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Created August 15, 2011 04:51
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Cybozu-connect API for Node
* cybozu-connect for Node
var jsdom = require('jsdom'),
XMLHttpRequest = require('XMLHttpRequest').XMLHttpRequest;
var document,
CBLabs = {},
initialized = false;
function init(jQueryPath, callback) {
document = jsdom.jsdom('<html><head></head><body></body></html>');
window = document.createWindow();
jsdom.jQueryify(window, jQueryPath, function(window, jQuery) {
$ = jQuery;
if (!$) {'Cannot load jQuery from');;
function getAPI() {
if (initialized) {
return CBLabs
throw "Not initialized. Call init method in advance.";
exports.init = init;
exports.getAPI = getAPI;
// Code from
* cybozu-connect v1.1.1 - Cybozu API JavaScript Library
* CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Base class
* @requires jQuery v1.4.1 or later.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Cybozu Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the GPL Version 2 license.
if (!CBLabs.CybozuConnect) { CBLabs.CybozuConnect = {}; }
CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Base = function (app) {
/// <summary>Baseで提供されるAPIを実行するためのクラス</summary>
/// <param name="app" type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.App" />
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Base" />
/// <remarks>
/// <b>ユーザー情報の属性</b>
/// <pre>
/// var user = {
/// id: "1", // ユーザーID
/// key: "1", // ユーザーID
/// login_name: "sato", // ログイン名
/// name: "佐藤", // 名前
/// status: 1, // ユーザーの使用状況
/// email: "[email protected]", // E-mail アドレス
/// primary_organization_id: "1", // 優先する組織のID
/// orgIdList: ["1", "2"] // 所属する組織のIDの配列
/// };
/// </pre>
/// <b>組織情報の属性</b>
/// <pre>
/// var org = {
/// id: "1", // 組織ID
/// key: "1", // 組織ID
/// name: "営業部", // 組織名
/// userIdList: ["1", "2"] // 所属するユーザーのIDの配列
/// };
/// </pre>
/// </remarks>
// private variables
var userArray, userHash, orgArray, orgHash;
var hierarchical = null;
// initialize
app.Base = this; // set to parent property
// public methods
this.isHierarchical = function () {
/// <summary>組織構造が階層的か否かを返す。</summary>
/// <returns type="Boolean" />
if (hierarchical == null) {
return hierarchical;
this.userList = function () {
/// <summary>全ユーザー情報を返す。</summary>
/// <returns type="Array">ユーザー情報の配列</returns>
if (userArray) return userArray;
var res = app.queryItems("Base", "BaseGetUserVersions", "BaseGetUsersById", "user_id", "user_item");
if (!res) return null;
userArray = new Array();
userHash = new Object();
$(res.response).find("user").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
var userId = $this.attr("key");
if (!userId) return;
var user = {
id: userId,
key: userId,
version: $this.attr("version"),
order: parseInt($this.attr("order"), 10),
login_name: $this.attr("login_name"),
name: $this.attr("name"),
status: $this.attr("status"),
email: $this.attr("email"),
primary_organization_id: $this.attr("primary_organization"),
orgIdList: []
$this.find("organization").each(function () {
var orgId = $(this).attr("id");
if (orgId) {
user.orgIdList[user.orgIdList.length] = orgId;
userArray[userArray.length] = user;
userHash[userId] = user;
return userArray;
this.user = function (userId) {
/// <summary>指定したユーザーIDのユーザー情報を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="userId" type="String">ユーザーID</param>
/// <returns type="Object">ユーザー情報。存在しない場合は null。</returns>
if (!userId) return null;
if (userHash) return userHash[userId];
if (!userArray) return null;
if (!userHash) {
userHash = {};
for (var i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
var user = userArray[i];
userHash[] = user;
return userHash[userId];
this.userSearch = function (userText) {
/// <summary>ユーザー情報を検索する。</summary>
/// <param name="userText" type="String">検索文字列(ユーザー名、もしくはメールアドレス)</param>
/// <returns type="Array">ヒットしたユーザー情報の配列</returns>
var userResult = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
var user = userArray[i];
if ( && >= 0) {
userResult[userResult.length] = user;
} else if ( && >= 0) {
userResult[userResult.length] = user;
return userResult;
this.organizationList = function () {
/// <summary>トップレベルの組織情報を返す。</summary>
/// <returns type="Array">組織情報の配列</returns>
if (orgArray) return orgArray;
hierarchical = false;
var res = app.queryItems("Base", "BaseGetOrganizationVersions", "BaseGetOrganizationsById", "organization_id", "organization_item");
if (!res) return null;
orgArray = new Array();
orgHash = new Object();
$(res.response).find("organization[name]").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
var orgId = $this.attr("key");
if (!orgId) return;
var org = {
id: orgId,
key: orgId,
name: $this.attr("name"),
version: $this.attr("version"),
order: parseInt($this.attr("order"), 10),
userIdList: []
// child organization ids
var childOrg = $this.children("organization");
if (childOrg.length) {
org.orgIdList = new Array();
var j = 0;
childOrg.each(function () {
org.orgIdList[j++] = $(this).attr("key");
hierarchical = true;
// member ids
var j = 0;
$this.find("user").each(function () {
var userId = $(this).attr("id");
if (userId) {
org.userIdList[j++] = userId;
// parent organization id
var parent_organization_id = $this.attr("parent_organization");
if (parent_organization_id) {
org.parent_organization_id = parent_organization_id;
hierarchical = true;
} else {
orgArray[orgArray.length] = org;
orgHash[orgId] = org;
return orgArray;
this.organization = function (orgId) {
/// <summary>指定した組織IDの組織情報を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="orgId" type="String">組織ID</param>
/// <returns type="Object">組織情報</returns>
if (!orgId) return null;
if (orgHash) return orgHash[orgId];
if (!orgArray) return null;
if (!orgHash) {
orgHash = {};
for (var i = 0; i < orgArray.length; i++) {
var org = orgArray[i];
orgHash[] = org;
return orgHash[orgId];
this.primaryOrganization = function (userId, getFirstIfNotBelong) {
/// <summary>指定したユーザーの優先する組織を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="userId" type="String">ユーザーID</param>
/// <param name="getFirstIfNotBelong">true のとき、指定したユーザーが組織に所属していなかった場合、null ではなく、全組織のうち最初の組織を返す。</param>
/// <returns type="Object">組織情報</returns>
if (!userId) return null;
var user = this.user(userId);
var org = this.organization(user.primary_organization_id);
if (org) return org;
if (user.orgIdList.length) {
org = this.organization(user.orgIdList[0]);
if (org) return org;
if (!getFirstIfNotBelong) return null;
var orgList = this.organizationList();
if (orgList.length) return orgList[0];
return null;
* cybozu-connect v1.1.1 - Cybozu API JavaScript Library
* CBLabs.CybozuConnect.App class
* @requires jQuery v1.4.1 or later.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Cybozu Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the GPL Version 2 license.
if (!CBLabs.CybozuConnect) { CBLabs.CybozuConnect = {}; }
CBLabs.CybozuConnect.App = function (url, username, password) {
/// <summary>サイボウズ Office 8/ガルーン 3 連携 API を実行するためのクラス</summary>
/// <param name="url" type="String">アクセス先のURL。URlは ag.exe(cgi) または grn.exe(cgi) で終わる必要がある。</param>
/// <param name="username" type="String">省略可。username と password を指定した場合、クラス生成時に auth を実行する。</param>
/// <param name="password" type="String">省略可。username と password を指定した場合、クラス生成時に auth を実行する。</param>
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.App" />
// private variables
var _cybozuURL = url;
var cybozuUsername;
var cybozuPassword;
var _cybozuType;
var _this = this;
// public variables
/// <value type="Object">直前のエラー情報</value>
/// <value type="Object">認証を行ったユーザー情報</value>
/// <value type="String">認証を行ったユーザーのID</value>
this.debug = false;
/// <value type="Boolean">デバッグモードか否か</value>
// initialize service URL
if (_cybozuURL.indexOf("/grn.") >= 0) {
_cybozuType = "Garoon";
} else if (_cybozuURL.indexOf("/ag.") >= 0) {
_cybozuType = "Office";
} else {
alert("API が利用できません。");
if (_cybozuURL.charAt(_cybozuURL.length - 1) == "?") {
_cybozuURL = _cybozuURL.substr(0, _cybozuURL.length - 1);
// public methods
this.cybozuURL = function () { return _cybozuURL; };
this.cybozuType = function () { return _cybozuType; };
this.auth = function (username, password) {
/// <summary> APIに対して認証を行う。auth 実行後、query, exec を呼び出すことができる。</summary>
/// <param name="username" type="String">ログイン名</param>
/// <param name="password" type="String">パスワード</param>
/// <returns type="Boolean">true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
cybozuUsername = username;
cybozuPassword = password;
var res = _this.query("Base", "BaseGetUsersByLoginName", { login_name: { innerValue: cybozuUsername} });
if (res.error) {'Login Failed!!');
cybozuUsername = cybozuPassword = null;
} else {
var user = $(res.response).find("user");
if (user.length) {
_this.user = {
id: user.attr("key"),
key: user.attr("key"),
login_name: user.attr("login_name"),
name: user.attr("name"),
status: user.attr("status"),
email: user.attr("email"),
primary_organization_id: user.attr("primary_organization")
_this.userId =;
return true;
} else {
cybozuUsername = cybozuPassword = null;
return false;
this.clearAuth = function () {
/// <summary>認証をクリアする。再度 auth を実行しない限り、query, exec を呼び出すことはできなくなる。</summary>
cybozuUsername = cybozuPassword = null;
this.user = this.userId = null;
this.query = function (service, method, params, alertIfError, debug) {
/// <summary>APIのうち、データ取得系についてのみ実行する。誤ってデータを更新することを防ぐことができる。引数と戻り値は exec と同様。</summary>
if (method.indexOf(service + "Get") != 0 && method.indexOf(service + "Search") != 0) {
this.error = { message: "query() メソッドで更新系APIを実行することはできません。" };
if (alertIfError) {
return { error: this.error };
return this.exec(service, method, params, alertIfError, debug);
this.exec = function (service, method, params, alertIfError, debug) {
/// <summary>APIを実行する。</summary>
/// <param name="service" type="String">アプリケーション識別子 (Base/Schedule/...)</param>
/// <param name="method" type="String">API名</param>
/// <param name="params" type="Object">APIへのパラメータ</param>
/// <param name="alertIfError" type="Boolean">true のとき、API実行時にエラーが出た場合、アラートボックスを表示する。</param>
/// <param name="debug" type="Boolean">true のとき、デバッグモードになり、APIへのリクエストおよびレスポンスのXMLの内容が、アラートボックスに表示される。</param>
/// <returns type="Object">(obj).response にAPIからの戻り値のXMLが入る。エラーの場合 (obj).error.code にエラーコード、(obj).error.message にエラーメッセージが入る。</returns>
// timestamp
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var created = $.cybozuConnect.formatISO8601(time, false);
time += 1000;
var expires = $.cybozuConnect.formatISO8601(time, false);
// request
method = $.cybozuConnect.xmlEscape(method);
var requestXml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">\
<Action soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">' + method + '</Action>\
<Timestamp soap:mustUnderstande="1" xmlns="">\
<Created>' + created + '</Created>\
<Expires>' + expires + '</Expires>\
<Security xmlns:wsu="" soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">\
<Username>' + $.cybozuConnect.xmlEscape(cybozuUsername) + '</Username>\
<Password>' + $.cybozuConnect.xmlEscape(cybozuPassword) + '</Password>\
<' + method + ' xmlns="">';
requestXml += makeParametersXml("parameters", params);
requestXml += '</' + method + '></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>';
if (debug || this.debug) {
// call API
var req = new XMLHttpRequest;
var url = _cybozuURL;
if (_cybozuType == "Garoon") {
url += "/cbpapi/" + service.toLowerCase() + "/api";
} else { // Office
url += "?page=PApi" + service;
}"POST", url, false);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; action="' + method + '"');
var res;
if (req.status != 503) {
if (debug || this.debug) {
var dom = req.responseXml ? req.responseXml : $(req.responseText);
var $dom = $(dom);
var code = $dom.find("code");
var diagnosis = $dom.find("diagnosis");
if (code.length > 0 && diagnosis.length > 0) {
this.error = { code: code.text(), message: diagnosis.text() };
res = { response: dom, error: this.error };
} else {
this.error = null;
res = { response: dom };
if (debug || this.debug) {
res.responseText = req.responseText;
} else {
this.error = { message: "通信エラー" };
res = { error: this.error };
if (alertIfError && this.error) {
return res;
this.queryItems = function (service, methodOfGetVersions, methodOfGetById, idName, itemName) {
var params = {};
params[idName] = new Array();
// get item versions
var res = _this.query(service, methodOfGetVersions, null, true);
if (res.error) return null;
// make item id list
var i = 0;
$(res.response).find(itemName).each(function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
if (id) {
params[idName][i++] = { innerValue: id };
// get item list
res = _this.query(service, methodOfGetById, params, true);
if (res.error) return null;
return res;
// authentication
if (username && password) {
this.auth(username, password);
// private functions
function makeParametersXml(name, child) {
if (!child || !$.isPlainObject(child)) return "<" + name + " />";
var xml = "<" + name;
var attributesEnded = false;
if (name == "parameters") {
xml += ' xmlns=""';
for (var key in child) {
var value = child[key];
if (value == null) {
// do noting
} else if ($.isPlainObject(value)) {
if (!attributesEnded) {
attributesEnded = true;
xml += ">";
xml += makeParametersXml(key, value);
} else if ($.isArray(value)) {
if (!attributesEnded) {
attributesEnded = true;
xml += ">";
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(value[i])) continue;
xml += makeParametersXml(key, value[i]);
} else if (key == "innerValue") {
// inner value
if (!attributesEnded) {
attributesEnded = true;
xml += ">"
xml += $.cybozuConnect.htmlEscape(value);
} else if (!attributesEnded) {
// attribute
var type = typeof value;
if (type == "string") {
if (value.indexOf("\n") >= 0) {
xml += " " + key + '="' + $.cybozuConnect.xmlAttributeEscape(value) + '"';
} else {
xml += " " + key + '="' + $.cybozuConnect.htmlEscape(value) + '"';
} else if (type == "number" || type == "boolean") {
xml += " " + key + '="' + value + '"';
} else {
// attributes are ended
if (!attributesEnded) xml += ">";
xml += "</" + name + ">";
return xml;
* cybozu-connect v1.1.1 - Cybozu API JavaScript Library
* CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Schedule class
* @requires jQuery v1.4.1 or later.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Cybozu Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the GPL Version 2 license.
if (!CBLabs.CybozuConnect) { CBLabs.CybozuConnect = {}; }
CBLabs.CybozuConnect.SchedulePersonalProfile = function (res) {
/// <summary>スケジュールの個人設定を表すクラス</summary>
/// <param name="res" type="Object">APIからのレスポンス</param>
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.SchedulePersonalProfile" />
var profile = $(res.response).find("personal_profile");
var plan_menu;
this.plan_menu = function () {
/// <summary>予定メニュー</summary>
/// <returns type="Array">予定メニュー項目の配列</returns>
if (plan_menu) return plan_menu;
var value = profile.attr("plan_menu");
if (value) {
plan_menu = value.split("\n");
for (var i = plan_menu.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (plan_menu[i]) break;
} else {
plan_menu = new Array();
return plan_menu;
CBLabs.CybozuConnect.ScheduleSystemProfile = function (res) {
/// <summary>スケジュールのシステム設定を表すクラス</summary>
/// <param name="res" type="Object">APIからのレスポンス</param>
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.ScheduleSystemProfile" />
var profile = $(res.response).find("system_profile");
var plan_menu = null;
var show_group_event = null;
this.plan_menu = function () {
/// <summary>予定メニュー</summary>
/// <returns type="Array">予定メニュー項目の配列</returns>
if (plan_menu != null) return plan_menu;
var value = profile.attr("plan_menu");
if (value) {
plan_menu = value.split("\n");
for (var i = plan_menu.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (plan_menu[i]) break;
} else {
plan_menu = new Array();
return plan_menu;
this.show_group_event = function () {
/// <summary>グループの予定を表示するか否か</summary>
/// <returns type="Boolean" />
if (show_group_event == null) {
show_group_event = (profile.attr("show_group_event") != "false");
return show_group_event;
CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Schedule = function (app) {
/// <summary>Scheduleで提供されるAPIを実行するクラス</summary>
/// <param name="app" type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.App" />
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Schedule" />
/// <remarks>
/// <b>予定を取得する期間の指定について</b>
/// 例えば 2011-01-16 から 2011/01/22 までの予定を取得する場合、
/// 開始日時として 2011-01-16 00:00:00 を指定し、
/// 終了日時として 2011-01-23 00:00:00 を指定する。
/// <b>予定情報の属性</b>
/// <pre>
/// var event = {
/// id: "1", // 予定ID
/// allDay: false, // 終日予定(バナー予定を含む)か否か
/// start: new Date(2011, 0, 28, 10, 0), // 開始日時
/// end: new Date(2011, 0, 28, 11, 0), // 終了日時
/// event_type: "repeat", // 予定の種類
/// public_type: "public", // 公開方法("public": 公開、"private": 非公開)
/// plan: "会議", // 予定メニュー
/// detail: "進捗", // 予定詳細
/// title: "会議:進捗", // 予定メニュー+予定詳細
/// description: "要議事録", // メモ
/// timezone: "Asia/Tokyo", // タイムゾーン
/// start_only: false, // 開始時刻のみ設定されているか否か
/// users: [], // 参加するユーザーの配列(予定取得時)
/// organizations: [], // 参加する組織の配列(予定取得時)
/// facilities: [], // 参加する設備の配列(予定取得時)
/// userIdList: ["1", "2"], // 参加するユーザーのIDの配列(予定追加・変更時)
/// orgIdList: ["1"], // 参加する組織のIDの配列(予定追加・変更時)
/// facilityIdList: ["5"], // 参加する設備のIDの配列(予定追加・変更時)
/// repeatInfo: { // 繰り返し情報(繰り返し予定の場合)
/// type: "week", // 繰り返しの種類
/// day: "28", // type=="month" の場合の日指定
/// week: "5", // type=="week"/"1stweek"/"2ndweek"/"3rdweek"/"4thweek"/"lastweek" の場合の曜日指定
/// start_date: "2011-01-28", // 繰り返し期間の開始日付(xsd:date)
/// end_date: "2011-02-28", // 繰り返し期間の終了日付(xsd:date)
/// start_time: "10:00:00", // 開始時刻(xsd:time)
/// end_time: "11:00:00" // 終了時刻(xsd:time)
/// }
/// };
/// </pre>
/// <b>予定の種類</b>
/// * "normal": 通常予定
/// * "banner": バナー(期間)予定
/// * "repeat": 繰り返し予定
/// * "temporary": 仮予定
/// <b>繰り返しの種類</b>
/// * "day": 毎日
/// * "weekday": 平日
/// * "week": 毎週
/// * "1stweek": 毎月第1何曜日
/// * "2ndweek": 毎月第2何曜日
/// * "3rdweek": 毎月第3何曜日
/// * "4thweek": 毎月第4何曜日
/// * "lastweek": 毎月最終何曜日
/// * "month": 毎月何日
/// <b>設備情報の属性</b>
/// <pre>
/// var facility = {
/// id: "5", // 設備ID
/// key: "5", // 設備ID
/// name: "会議室1", // 設備名
/// description: "", // メモ
/// belong_facility_group_id: "1" // 所属する設備グループ
/// };
/// </pre>
/// <b>設備グループの属性</b>
/// <pre>
/// var facilityGroup = {
/// id: "1", // 設備グループID
/// key: "1", // 設備グループID
/// name: "会議室", // 設備グループ名
/// facilityIdList: ["5"], // 所属する設備のIDの配列
/// parent_facility_group_id: null // 親設備グループ
/// };
/// </pre>
/// </remarks>
// private variables
var facilityArray, facilityHash, facilityGroupArray, facilityGroupHash;
var personalProfile, systemProfile;
// initialize
app.Schedule = this; // set to parent property
// get base
var Base = app.Base || new CBLabs.CybozuConnect.Base(app);
this.personalProfile = function () {
/// <summary>スケジュールの個人設定を返す。</summary>
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.SchedulePersonalProfile" />
if (!personalProfile) loadProfiles();
return personalProfile;
this.systemProfile = function () {
/// <summary>スケジュールのシステム設定を返す。</summary>
/// <returns type="CBLabs.CybozuConnect.ScheduleSystemProfile" />
if (!systemProfile) loadProfiles();
return systemProfile;
function loadProfiles() {
var res = app.query("Schedule", "ScheduleGetProfiles", { include_system_profile: true }, true);
if (res.error) return;
personalProfile = new CBLabs.CybozuConnect.SchedulePersonalProfile(res);
systemProfile = new CBLabs.CybozuConnect.ScheduleSystemProfile(res);
this.getEventsByTarget = function (options, isUtc) {
/// <summary>指定した対象の予定を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="options.start" type="Date">取得する期間の開始日時</param>
/// <param name="options.end" type="Date">取得する期間の終了日時</param>
/// <param name="options.userId" type="String">ユーザーID</param>
/// <param name="options.organizationId" type="String">組織ID</param>
/// <param name="options.facilityId" type="String">設備ID</param>
/// <returns type="Array">予定の配列</returns>
/// <remarks>ユーザーID、組織ID、および設備IDのうち、いずれか1つだけ指定できる。</remarks>
if (!options.start || !options.end || (!options.userId && !options.organizationId && !options.facilityId)) return null;
var params = {
start: $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDateTime(options.start, isUtc),
end: $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDateTime(options.end, isUtc)
if (options.userId) {
params.user = { id: options.userId };
} else if (options.organizationId) {
params.organization = { id: options.organizationId };
} else { // options.facilityId
params.facility = { id: options.facilityId };
var res = app.query("Schedule", "ScheduleGetEventsByTarget", params, true);
if (res.error) return null;
return getEventsFromResponse(res.response, options.start, options.end);
this.getEvents = function (options, isUtc) {
/// <summary>指定した複数の対象の予定を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="options.start" type="Date">取得する期間の開始日時</param>
/// <param name="options.end" type="Date">取得する期間の終了日時</param>
/// <param name="options.userIdList" type="Array">(省略可)ユーザーIDの配列</param>
/// <param name="options.organizationIdList" type="Array">(省略可)組織IDの配列</param>
/// <param name="options.facilityIdList" type="Array">(省略可)設備IDの配列</param>
/// <returns type="Array">予定の配列</returns>
if (!options.start || !options.end) return null;
var userIdList = options.userIdList || new Array();
var orgIdList = options.orgIdList || new Array();
var facilityIdList = options.facilityIdList || new Array();
if (userIdList.length + orgIdList.length + facilityIdList.length == 0) return null;
var events = { organizations: {}, users: {}, facilities: {} };
for (var i = 0; i < orgIdList.length; i++) {
var id = orgIdList[i];
events.organizations[id] = this.getEventsByTarget({ start: options.start, end: options.end, organizationId: id }, isUtc);
for (var i = 0; i < userIdList.length; i++) {
var id = userIdList[i];
events.users[id] = this.getEventsByTarget({ start: options.start, end: options.end, userId: id }, isUtc);
for (var i = 0; i < facilityIdList.length; i++) {
var id = facilityIdList[i];
events.facilities[id] = this.getEventsByTarget({ start: options.start, end: options.end, facilityId: id }, isUtc);
return events;
this.addEvent = function (event, visStart, visEnd) {
/// <summary>予定を追加する。</summary>
/// <param name="event" type="Object">追加する予定の情報</param>
/// <param name="visStart" type="Date">(戻り値としての予定を)取得する期間の開始日時</param>
/// <param name="visEnd" type="Date">(戻り値としての予定を)取得する期間の終了日時</param>
/// <returns type="Array">追加された予定の配列</returns>
if (event.userIdList) {
if (event.userIdList.length + event.orgIdList.length + event.facilityIdList.length == 0) {
return null;
var params = {
schedule_event: {
xmlns: "",
id: "dummy",
event_type: event.event_type,
version: "dummy",
public_type: "public",
plan: event.plan,
detail: event.detail,
description: event.description,
allday: String(event.allDay)
// members
params.schedule_event.members = prepareMembers(event);
if (event.event_type == "repeat") {
// repeat_info
params.schedule_event.repeat_info = {
condition: {
type: event.repeatInfo.type,
week: event.repeatInfo.week,
start_date: event.repeatInfo.start_date
if (event.repeatInfo.end_date) {
params.schedule_event.repeat_info.condition.end_date = event.repeatInfo.end_date;
if (!event.allDay) {
params.schedule_event.repeat_info.condition.start_time = event.repeatInfo.start_time;
if (event.repeatInfo.end_time) {
params.schedule_event.repeat_info.condition.end_time = event.repeatInfo.end_time;
// start_only
params.schedule_event.start_only = (!event.repeatInfo.end_time);
} else {
// start_only
params.schedule_event.start_only = (!event.end);
// when
params.schedule_event.when = createWhen(event);
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleAddEvents", params, true);
if (res.error) return null;
if (!visStart || !visEnd) {
return $(res.response).find("schedule_evnet").length > 0;
return getEventsFromResponse(res.response, visStart, visEnd);
this.modifyEvent = function (event) {
/// <summary>(繰り返し以外の)予定を変更する。</summary>
/// <param name="event" type="Object">変更する予定の情報</param>
/// <returns type="Boolean">true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
if (event.event_type == "repeat") {
return false;
if (event.userIdList) {
if (event.userIdList.length + event.orgIdList.length + event.facilityIdList.length == 0) {
return false;
// members
var members = prepareMembers(event);
// when
var when = createWhen(event);
var params = {
schedule_event: {
xmlns: "",
event_type: event.event_type,
version: event.version,
public_type: event.public_type,
allday: event.allDay,
start_only: (!event.end),
plan: event.plan,
detail: event.detail,
description: event.description,
members: members,
when: when
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleModifyEvents", params, true);
if (res.error) return false;
return $(res.response).find("schedule_event").length > 0;
this.modifyRepeatEvent = function (event, modifyType, baseDate, modifyDate) {
/// <summary>繰り返し予定を変更する。</summary>
/// <param name="event" type="Object">変更する予定の情報</param>
/// <param name="modifyType" type="String">変更する範囲("this": baseDate で指定した日付のみ、"after": baseDate 以降について、"all": すべて)</param>
/// <param name="baseDate" type="Date">変更する範囲の基準日付(modifyType の項を参照)</param>
/// <param name="modifyDate" type="Date">modifyType=="this" のとき、変更先の日付。modifyType=="after" のとき、変更後予定の繰り返し期間の開始日付。</param>
/// <returns type="Boolean">true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
if (event.event_type != "repeat") {
return false;
if (modifyType == "this" && !$.cybozuConnect.equalDate(baseDate, modifyDate)) {
if (event.allDay) {
event.start = event.end = modifyDate;
} else {
var xsdModifyDate = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(modifyDate);
event.start = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDateTime(xsdModifyDate + "T" + event.repeatInfo.start_time);
if (event.repeatInfo.end_time) {
event.end = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDateTime(xsdModifyDate + "T" + event.repeatInfo.end_time);
var eventId =; // save
event.event_type = "normal";
var visStart = new Date(modifyDate);
var visEnd = $.cybozuConnect.incDate(visStart);
var events = this.addEvent(event, visStart, visEnd);
if (!events || !events.length) return false;
if (!this.removeEventFromRepeatEvent(eventId, "this", baseDate)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else if (modifyType == "after" && $.cybozuConnect.compareDate(baseDate, modifyDate) > 0) {
var eventId =; // save
var visStart = new Date(modifyDate);
var visEnd = $.cybozuConnect.incDate(visStart);
var events = this.addEvent(event, visStart, visEnd);
if (!events) return false;
if (!this.removeEventFromRepeatEvent(eventId, "after", baseDate)) {
if (events.length) {
this.removeEventFromRepeatEvent(events[0].id, "all", null);
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else if (modifyType == "after" && $.cybozuConnect.compareDate(baseDate, modifyDate) != 0) {
event.repeatInfo.start_date = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(baseDate);
if (event.userIdList) {
if (event.userIdList.length + event.orgIdList.length + event.facilityIdList.length == 0) {
return false;
// members
var members = prepareMembers(event);
var operation = { type: modifyType };
var schedule_event = {
xmlns: "",
event_type: event.event_type,
version: event.version,
public_type: event.public_type,
allday: event.allDay,
start_only: event.start_only,
plan: event.plan,
detail: event.detail,
description: event.description,
members: members
if (modifyType == "this" || modifyType == "after") { = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(baseDate);
schedule_event.repeat_info = {
condition: {
type: event.repeatInfo.type,
week: event.repeatInfo.week,
start_date: event.repeatInfo.start_date
if (event.repeatInfo.end_date) {
schedule_event.repeat_info.condition.end_date = event.repeatInfo.end_date;
if (!event.allDay) {
schedule_event.repeat_info.condition.start_time = event.repeatInfo.start_time;
if (event.repeatInfo.end_time) {
schedule_event.repeat_info.condition.end_time = event.repeatInfo.end_time;
// start_only
schedule_event.start_only = (!event.repeatInfo.end_time);
operation.schedule_event = schedule_event;
var params = { operation: operation };
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleModifyRepeatEvents", params, true);
if (res.error) return false;
return $(res.response).find("result").length > 0;
function prepareMembers(event) {
var memberList = new Array();
if (event.userIdList) {
for (var i = 0; i < event.userIdList.length; i++) {
memberList[memberList.length] = { user: { id: event.userIdList[i]} };
for (var i = 0; i < event.orgIdList.length; i++) {
memberList[memberList.length] = { organization: { id: event.orgIdList[i]} };
for (var i = 0; i < event.facilityIdList.length; i++) {
memberList[memberList.length] = { facility: { id: event.facilityIdList[i]} };
} else if (event.users) {
for (var i = 0; i < event.users.length; i++) {
var user = event.users[i];
memberList[memberList.length] = { user: { id:, order: user.order} };
for (var i = 0; i < event.organizations.length; i++) {
var org = event.organizations[i];
memberList[memberList.length] = { organization: { id:, order: org.order} };
for (var i = 0; i < event.facilities.length; i++) {
var facility = event.facilities[i];
memberList[memberList.length] = { facility: { id:, order: facility.order} };
} else {
// unexpected
return { member: memberList };
this.removeEvent = function (eventId) {
/// <summary>(繰り返し以外の)予定を削除する。</summary>
/// <param name="eventId" type="String">予定ID</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleRemoveEvents", { event_id: { innerValue: eventId} }, true);
return res.error ? false : true;
this.removeEventFromRepeatEvent = function (eventId, type, date) {
/// <summary>繰り返し予定を削除する。</summary>
/// <param name="eventId" type="String">予定ID</param>
/// <param name="type" type="String">削除する範囲("this"/"after"/"all")</param>
/// <param name="date" type="Date">削除する範囲の基準日付</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var params = { operation: { event_id: eventId, type: type} };
if (type == "this" || type == "after") { = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(date);
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleRemoveEventsFromRepeatEvent", params, true);
return res.error ? false : true;
this.leaveEvent = function (eventId) {
/// <summary>(繰り返し以外の)予定から抜ける。</summary>
/// <param name="eventId" type="String">予定ID</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleLeaveEvents", { event_id: { innerValue: eventId} }, true);
return res.error ? false : true;
this.leaveEventFromRepeatEvent = function (eventId, type, date) {
/// <summary>繰り返し予定から抜ける。</summary>
/// <param name="eventId" type="String">予定ID</param>
/// <param name="type" type="String">抜ける範囲("this"/"after"/"all")</param>
/// <param name="date" type="Date">抜ける範囲の基準日付</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var params = { operation: { event_id: eventId, type: type} };
if (type == "this" || type == "after") { = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(date);
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleLeaveEventsFromRepeatEvent", params, true);
return res.error ? false : true;
this.addFollow = function (event, followText) {
/// <summary>フォローを予定に追加する。</summary>
/// <param name="event" type="Object/String">フォローを追加する先の予定、または予定ID</param>
/// <param name="followText" type="String">フォロー内容</param>
/// <returns type="Object">フォローが追加された予定</returns>
var event_id;
if ($.isPlainObject(event)) {
if (event.event_type == "repeat") {
return null;
event_id =;
} else {
event_id = event;
var events = this.addFollows({ event_id: event_id, content: followText });
if ($.isArray(events) && events.length) return events[0];
return null;
this.addFollows = function (follows) {
/// <summary>フォローを予定に追加する。</summary>
/// <param name="follows" type="Object/Array">フォロー(の配列)</param>
/// <param name="visStart" type="Date">(省略可)(戻り値としての予定を)取得する期間の開始日時</param>
/// <param name="visEnd" type="Date">(省略可)(戻り値としての予定を)取得する期間の終了日時</param>
/// <returns type="Array">フォローが追加された予定の配列</returns>
var params = {};
if (!$.isPlainObject(follows) && $.isArray(follows)) {
throw "'follows' must be a plain object or a array.";
params.follow = follows;
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleAddFollows", params, true);
if (res.error) return null;
return getEventsFromResponse(res.response, null, null);
this.addFollowToRepeatEvent = function (event, date, followText) {
/// <summary>フォローを繰り返し予定に追加する。</summary>
/// <param name="event" type="Object/String">フォローを追加する先の予定、または予定ID</param>
/// <param name="date" type="Date">フォローを追加する先の予定の日付</param>
/// <param name="followText" type="String">フォロー内容</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var event_id;
if ($.isPlainObject(event)) {
if (event.event_type != "repeat") {
return null;
event_id =;
} else {
event_id = event;
var events = this.addFollowsToRepeatEvent({ event_id: event_id, date: $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(date), content: followText });
if ($.isArray(events) && events.length) return events[0];
return null;
this.addFollowsToRepeatEvent = function (follows) {
/// <summary>フォローを繰り返し予定に追加する。</summary>
/// <param name="follows" type="Object/Array">フォロー(の配列)</param>
/// <param name="visStart" type="Date">(省略可)(戻り値としての予定を)取得する期間の開始日時</param>
/// <param name="visEnd" type="Date">(省略可)(戻り値としての予定を)取得する期間の終了日時</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var params = {};
if (!$.isPlainObject(follows) && $.isArray(follows)) {
throw "'follows' must be a plain object or a array.";
params.follow = follows;
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleAddFollowsToRepeatEvent", params, true);
if (res.error) return false;
return getEventsFromResponse(res.response, null, null, "modified");
this.removeFollows = function (followIds) {
/// <summary>フォローを削除する。</summary>
/// <param name="followIds" type="String/Array">フォローID(の配列)</param>
/// <return type="Boolean" />true: 成功、false: 失敗</returns>
var params = {};
if ($.isArray(followIds)) {
params.follow_id = new Array();
for (var i = 0 ; i < followIds.length ; i ++) {
params.follow_id[params.follow_id.length] = { innerValue: followIds[i] };
} else {
params.follow_id = { innerValue: followIds };
var res = app.exec("Schedule", "ScheduleRemoveFollows", params, true);
return res.error ? false : true;
this.inMembers = function (userId, event) {
/// <summary>指定したユーザーが予定の参加者に含まれるか否か</summary>
/// <param name="userId" type="String">ユーザーID</param>
/// <param name="event" type="Object">予定</param>
/// <returns type="Boolean" />
for (var i = 0; i < event.users.length; i++) {
var user = event.users[i];
if ( == userId) return true;
return false;
var hierarchical = null;
this.isHierarchical = function () {
/// <summary>設備グループが階層的か否か</summary>
/// <returns type="Boolean" />
if (hierarchical == null) {
return hierarchical;
this.facilityList = function () {
/// <summary>全設備を取得する。</summary>
/// <returns type="Array">設備の配列</returns>
if (facilityArray) return facilityArray;
var res = app.queryItems("Schedule", "ScheduleGetFacilityVersions", "ScheduleGetFacilitiesById", "facility_id", "facility_item");
if (!res) return null;
facilityArray = new Array();
facilityHash = new Object();
$(res.response).find("facility").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
var id = $this.attr("key");
if (!id) return;
facilityHash[id] = {
id: id,
key: id,
version: $this.attr("version"),
order: $this.attr("order"),
name: $this.attr("name"),
description: $this.attr("description"),
belong_facility_group_id: $this.attr("belong_facility_group")
for (var key in facilityHash) {
facilityArray[facilityArray.length] = facilityHash[key];
return facilityArray;
this.facility = function (facilityId) {
/// <summary>指定した設備の情報を取得する</summary>
/// <param name="facilityId" type="String">設備ID</param>
/// <returns type="Object">設備情報</returns>
if (!facilityId) return null;
if (!facilityHash) {
return facilityHash[facilityId];
this.facilitySearch = function (text) {
/// <summary>設備を検索する</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">検索文字列</param>
/// <returns type="Array">ヒットした設備情報の配列</returns>
var facilityResult = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < facilityArray.length; i++) {
var facility = facilityArray[i];
if ( && >= 0) {
facilityResult[facilityResult.length] = facility;
} else if (facility.description && facility.description.indexOf(text) >= 0) {
facilityResult[faciuserResult.length] = facility;
return facilityResult;
this.facilityGroupList = function () {
/// <summary>トップレベルの設備グループを返す</summary>
/// <returns type="Array">設備グループ情報の配列</returns>
if (facilityGroupArray) return facilityGroupArray;
var res = app.queryItems("Schedule", "ScheduleGetFacilityGroupsVersions", "ScheduleGetFacilityGroupsById", "facility_group_id", "facility_group_item");
if (!res) return null;
facilityGroupArray = new Array();
facilityGroupHash = new Object();
$(res.response).find("facility_group[name]").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
var groupId = $this.attr("id");
if (!groupId) return;
var facilityGroup = {
id: groupId,
key: groupId,
version: $this.attr("version"),
order: $this.attr("order"),
name: $this.attr("name"),
facilityIdList: []
// child facility group ids
var childGroup = $this.children("facility_group");
if (childGroup.length) {
facilityGroup.facilityGroupIdList = new Array();
var j = 0;
childGroup.each(function () {
facilityGroup.facilityGroupIdList[j++] = $(this).attr("id");
hierarchical = true;
// member facility ids
var j = 0;
$this.find("facility").each(function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
if (id) {
facilityGroup.facilityIdList[j++] = id;
// parent facility group id
var parent_facility_group_id = $this.attr("parent_facility_group");
if (parent_facility_group_id) {
facilityGroup.parent_facility_group_id = parent_facility_group_id;
hierarchical = true;
} else {
facilityGroupArray[facilityGroupArray.length] = facilityGroup;
facilityGroupHash[groupId] = facilityGroup;
return facilityGroupArray;
this.facilityGroup = function (groupId) {
/// <summary>指定した設備グループの情報を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="groupId" type="String">設備グループID</param>
/// <returns type="Object">設備グループ情報</returns>
if (!groupId) return null;
if (!facilityGroupHash) {
return facilityGroupHash[groupId];
// private functions
function getEventsFromResponse(response, visStart, visEnd, elementName) {
var events = new Array();
var name = elementName ? elementName : "schedule_event";
$(response).find(name).each(function () {
var event = createEventFromResponse($(this), visStart, visEnd);
if (!event) {
// nothing
} else if ($.isArray(event)) {
for (var i = 0; i < event.length; i++) {
events[events.length] = event[i];
} else {
events[events.length] = event;
return events;
function createWhen(event) {
if (event.allDay) {
var date = { start: $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(event.start) };
if (event.end) {
date.end = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(event.end);
return { date: date };
} else {
var datetime = { start: $.cybozuConnect.formatISO8601(event.start, true) }; // not xsd:datetime
if (event.end) {
datetime.end = $.cybozuConnect.formatISO8601(event.end, true); // not xsd:datetime
return { datetime: datetime };
function createEventFromResponse($event, start, end) {
var when = $event.find("when");
if (!when.length && start && end) {
if ($event.attr("event_type") == "repeat") {
var $repeat_info = $event.find("repeat_info");
if ($repeat_info.length) {
return createRepeatedEventsFromReponse($event, $repeat_info, start, end);
return null;
var e = createSingleEventFromResponse($event);
if (e.allDay) {
var date = when.find("date");
e.start = date.attr("start");
if (!e.start_only) {
e.end = date.attr("end");
} else {
var datetime = when.find("datetime");
e.start = $.cybozuConnect.parseISO8601(datetime.attr("start"), true);
if (!e.start_only) {
e.end = $.cybozuConnect.parseISO8601(datetime.attr("end"), true);
return e;
function createRepeatedEventsFromReponse($event, $repeat_info, start, end) {
var cond = $repeat_info.find("condition");
var repeatInfo = {
type: cond.attr("type"),
day: parseInt(cond.attr("day"), 10),
week: parseInt(cond.attr("week"), 10),
start_date: cond.attr("start_date"),
end_date: cond.attr("end_date")
var dates = getRepeatDates($repeat_info, repeatInfo, start, end);
if (!dates.length) return null;
var events = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
var date = dates[i];
var xsdDate = $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDate(date);
var e = createSingleEventFromResponse($event);
if (e.allDay) {
e.start = xsdDate;
if (!e.start_only) {
e.end = xsdDate;
} else {
/*if (!repeatInfo.start_time) {
var cond = $repeat_info.find("condition");
repeatInfo.start_time = cond.attr("start_time");
if (!e.start_only) {
repeatInfo.end_time = cond.attr("end_time");
e.start = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDateTime(xsdDate + "T" + e.repeatInfo.start_time);
if (!e.start_only && e.repeatInfo.end_time) {
e.end = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDateTime(xsdDate + "T" + e.repeatInfo.end_time);
//e.repeatInfo = repeatInfo;
events[events.length] = e;
return events;
function createSingleEventFromResponse($event) {
var event_type = $event.attr("event_type");
var plan = $event.attr("plan");
var detail = $event.attr("detail");
var start_only = ($event.attr("start_only") == "true");
var e = new Object;
// standard properties = $event.attr("id");
if (plan && detail) {
e.title = plan + ":" + detail;
} else if (plan) {
e.title = plan;
} else if (detail) {
e.title = detail;
} else {
e.title = "--";
e.allDay = ($event.attr("allday") == "true" || event_type == "banner");
// class
if (event_type == "repeat") {
e.className = "event-repeat";
} else if (event_type == "banner") {
e.className = "event-banner";
} else if (e.allDay) {
e.className = "event-allday";
// non-standard properties
e.event_type = event_type;
e.version = $event.attr("version");
e.public_type = $event.attr("public_type");
e.plan = plan;
e.detail = detail;
e.description = $event.attr("description");
e.timezone = $event.attr("timezone");
e.start_only = start_only;
// repeat information
if (event_type == "repeat") {
var cond = $event.find("condition");
if (cond.length) {
e.repeatInfo = {
type: cond.attr("type"),
day: cond.attr("day"),
week: cond.attr("week"),
start_date: cond.attr("start_date"),
end_date: cond.attr("end_date"),
start_time: cond.attr("start_time"),
end_time: cond.attr("end_time")
// users
e.users = new Array();
$event.find("user").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
e.users[e.users.length] = { id: $this.attr("id"), name: $this.attr("name"), order: $this.attr("order") };
// organizations
e.organizations = new Array();
$event.find("organization").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
e.organizations[e.organizations.length] = { id: $this.attr("id"), name: $this.attr("name"), order: $this.attr("order") };
// facilities
e.facilities = new Array();
$event.find("facility").each(function () {
$this = $(this);
e.facilities[e.facilities.length] = { id: $this.attr("id"), name: $this.attr("name"), order: $this.attr("order") };
if ($event.find("follows").length) {
e.follows = $event.find("follow");
return e;
function getRepeatDates($repeat_info, repeatInfo, start, end) {
var type = repeatInfo.type;
var day =;
var week = repeatInfo.week;
var startDate = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDate(repeatInfo.start_date);
var endDate = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDate(repeatInfo.end_date);
if (startDate.getTime() < start.getTime()) {
startDate = start;
if (!endDate || (end.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) < endDate.getTime()) {
endDate = new Date();
endDate.setTime(end.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var exclusiveDates = new Array();
$repeat_info.find("exclusive_datetime").each(function () {
var datetime = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDateTime($(this).attr("start"));
if (datetime) {
exclusiveDates[exclusiveDates.length] = datetime;
var dates = new Array();
var date = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate());
var lastDay;
if (type == "lastweek" || (type == "month" && day == 0)) {
var lastDate = $.cybozuConnect.getLastDate(date);
lastDay = lastDate.getDate();
while (date.getTime() <= endDate.getTime()) {
var wday = date.getDay();
var mday = date.getDate();
var hit = false;
if (type == "day") {
hit = true;
} else if (type == "weekday") {
hit = (wday != 0 && wday != 6);
} else if (type == "week") {
hit = (wday == week);
} else if (type == "1stweek") {
hit = (wday == week && mday <= 7);
} else if (type == "2nweek") {
hit = (wday == week && 7 < mday && mday <= 14);
} else if (type == "3rdweek") {
hit = (wday == week && 14 < mday && mday <= 21);
} else if (type == "4thweek") {
hit = (wday == week && 21 < mday && mday <= 28);
} else if (type == "lastweek") {
hit = (wday == week && lastDay - 7 < mday && mday <= lastDay);
} else if (type == "month") {
if (day == 0) {
hit = (mday == lastDay);
} else {
hit = (mday == day);
if (hit && !inDateArray(date, exclusiveDates)) {
dates[dates.length] = date;
date = $.cybozuConnect.incDate(date);
return dates;
function inDateArray(date, dateArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < dateArray.length; i++) {
if (date.getTime() == dateArray[i].getTime()) return true;
return false;
function setupUtility($) {
* cybozu-connect v1.1.1 - Cybozu API JavaScript Library
* utility functions as jquery plugins
* @requires jQuery v1.4.1 or later.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Cybozu Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the GPL Version 2 license.
$.cybozuConnect = {
/// <summary>ユーティリティ関数</summary>
xmlDom: function (text) {
/// <summary>XMLからDOMを構築する。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">XML</param>
/// <returns type="Object">DOM。構築できなかった場合 null を返す。</returns>
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var dom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
return dom;
} else if (window.DOMParser) {
var dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "application/xml");
if (dom.documentElement.tagName != "parsererror") return dom;
text = text.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]/g, "");
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "application/xml");
} else {
return null;
htmlEscape: function (text) {
/// <summary>HTMLエスケープを行う。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">エスケープする文字列</param>
/// <returns type="String">エスケープされた文字列</returns>
return text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
xmlEscape: function (text) {
/// <summary>XMLエスケープを行う。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">エスケープする文字列</param>
/// <returns type="String">エスケープされた文字列</returns>
return text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&apos;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
xmlAttributeEscape: function (text) {
/// <summary>XMLの属性値としてのエスケープを行う。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">エスケープする文字列</param>
/// <returns type="String">エスケープされた文字列</returns>
return $.cybozuConnect.htmlEscape(text).replace(/\r/g, "&#xD;").replace(/\n/g, "&#xA;");
nn: function (num) {
/// <summary>2桁の整数に対し、0パディングした文字列を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="num" type="Number">2桁の整数</param>
/// <returns type="String">0パディングされた文字列</returns>
return _nn(num);
formatXSDDate: function (value) {
/// <summary>日付をxsd:date形式でフォーマットする。</summary>
/// <param name="value" type="Date">日付</param>
/// <returns type="String">フォーマットされた文字列</returns>
var d;
if (value instanceof Date) {
d = value;
} else if (typeof value == "number") {
d = new Date();
} else {
d = new Date(value);
var year = d.getFullYear();
var month = d.getMonth() + 1;
var day = d.getDate();
return year + "-" + _nn(month) + "-" + _nn(day);
formatXSDDateTime: function (value, utc) {
/// <summary>日時をxsd:datetime形式でフォーマットする。</summary>
/// <param name="value" type="Date, Number">日時。型がNumberの場合はタイムスタンプ値</param>
/// <param name="utc" type="Boolean">UTCとして扱うか否か</param>
/// <returns type="String">フォーマットされた文字列</returns>
var d;
if (value instanceof Date) {
d = value;
} else if (typeof value == "number") {
d = new Date();
} else {
d = new Date(value);
var year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds;
if (utc) {
year = d.getUTCFullYear();
month = d.getUTCMonth() + 1;
day = d.getUTCDate();
hours = d.getUTCHours();
minutes = d.getUTCMinutes();
seconds = d.getUTCSeconds();
} else {
year = d.getFullYear();
month = d.getMonth() + 1;
day = d.getDate();
hours = d.getHours();
minutes = d.getMinutes();
seconds = d.getSeconds();
return year + "-" + _nn(month) + "-" + _nn(day) + "T" + _nn(hours) + ":" + _nn(minutes) + ":" + _nn(seconds);
formatXSDTime: function (date) {
/// <summary>時刻をxsd:time形式でフォーマットする。</summary>
/// <param name="value" type="Date">時刻</param>
/// <returns type="String">フォーマットされた文字列</returns>
return _nn(date.getHours()) + ":" + _nn(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + _nn(date.getSeconds());
formatISO8601: function (value, utc) {
/// <summary>日時をISO8601形式でフォーマットする。</summary>
/// <param name="value" type="Date, Number">日時。型がNumberの場合はタイムスタンプ値</param>
/// <param name="utc" type="Boolean">UTCとして扱うか否か</param>
/// <returns type="String">フォーマットされた文字列</returns>
return $.cybozuConnect.formatXSDDateTime(value, utc) + "Z";
parseISO8601: function (text, utc) {
/// <summary>ISO8601形式の文字列をパースして、Date型を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">>ISO8601形式の文字列</param>
/// <param name="utc" type="Boolean">UTCとして扱うか否か</param>
/// <returns type="Date">パースされた日時</returns>
if (text.length < 20) {
return new Date();
var year = text.substr(0, 4);
var month = text.substr(5, 2) - 1;
var day = text.substr(8, 2);
var hours = text.substr(11, 2);
var minutes = text.substr(14, 2);
var seconds = text.substr(17, 2);
if (utc) {
var t = Date.UTC(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds);
var d = new Date();
return d;
} else {
return new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds);
parseXSDDate: function (text) {
/// <summary>xsd:date形式の文字列をパースして、Date型を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">xsd:date形式の文字列</param>
/// <returns type="Date">パースされた日付</returns>
if (!text) return null;
var vals = text.split("-");
if (vals.length < 3) return null;
return new Date(parseInt(vals[0], 10), parseInt(vals[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(vals[2], 10));
parseXSDDateTime: function (text) {
/// <summary>xsd:datetime形式の文字列をパースして、Date型を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="text" type="String">xsd:datetime形式の文字列</param>
/// <returns type="Date">パースされた日時</returns>
if (!text) return null;
var vals = text.split("T");
if (vals.length < 2) return null;
var date = $.cybozuConnect.parseXSDDate(vals[0]);
if (!date) return null;
vals = vals[1].split("+");
vals = vals[0].split(":");
if (vals.length < 3) return null;
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), parseInt(vals[0], 10), parseInt(vals[1], 10), parseInt(vals[2], 10));
incDate: function (date, dayDelta) {
/// <summary>日付を指定分進める。</summary>
/// <param name="date" type="Date">基準となる日付</param>
/// <param name="dayDelta" type="Number">進める日数。マイナスの場合は戻す。</param>
/// <returns type="Date">進められた日付</returns>
if (dayDelta == 0) return new Date(date);
var d = new Date();
if (!dayDelta) dayDelta = 1;
d.setTime(date.getTime() + dayDelta * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
return d;
getLastDate: function (date) {
/// <summary>指定した日付の月末の日付を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="date" type="Date">日付</param>
/// <returns type="Date">月末の日付</returns>
var nextMonth;
if (date.getMonth() < 11) {
nextMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1);
} else {
nextMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
var lastDate = new Date();
lastDate.setTime(nextMonth.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
return lastDate;
getLastDay: function (year, month) {
/// <summary>指定した年/月の月末の日付の日番号を返す。</summary>
/// <param name="year" type="Number">年</param>
/// <param name="month" type="Number">月</param>
/// <returns type="Number">月末の日番号(1~31)</returns>
return $.cybozuConnect.getLastDate(new Date(year, month, 1)).getDate();
equalDate: function (date1, date2) {
/// <summary>2つの日付が同日かどうかを返す。</summary>
/// <param name="date1" type="Date">日付1</param>
/// <param name="date2" type="Date">日付2</param>
/// <returns type="Boolean" />
return date1.getFullYear() == date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() == date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() == date2.getDate();
compareDate: function (date1, date2) {
/// <summary>2つの日付を比較する。</summary>
/// <param name="date1" type="Date">日付1</param>
/// <param name="date2" type="Date">日付2</param>
/// <returns type="Number">0: 等しい、<0: 日付1が日付2よりも先、>0: 日付1が日付2よりも後</returns>
var diffYear = date1.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear();
if (diffYear) return diffYear;
var diffMonth = date1.getMonth() - date2.getMonth();
if (diffMonth) return diffMonth;
var diffDay = date1.getDate() - date2.getDate();
if (diffDay) return diffDay;
return 0;
// private function
function _nn(num) {
return ((num < 10) ? "0" : "") + num;
var Cybozu = require('./thirdparty/cybozu-connect.js'),
growl = require('growl'),
SETTINGS = require('./settings.js');
Cybozu.init(SETTINGS.JQUERY_PATH, function(API) {
if (API) {
growl.notify('Cheking Cybozu schedules.......');
var con = new API.CybozuConnect.App(SETTINGS.URL,
//'Login info ----------------');
// 直近60分のスケジュールを取得する
var now = new Date();
var offset = 1000*60*60;
var end = new Date(+now + offset);
var schedule = new API.CybozuConnect.Schedule(con);
var events = schedule.getEvents({
start : now,
end : end,
userIdList : []
}, true);
if (events.users && events.users[]) {;
events.users[].forEach(function(s) {
if (!s.allDay) {
} else {'failed to init cybozu api');
function glowlEvent(e) {;
var start = new Date(e.start);
growl.notify(e.title, {
title: 'Cybozu: ' + start.toLocaleTimeString(),
sticky: true
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