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Last active December 27, 2021 14:59
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GraphCMS HTML to RichTextAST
const { jsx } = require('slate-hyperscript')
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom')
const DOMParser = new JSDOM().window.DOMParser
* Parses and returns a Rich Text AST object for use in GraphCMS.
* @param {HTML} html string, e.g. `<p>hi there</p>`
const htmlToAST = html => {
const parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html')
const AST = deserialize(parsed.body)
return AST
const ELEMENT_TAGS = {
A: el => ({ type: 'link', url: el.getAttribute('href') }),
BLOCKQUOTE: () => ({ type: 'quote' }),
H1: () => ({ type: 'heading-one' }),
H2: () => ({ type: 'heading-two' }),
H3: () => ({ type: 'heading-three' }),
H4: () => ({ type: 'heading-four' }),
H5: () => ({ type: 'heading-five' }),
H6: () => ({ type: 'heading-six' }),
IMG: el => ({ type: 'image', url: el.getAttribute('src') }),
LI: () => ({ type: 'list-item' }),
OL: () => ({ type: 'numbered-list' }),
P: () => ({ type: 'paragraph' }),
PRE: () => ({ type: 'code' }),
UL: () => ({ type: 'bulleted-list' }),
// COMPAT: `B` is omitted here because Google Docs uses `<b>` in weird ways.
const TEXT_TAGS = {
CODE: () => ({ code: true }),
DEL: () => ({ strikethrough: true }),
EM: () => ({ italic: true }),
I: () => ({ italic: true }),
S: () => ({ strikethrough: true }),
STRONG: () => ({ bold: true }),
U: () => ({ underline: true }),
const deserialize = el => {
if (el.nodeType === 3) {
return el.textContent
} else if (el.nodeType !== 1) {
return null
} else if (el.nodeName === 'BR') {
return '\n'
const { nodeName } = el
let parent = el
if (
nodeName === 'PRE' &&
el.childNodes[0] &&
el.childNodes[0].nodeName === 'CODE'
) {
parent = el.childNodes[0]
const children = Array.from(parent.childNodes)
if (el.nodeName === 'BODY') {
return jsx('fragment', {}, children)
if (ELEMENT_TAGS[nodeName]) {
const attrs = ELEMENT_TAGS[nodeName](el)
return jsx('element', attrs, children)
if (TEXT_TAGS[nodeName]) {
const attrs = TEXT_TAGS[nodeName](el)
return => jsx('text', attrs, child))
return children
module.exports = htmlToAST
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Thank you, I needed this, I made a TypeScript version here:

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