone with the same problems, this works nicely if it shiny app is run "Externa" (in RStudio). However, if it is run in Viewer Pane, the code does not work as expected, as instead of opening just one page/tab with authentication page, new authentication pages keep poping up until I kill the R process.
@aleszib I have the same issue as you, I use the code for Azure authentication, the new authentication pages keep on popping up. How did you manage to solve the problem? Thanks.
This happens when you run the code locally. To solve this (locally), see the issue here. On the server the solution works fine.
it's not worked for me