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dcode /
Created January 25, 2024 16:08
Automatic waypipe setup for SSH remote forwarding of clipboard (via wl-copy/paste) and other Wayland clients


The goal of this gist is to setup waypipe to automically run locally on user login and remotely when you connect to it. In both cases, this is managed by systemd user session and assumes that is running. This took way too long to figure out, so I hope it helps someone (or me) in the future.



jim80net /
Last active November 20, 2023 14:19
Use this script to migrate a SmartOS guest to a target. ./ UUID TARGETIP - or - ./ UUID TARGETIP migration-snapshotdate # specify the initial snapshot timestamp to increment the snapshot on the target
# Use this to send and receive files
# Dependencies:
# SSH-Keys setup for root users. I recommend using agent forwarding for this.
# mbuffer installed in /opt/local/bin/mbuffer. Adjust to reality.
# This script presumes:
# zsnapper is installed. Comment out the two lines where it is referenced if you don't use it
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
nblumoe /
Created April 24, 2013 06:41
Simple cheat sheet for vim fireplace and paredit


  • cpr => (require ... :reload)
  • cpR => (require ... :reload-all)


  • :Eval (clojure code) => runs (clojure code) in repl
  • cpp => evaluate inn-most expessions under cursor
  • cp<movement> => evaluate text described by <movement>
  • cqp => opens quasi-repl
  • cqc => quasi-repl command line window