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Last active May 10, 2023 22:18
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Latest Docker on Ryzentosh
# so at the time of writing, hyperkit doesn't work on AMD/Ryzen.
# this means no native docker support.
# the default docker-machine setup uses the deprecated boot2docker which is stuck with a buggy docker-19.
# i'm looking to run the latest docker daemon, have proper service-hostnames, and easy port-forwarding,
# and use the same docker-compose setups as a normal OSX/Linux machine.
# install the latest docker-host VM from
# boot2docker and rancherOS are now both deprecated/unsupported.
# burmillaOS is an active fork of rancherOS.
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-boot2docker-url --virtualbox-memory 1500 default
# connect into vm
docker-machine ssh default
# find latest supported engine version
sudo ros engine list
# download the appropriate image and run it in the VM
# docker 20.10 lets you use hostnames to link containers in docker-compose
sudo ros engine switch docker-20.10.3
# enable tcp port-forwarding for easy port-forwarding
sudo sed -i 's/AllowTcpForwarding no/AllowTcpForwarding yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# enable virtualbox tools. this will auto install vboxsf for mounting shared folders.
sudo ros service enable virtualbox-tools
sudo ros service up virtualbox-tools
# to make volume-mounts work we need to mount the root path of future volume mounts
# mount the Users shared-folder from virtualbox into the VM
sudo mkdir /Users
sudo mount.vboxsf -r Users /Users
echo "mount.vboxsf -r Users /Users" | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local
# restart sshd and exit VM
sudo service ssh restart
# now setup ephemeral port-forwarding (will disappear when VM is restarted)
# replace port 2181 with whatever you need
docker-machine ssh default -L 2181:localhost:2181 -f -N
# you can now connect to the docker container running in the VM directly from host
curl localhost:2181
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djonko commented Jan 21, 2023

does this still work on new mac os ventura (ryzentosh) ?

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does this still work on new mac os ventura (ryzentosh) ?

Hey @djonko, sadly no -- VirtualBox doesn't seem to work on macOS Ventura.

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