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Created September 11, 2011 01:50
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(use '[clojure.string :only (join split capitalize)])
(defn split-hyphen [string]
(split string #"\-"))
(defn upper-camel [string]
(join (map capitalize (split-hyphen string))))
(defn lower-camel [string]
(let [strings (split-hyphen string)]
(join (cons (first strings) (map capitalize (rest strings))))))
(defmacro x [class constructor methods]
`(doto (new ~class ~@constructor)
~@(map #(let [[method# value#] %] `(. ~(symbol (lower-camel (str (if (empty? value#) "" "set-") (subs (str method#) 1)))) ~@value#)) methods)))
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