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Created September 30, 2011 02:33
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Logic Puzzle (ID: O382PX)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ head solves
solves :: [[[Int]]]
solves = [state |
state <- initStates 3 5,
let [wakeUpCalls, disasters, softDrinks] = state,
(wakeUpCalls !! 4) == 0, -- 5.
(stateFromPerson (disasters !! 4) softDrinks) == 3, -- 8.
((disasters !! 2) == 2) || ((disasters !! 3) == 2), -- 9.
(disasters !! 3) /= 2, -- 1.
(disasters !! 0) /= 0, -- 10.
-- 4
let clue4Person1 = (disasters !! 2),
let clue4Person2 = 1,
let clue4Person3 = (wakeUpCalls !! 0),
let clue4Person4 = (softDrinks !! 0),
let clue4Person5 = (disasters !! 1),
clue4Person1 /= clue4Person2,
clue4Person1 /= clue4Person3,
clue4Person1 /= clue4Person4,
clue4Person1 /= clue4Person5,
clue4Person2 /= clue4Person3,
clue4Person2 /= clue4Person4,
clue4Person2 /= clue4Person5,
clue4Person3 /= clue4Person4,
clue4Person3 /= clue4Person5,
clue4Person4 /= clue4Person5,
(stateFromPerson (wakeUpCalls !! 1) softDrinks) /= 3, -- 2.
(stateFromPerson (disasters !! 1) wakeUpCalls) < (stateFromPerson (disasters !! 2) wakeUpCalls), -- 3.
(stateFromPerson (disasters !! 1) wakeUpCalls) > (stateFromPerson (softDrinks !! 2) wakeUpCalls), -- 6.
(stateFromPerson (softDrinks !! 4) wakeUpCalls) > (stateFromPerson 4 wakeUpCalls), -- 11.
let (time1, time2) = (stateFromPerson (softDrinks !! 4) wakeUpCalls,
stateFromPerson (disasters !! 4) wakeUpCalls),
(time1, time2) == (1, 2) || (time1, time2) == (2, 1), -- 7.
True] -- for auto-indent
stateFromPerson person state = fromJust $ elemIndex person state
initStates :: Int -> Int -> [[[Int]]]
initStates nState nPeople = foldl comb [[]] $
replicate nState $
permutations [0..(nPeople - 1)]
comb a b = do
a' <- a
b' <- b
return $ a' ++ [b']
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