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Created January 4, 2017 16:41
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from __future__ import print_function
import json
import boto3
import os
def lambda_handler(event, context):
instance_id = event.get("detail", {}).get("instance-id", "")
if instance_id == "":
print("Empty instance id")
print("Instance id: " + instance_id)
ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2")
instance = ec2.Instance(instance_id)
name = ""
for tag in instance.tags:
if tag.get("Key", "") == "Name":
name = tag.get("Value")
warn_statuses = [
state = event.get("detail", {}).get("state", "")
if state in warn_statuses:
sns = boto3.client("sns")
message = {
"event_type": "trigger",
"description": "Instance %s is %s" % (instance_id, state),
"details": {
"instance_id": instance_id,
"name": name
TopicArn=os.environ.get("SNS_TOPIC", ""),
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